Dare yourself to dream. No matter how big or how small, just dream. Dream about where you want to go in life. Dream about doing what it is that you wish to do. Dream of a world the way you wish it was. Don’t be afraid to dream, let your imagination take you away. No place is to far nor ... Views: 1289
I wish you love, peace and joy.
I want to throw in some strength, comfort, and warmth to help you on your journey through life.
I also wish you tenderness and hugs, when life gets cold and your struggles get rough.
I wish you a trinket box full of all your fondest memories, to call upon when ... Views: 1378
Just the word Christmas can warm your heart and put a smile on your face. For some it is a time of year that they have come to dread. It is the loneliest time of year for many, and a joyous time for many more. But the true meaning of Christmas is not about what lies under the Christmas tree ... Views: 1232
This is my Thanksgiving prayer from me to you. I pray for safe travels everywhere that you go. I pray for fond memories of loved ones to always fill your heart. As you carefully plan out all the details for your Thanksgiving feast, all things are done with love and that is the most important ... Views: 1157
Appreciate where you are in this moment, because in a blink of an eye, a new moment is upon you. Some will move up in life while others will slide down. Others will move laterally while some will try hard just to hold steady. All you can do is be grateful, with each and every breath you take, ... Views: 1471
Just when you think you nailed it, life happens. You have to laugh at the irony of it all. It is those times when you mail out all of your bills just to receive five more bills in the mail. It is when you save up for something special and you end up spending the money on something else.
It is ... Views: 1204
I am a firm believer that angels walk among us. To me an angel is someone who has endured hardships and has come out of the difficult times with understanding and grace. The angel that walks among us knows only love and compassion and both listens and teaches with utter attentiveness. ... Views: 1217
I’m not here to tell you what you don’t need, I’m here to tell you that you deserve better. You are stopping yourself from moving forward because you can’t get over the hurt that someone close to you has caused you. I’m telling you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. People are meant to come ... Views: 1374
There are only so many hours in a day. You work 40-50 hours a week and that leaves very little time for you let alone time for the important conversations that need to be had. In between dropping off the kids at football practice, soccer practice, gymnastics, volleyball, etc, there’s the grocery ... Views: 1251
We only know what we know, until we reach the point we long to know more.
We only act a certain way until we realize that our actions are not gaining us any ground.
We are always eager to speak, always longing to be heard; until we realize how important it is, just to listen.
We will only ... Views: 1307
If you have ever had a journey with Breast Cancer, you know that it is much more than a pink ribbon. Many of the women that I have spoken with had resented the pink ribbon at one point or another.
“You feel so overwhelmed with everything, the doctors, treatments, medication and then you have ... Views: 1492
It is that time of year when your son or daughter is off to college. It is that moment that makes a parent proud but also a moment that you have been dreading. You can put on a smile to everyone, but deep down you are hurting because they are not close in proximity anymore. Now it is time to ... Views: 1510
If I could sum up all the important things in my life I can put it into two words, “be grateful.” No matter what you have, or what you don’t have, you have to be grateful for what you do have. Awake each morning by feeling grateful. From the moment you open your eyes, start off by feeling ... Views: 1164
Have you ever had one of those days where you think, “I wish I knew how to do this, or I wish I would have gone there, or I wish I would have tried doing that?”
Whether it is something like rock climbing, or learning a language, or getting a degree, it is never too late to do it. If there is ... Views: 1743
Do you really know what love is? Many of us were taught what love means by the actions of the adults in our lives. Some parents displayed love openly, while others might have shown little or no affection at all. Is love a kiss, a hug, or something much deeper than this? We grew up in a time ... Views: 1195
What is being done today effects all of our tomorrows. I say this with joy and a newfound respect for what others do. It is behind closed doors that plans are being made to help others. It is a place where fund-raisers are being organized, budgets are discussed and new programs are being ... Views: 1421
A lonely heart, filled with sadness, once was so full of life. Two hearts were beating as one for such a long time. Time was their friend, adventure was their middle name.
Sitting curled up in each other’s arms they’ve watched many sunsets. The seagulls flying overhead made them smile as ... Views: 1596
Say your words with conviction. Feel and know the strength that they bare. Just know that however many people tell you that you can’t do something, that there are a million more people that are rooting for you. Just because something is not seen nor heard, does not mean that it isn’t so. ... Views: 1838
In your memory I choose to see what you have tried so hard for me to see. It is in your memory that I choose to take love, honor and respect to a whole new level. I am trying the best that I can and I walk strong, in your memory.
For all the times I just wanted to cry, you made me laugh. ... Views: 1341
Come walk with me dear child, just for a little while. You see, you haven’t been yourself, I can see it in your eyes. What use to be a caring soul has turned just a little-bit colder? Your bright smile always lit up a room, it’s been awhile. You don’t have to say anything, just let me speak ... Views: 1476
Where you came from does not mean that you are destined to be in a certain situation, place, or doing a certain thing. Where you are going depends on you; and the amount of determination and work that you are willing to put forth to get you where you want to be.
Some people forget where they ... Views: 3456
Sometimes it is hard to envision other people’s limitations when you don’t have any yourself. A simple thing like tying your shoes, opening a can, or brushing your teeth can require so much effort. This not only applies to lost limbs but different diseases such as Cerebral Palsy and ... Views: 2602
Life is like a long winding road, with little dips in the road and high terrain to go over. I reflect on the highs and lows that this life has brought me. I don’t sit and wonder if most of it has been a high road or a low road, but a road full of knowledge and adventure. The people along the ... Views: 1046
What does inner peace mean? It means, when the world outside of you is going crazy, or is just too loud, and it doesn't affect you. It means staying balanced, both physically and mentally when the ground beneath you is shaking. It also means that you have seen and felt it all, and nothing ... Views: 1243
Everything you say and do should have a loving undertone to it. Every single word spoken to your mate, co-worker, or stranger should be with the mindset of talking to yourself. By this I mean, how do you like being spoken to? Are you short fused with others? How would you like to be spoken ... Views: 1278
Our vibration level changes with the energy that surrounds us. Everything has energy; the past, present and future all have energy of their own. You choose what type of energy you bring forth from an event. For an example, let’s look at a hurtful experience as a bucket full of water. A ... Views: 1410
During your lifetime friends will turn into acquaintances, lovers will become memories and ex’s will become strangers. The hardest times of your life will become your greatest lessons. Your lessons are your stories to be heard by others, so they will learn that they do not walk alone.
... Views: 1305
I want you to try an experiment. This will take just 10 minutes. There is something important that will come out of this for you to realize.
First, turn your cell phone off and your computer off and leave it off for 10 minutes, print this page out first. You cannot cheat on this experiment. ... Views: 1165
In response to the threats from N. Korea.
When life gets crazy and the ground you’re standing on starts to feel shaky, it is time to rest. When you start to feel anxious, your body naturally wants to respond by taking action, don’t! Take a rest.
If life starts to get blurry, take a rest. ... Views: 1421
Your body is a vessel for your soul. It has served you well. When we are called home, it doesn’t matter what our physical body looks like, it has served its purpose. All those vital organs have helped you stay alive. But what happens when you stop breathing, and those vital organs start to ... Views: 1381
You taught me to think about the ramifications of my actions, before I do them. You have taught me so many things throughout my lifetime that the list would be too long. But more importantly than the things you taught me, was the way you made me feel. You made me feel loved, and it is that ... Views: 1378
We all get caught up with things that are going on in our immediate environment, sometimes it’s hard to imagine what’s going on somewhere else in the world. This might bring you a little closer in thought and hopefully in heart.
While you are eating; somewhere, someone is hungry. As you are ... Views: 2336
We as members of the baby boomer society have seen great icons leave this world. We grew up with these icons, we watched them grow up on television, and they were such an important part of our daily life.
It is hard for us to imagine Jamie Lee Curtis advertising for Activia, or Henry ... Views: 1630
Transformation takes place many times a day. Think of it as a hat that you wear and how many times you change the hat when you play a different role. We transform our thought process to conform to whom we are speaking with, our surroundings, etc.
As we grow, our self-image, ... Views: 1543
This is part 8 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Faith & Fear. Other blogs in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, and Love.
We all possess important qualities within us. ... Views: 1333
This is part 7 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Love. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important ... Views: 1365
This is part 6 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Giving Back. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess ... Views: 1796
This is part 5 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Understanding. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1558
You ARE the most precious gift that the world can receive. From the moment you were born you were so loved. Your beautiful smile lit up your face. As you grew, I saw your curious mind lead you places. Your innocence was so refreshing in a world filled with hate. Your loving nature makes you ... Views: 2802
This is part 4 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Patience. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1632
This is part 3 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Knowledge. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1491
This is part 2 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Visualization. The blogs in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important ... Views: 2396
This is part 1 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Self-Esteem. Other blogs to follow in this series are: Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important qualities ... Views: 1339
A glimmer of hope can be an expression on your face, your hand reaching out to someone, a kind word, or a warm embrace. A glimmer of hope is any sign, no matter how small, that things will get better. A glimmer of hope is a prayer, a positive thought or action moving out of a negative place ... Views: 1673
In this world there are two kinds of people; takers and givers. Takers are the type of people that will take anything from you. Takers will take something material from you, or they will simply drain you emotionally. Takers only care about themselves. Takers do not care about your ... Views: 3367
To start something new takes courage. To go someplace new takes a sense of adventure. To face obstacles that are hard to overcome takes strength. To give unconditionally takes love. To understand takes time. Being there for someone takes being a friend.
We are not programmed to be upbeat ... Views: 1194
When we go through physical or mental pain, you have to allow yourself the time needed to heal. We don’t always allow ourselves the needed time to do so. Our body has its own mechanism that shuts off when we are in need of rest. We feel pain or we might get tired, that is our body saying ... Views: 2611
Regardless if you have a goal that is personal or professional, here are some tips to help you attain it.
1. Stay focused: It is so easy to get sidetracked by people and outside influences. Always keep your mind focused on your goal.
2. Clear the clutter: If it is office space, a ... Views: 1362
I have often heard that there was no such thing as being perfect and that perfection was nothing more than an illusion. I have found it to be much more than that. To attain the state of being perfect, the mind, body and spirit have to be in total correlation with one another. When you have ... Views: 1314
We can’t get back the time that we spent trying to change someone else. The energy and time is irreplaceable. You truly have to look at each and every circumstance and evaluate the time and energy that you’ve put into it and come to the conclusion that it is unchangeable.
It could be the ... Views: 1518