The most unimaginable thing ever to happen is the loss of a child. I have been blessed to have never had to experience this. It doesn’t matter how the child dies, it has to be devastating to the parents and family members. and friends.
I use to turn the channel when the news came on ... Views: 2098
Sometimes we amaze ourselves by the amount of inner strength that we draw from. Our inner strength guides us with patience and understanding among other things. While we tend to downplay or simply avoid where our strength comes from, we know it’s there.
You need to start over, or better yet, ... Views: 1374
Some people are missing out on an important part of their life. Usually it takes some traumatic event to awaken the thought. So, let’s go over some of the areas that might be affected. Only you know the solution.
1) Career-Are you where you want to be? This includes the type of ... Views: 1442
If you’re walking in a store you might not notice them, or in a checkout, or at the ball field. But they are right there and if an emergency ever happened, you would be seeing them up close. They are the ones that care. I have always been truly amazed at how one person can steal the clothes ... Views: 1719
Sometimes you hit a roadblock and you wonder; ok, what is it going to take to get me to the next level? What can I do that I haven’t already done? Am I not searching in the right area? So, what can you do to get past this little bump in the road and continue on to be more proactive in your ... Views: 1612
Faith, no matter what your belief may be, is a very powerful thing. People have their own ideals about what God truly is and what he/she does. There are days when you get hit with all the bills, then some unexpected things happen, car breaks down, an unexpected doctor bill, etc., and it tests ... Views: 1467
The moment of truth is that moment when you realize that you can’t run from your fears. When you have to face what it is that you don’t want to face. It is about coming to terms and about letting go of what you don’t need in your life anymore. It might sound like a cliché but it’s the truth. ... Views: 1421
To me, recreating yourself means having preserved over a certain circumstance or many circumstances. For an example, let’s take the roles of survivor’s versus victims. The survivor has persevered over the circumstance and their whole outlook on everything has changed. This can be for any type ... Views: 2281
Most people say face your fears head on. That way you will over come them. That is fine, but you’ll never know where the fear came from.
When you have a fear you have to dissect where it came from in order for it not to re-appear. Something happened somewhere along the lines for you to ... Views: 1472
They say that the first six years of a child’s life are the most important for learning. Children can learn different languages, and so many other things. It makes you wonder if it’s exposure to different situations or if a parent is just drilling them and turning them into little sponges. ... Views: 1805
We can all agree that a good attitude means everything. A good attitude makes positive things happen. But what do you do on those days when everything just seems to go wrong? You can shift that energy from bad to good. Here are some useful tips to help you.
1) Quick ... Views: 1672
When jealousy rears its nasty head, it is not a good thing. It’s not fun, but it does go to show you how many levels there are in this life. When someone looks a certain way, maybe you use to look like that, or you want to look like that. It should be motivational if you don’t look like the way ... Views: 1469
Happy Mother’s Day to you! For all the unselfish things that you do, hat’s off! Thank you for putting those extra little touches on all the birthday parties, graduations, etc. You put so much of your time and energy into every single little detail. I assure you, it never went unnoticed. The many ... Views: 1519
There is some point in your life when you know someone or you are personally touched by cancer. Everyone reacts different to the disease. Some people get mad, some people sigh at what lies ahead for them. But everyone must agree that a positive attitude is what helps you heal.
That certain ... Views: 1579
Sometimes we amaze ourselves by the amount of inner strength that we draw from. Our inner strength guides us with patience and understanding among other things. While we tend to downplay or simply avoid where our strength comes from, we know it’s there.
You need to start over, or better yet, ... Views: 1635
You could be in my seat. You’re walking around aimlessly, not sure which way to go. You could be in my seat. You can review all of the court case files, yes; you could be in my seat. You can watch people come and go, deciding their fate; you could be in my seat. Sitting there, arms in ... Views: 1598
In my arms, I will hold you tight. In my arms, I know you’ll be alright. As a parent, once your child is born, your whole life changes. It is at that moment that you realize how precious life really is. It is at that moment you can envision all the possibilities for your child’s future holds. ... Views: 1498
Everyday people struggle with not only their own problems, but those of their loved ones as well. You help out through moral support, or financial support. Sometimes it really doesn’t matter how much you help; there are times when it just seems endless. It’s called selfishness. That is ... Views: 1708
It doesn’t matter how old you are, or when you start a new tradition. The important thing is that you start it. Some things are passed down from a long time ago. It could be a personal item, a story, a ceremony, or a family event, to name a few. For some people it is merely the way ... Views: 1422
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Why would you care, when I don’t? Why would you go that extra mile, when I wouldn’t? Why would you waste your time on me, when I wouldn’t for you? Why do you try to get inside me, when I wouldn’t? What you are trying so hard to see, I’m ... Views: 1217
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month; this is to honor the abused. A child can be abused by parents, stepparents, grand parents, siblings, and other relatives. This is a hypothetical story about a child and his mother, however, it could be the story of anyone.
In this day and age, ... Views: 1593
The lines that we bare are so unmistakable. We have this code that we sell ourselves from the time we are able to understand what exactly we want out of life, and who we want to become. I will do this, but I won’t do that. We set up our expectations of others along the way. Some will live up ... Views: 1499
You have been by my side since I can remember. You are my best friend and my life partner. You walk with me in troubled waters, you help me through such troubled times. You are my heart and my soul. You remember things with such great detail. You understand when life takes its toll. You say such ... Views: 1591
You are my heart, you are my soul. I want you with; as I grow old. You’re mean to me, but you are all I see. You will call and say you’ll be late, that’s ok, I’ll sit and wait. It’s ok, you are all I see. Don’t call me, I’ll call you, is what you say to me. I don’t understand, we were ... Views: 1565
It use to be, can you spare a quarter, or maybe even a dime, but a dime or a quarter will not get you far at all. Right now, the US dollar bill will hardly get you anything at all. That is; in the United States. You are lucky if you can get a cup of coffee with that dollar bill. If you want ... Views: 1642
Derron liked to play his Xbox as much as he could in between work and school. He competed with his friends and family as well as people online. His new game just came out and he just had to beat everyone’s score. He always had to have the highest score.
Sabrina worked at the video store in ... Views: 1761
This is a short story about Mary, who is a sophomore in high school. Her best friend’s name is Lindsey; they are inseparable. There was a junior in high school, which caught Mary’s eye. He was tall and handsome and had muscles on top of muscles. She told Lindsey all about him, “Look, there ... Views: 1540
You start your day off with that fresh cup of coffee, or that morning jog. You know the routine; you don’t want to wake the kids up for school just yet. You want to enjoy the “me” moment. It’s that moment of peace and quiet; the moment when you can listen to the quietness. In a few moments it ... Views: 1313
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1693
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1693
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1693
If you are tired of the way things are going, if you have lost your job and are getting those rejection letters as fast as you are submitting your resume, this will help you along. What do you do to stay positive and focused?
1. Do you need more education for what you want to do or for ... Views: 1693
Some people are concerned about our future; the year 2012 in particular. Some people feel that this will be the end of civilization. That mankind will destroy itself.
I’m sure many changes are going to take place. Some of them are going to be bad, but honestly I feel more of them will be ... Views: 1233
Take the mix and put it in a bowl, add one cup of flour. Then add a dash of salt and add in 3 eggs. You can translate this recipe into the life of a child; a child that will learn how to walk, talk, run and play. The cup of flour symbolizes the love and encouragement that you instill in them. It ... Views: 1334
I was passing by this house every single day. The couple on the porch rocking in their rocking chairs would kindly smile and wave to me, always full of cheer. One day it was a little hotter than usual and I must have looked pretty tired as the lady asked me “Do you want a drink?” I was happy ... Views: 997
Time is such an odd subject to talk about. We’re either trying to speed it up, slow it down, or just plain stop it. Sometimes it could be that fraction of a micro second between life and death, or hope and despair. Let’s look at the phrase “Time awaits no one.” You can actually sum up this ... Views: 1677
I take an oath to you. What exactly does an oath mean? It is a solemn promise to fulfill a pledge and it usually involves invoking a witness. There all types of people in all different professions that take an oath.
Some people don’t need to take an oath. They live every single day as if the ... Views: 2024
From across the distant lands, and to the distant seas, you don’t know me, but I wish you peace. Through times of uncertainty and life’s hardships; hold tight to your faith, you will get through it.
I wish I could carry your weight, but you are stronger than I. I hate the thought of war ... Views: 1490
Oh, that magical word, Christmas. It is such a wonderful occasion that is anticipated all year long. I sit here and look at my newly decorated Christmas tree. It has a ton of lights on it, and all kinds of colorful ornaments and a huge Santa Clause tree shirt that my grandson picked out. ... Views: 1888
It seems like everyone wants to know who is more likely to cheat and what the signs are. Well the plain truth of the matter is that you absolutely have no control over the actions of another person. They will cheat if they want to. Whatever they want to do, they will do it.
Don’t take it ... Views: 1560
We’ve all had someone throughout our childhood who has help mold us into the person that we are today. I have been blessed with a large number of family and friends who are strong- willed and very determined people.
Back in the day, when you did something wrong, an adult would grab a switch ... Views: 1000
It was a long time ago, the age of drive-ins and driving around drinking. It was a time of young love. It was a time of going to school and learning about boys. It was about fun and growing up.
I remember meeting him at the local mall. He was a little older, had his own car and he was ... Views: 1114
In today’s society divorce is prevalent. Either you’ve gone through a divorce, been a product of divorced parents, or you know someone that has gone through a divorce.
In the divorce environment a child can feel the hurt and pain as they watch the power struggle take shape. Sometimes as ... Views: 1303
This article is written for the children who don’t have responsible parents. For the children that are being neglected and feel that they have no one. When a child is born there is only a limited number of people involved in that child’s life: the hospital where they were born, the parents, ... Views: 1551
Choices; we all make them everyday. Some of us learn from the poor choices that we’ve made in life. Some of us regret the choices that we’ve made. A lot of us understand the repercussions of the choices we have made. A lot of people don’t understand the repercussions at all.
I feel that there ... Views: 1738
I see the color of your skin. I see the color of your hair. Mine is straight and yours is curly. I am short and you are tall. My eyes are big and yours are small. We both love to play. I have a jump rope and you have a ball. My tummy’s big and yours is small.
All the kids are always ... Views: 1884
Have you ever spent the day just running errands, picking up kids, making sure dinner is prepared, and getting little jr. to his baseball game? At the end of the day as you’re finally sitting down relaxing, have you wondered where the day went to? We as women try to squeeze in everything into ... Views: 1865
We all have come across that time in our life when the grass looks greener on the other side. Well, this is to help you decipher exactly what it is that you are missing in your life.
You first have to think; has there been anything major that’s happened in your life that has upset you? This ... Views: 1297
If I could say to you, “Touch your heart. Feel your heart beat; feel your blood flow through with every breath you take.” If I could say to you, “Take that tenderness, that pulse and carry it with you. “ Carry it to all the places that it is so desperately needed. To the young little voices ... Views: 1694
We’ve all been told that old familiar story from our parents about how they had to walk for miles to get to school. We have heard numerous stories of all the different sacrifices that they have had to make in order to put food on the table. Chances are that these stories ring very true; that ... Views: 1524
As your walking around a crowded busy street, stop and take a look around. Every single person has at least one thing in common; everyone, no matter what sex, age, race, or what your belief system might be. The common link, the common tie, the common factor is the color of blood. The color of ... Views: 2969
While reading this, please bear in mind that it is not just father's who leave. There are also mothers who chose to leave. Whatever their reasons are; try your best to put yourself in their shoes. This is a tool for those whom might need it. I love my father, I just don't know him.
I never ... Views: 1733
I have had the pleasure of working with and hanging out with both types of women. I don’t particularly like the word weak, so I will use the term; temporarily weak. I have pondered about both of these types and I tried furiously to come up with a common denominator. So this is how I broke it ... Views: 2397