This article is about that one moment in life when you have the opportunity to turn things around. It is about that one moment when you realize the meaning of something, and it is so profound, as if a bolt of lightning knocked the realization into you. It leaves you wondering, “Why didn’t I ... Views: 1088
This article is about that one moment in life when you have the opportunity to turn things around. It is about that one moment when you realize the meaning of something, and it is so profound, as if a bolt of lightning knocked the realization into you. It leaves you wondering, “Why didn’t I ... Views: 1138
Honor and respect are two important things that you learn in life; they both go hand-in-hand. You learn from others by their words and actions. This teaches you; who is going to keep their word and who just tells you things that you may want to hear. It will define who is going to show up ... Views: 1096
Our world is made up of many strong women. Everyone has their own definition of strength and what it entails, but I assure you, everyone has someone they know that can be put on this list. A strong woman could be you, your mother, aunt, cousin, wife, girlfriend, teacher, or the cashier at the ... Views: 1571
What is your destination? Ponder that thought for a moment. As you think about where you want to go, you cannot help but reflect on where you’ve been. Many have traveled a lengthy journey to get to the point where they are at right now.
Where do you see yourself six month, two years or even ... Views: 1063
Before I go on about it, here is the definition of each so you understand it a little better. Yin: the passive female principle of the universe characterized as female and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold. Yang: the active male principle of the universe characterized as ... Views: 1023
When all else fails, hope is something that we cling to. It is a beacon that calls us at our highest and lowest moments in life. We share in the hope of others as well. At the final moment of despair, after you shed your last teardrop, you muster up hope.
Within you, you find the courage and ... Views: 1236
The visionaries who paved the way to where we are now must be commended for their work. They took a dream, a simple dream; they took the time to map out all the different possibilities to set their dream in motion. They stretched their imagination as far as it could go, and it worked out great ... Views: 1138
I have to admit that I struggled writing this article, it is very personal to me. My struggles weren’t with myself, but in knowing that others are struggling and fighting for their lives at this very moment.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I ... Views: 1264
Sometimes, when you hear devastating news about someone you love, you know what you feel in your heart, but the right words don’t come forth or they just don’t sound right or the wrong words are spoken. If this happens, don’t despair. It is not a relationship that is now lost. Look at it as ... Views: 1319
A lifetime of love begins with a single step, a journey of a thousand miles. A new experience offers a thrill and an adventure. A tiny, precious hand to hold is all grown up now. A smile when you hear those special words make your heart skip a beat.
A day at the office, a night on the town, ... Views: 1169
What do you want? No, I mean it. What is it that you truly want? Some people want fame, others would like good fortune. While you think about what it is that you truly want, here are a couple questions to think about as well. If I receive what I want, is it going to make me happy? Is it ... Views: 1076
This article is about where you are now, how far you’ve come and a closer examination of how you see things now. “If I knew then what I know now, “comes to mind. This is a mere reflection of experiences and opportunities that have risen out of your past.
People change, circumstances change ... Views: 1140
We have all been tempted by the lure of greener pastures. “Greener pastures,” is when something looks better, easier, or much grander than your current situation. This could apply to your personal as well as your professional life.
Sometimes the lure of greener pastures is overwhelming. It ... Views: 1021
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but in light of all the recent publicity I decided to write about it now. A few years back I wrote a 4 part series, you can go to Blogs and then Domestic Violence to find the articles, they are broken down by the following categories: The ... Views: 1224
Take a good look at yourself. Accept yourself as you are in this moment. What you might feel are flaws, are not. They make up who you truly are. Regardless if you are tired and weary or if you are rambunctious and a go-getter, it is who you are. Accept your strengths and weaknesses. Accept ... Views: 1243
To just be means that you appreciate the moment for what it is. What does it mean to just be? It means to surrender. You have to learn how to just let go and surrender the moment for whatever it is meant to be. We are so busy doing things that it is hard to surrender. When you surrender you ... Views: 1418
Without realizing it, we live our life in constant judgement. We judge ourselves, both our perfections and our imperfections. If you stop and think about it, our entire world is based on judgement.
Our banks judge us on our transaction history to see who is credit worthy and who is not. Our ... Views: 1162
I strongly believe we are here on this earth to live life to its fullest; to feel, love, share, and to grow. Even a bad day is a temporary thing; it makes us appreciate a good day. To live, show love, and be grateful for all things keeps you grounded. To be aware, not only of yourself, but of ... Views: 1101
Memories have a way of creeping up on you. You might flashback to your prom, or the moment you held your first born. As you age, your memories become much more vivid, you remember even the slightest detail.
Some memories are fantastic while others might be a living hell depending on what they ... Views: 1063
Every day there are distractions, some of those are bigger than others. Some are more important things that need tending to more than others. The important thing is to take care of them but not get lost in them. Always remember the self.
The self is being comfortable with who you are and ... Views: 1122
As the new day dawns, we dream of our accomplishments for the day. Somewhere in the world a runner reaches the finish line, a baby takes their very first step. A child stands nervous at the podium; he knows how to spell, but feels intimidated by the crowd. With outstretched arms and smiles of ... Views: 1109
From that very first time that I went into a DMV, I knew that I wanted to be an organ donor. There was a little box that you had to mark for it to appear on your license. Reflecting back on it now, that little box seemed to be so trivial at the time, but it is so important.
Sure, you’ve waited ... Views: 1099
This article is a chance to reflect on your answers. There are millions of people that walk our busy streets; many are right next to you. Do you take the time to notice them?
If I was crying, what would you do? Would you carry on about your business or would you care to find out why?
If I ... Views: 1356
Life has a way of wearing on you. Sometimes things go your way and sometimes they don’t. Regardless if life has knocked you down, or someone has, it is up to you to get back up! One million bad things could have happened to you, but it is up to you to stand back up. When you do get back ... Views: 1005
You are strong and rise above things that you know would sink others. Your determination is a hunger that lies in the pit of your stomach! Nothing quenches it. Your drive to carry on is like no other.
Your demand for respect can be heard from the mountain tops. Your self-worth shines like a ... Views: 1519
When you give to others your gift is abundance. Giving doesn’t always mean in the monetary from. When you donate anything of yourself, you are giving. By helping someone else you are making their life easier and it makes the heart and soul feel good.
When you donate your time it will come ... Views: 1810
It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to open your own business. There are many businesses that stood the test of time and have hung around for years. It is so sad when you see a business close its doors, for whatever reason. As you drive through the neighborhoods in your community, you ... Views: 1782
As I walk, I see all that life offers and what others give. I notice everything that surrounds me, both beauty and menace. I am deeply moved by random acts of kindness that I witness; others helping others in need, just because.
I see the beauty in the flowers and trees that mother earth has ... Views: 1206
When you worry, it uses up so much energy. Too much worrying paralyzes your ability to move forward. Think of worrying as a big black bottomless pit. Each time you worry about something, you take another step down into this pit. It is up to you how much time you spend there.
Everyone ... Views: 1239
We all protect our heart in one way or another. Maybe we were teased at school, or hurt by someone we once loved. It doesn’t matter how far back the sense of pain goes, it might feel very real today.
It is good to guard your heart against people or situations that might hurt you, but there is ... Views: 1514
With each new day, life is full of all kinds of new possibilities. With each breath taken, it brings new life for that moment. During hard times and struggle, it brings about a new strength and understanding.
Love and happiness are easy to attain for some. As in love, there are many types ... Views: 1531
All that you will ever be resides in your hands. It does not lie in the person next to you, down the street or anyone else around you. People, places and things might help to influence what you want to do in your life, but it is ultimately up to you.
All that you will ever be does not lie in ... Views: 1222
Hope and encouragement are two things which help hold us together during good times and bad. For example, you might be hoping to make the diving team. Once you have made it on the diving team, you might say a few words of encouragement to yourself as you prepare to do a Gainer off the diving ... Views: 1224
We all have a passion for something. Through time and patience, we have allowed ourselves to experiment with different things and uncover a part of us that finds a sense of joy and accomplishment in our passion.
Some people have become great artist and musicians, while others have a profound ... Views: 1769
Our connections through relationships are so important. Sometimes we get so busy that we intend on calling that special someone, or taking them to lunch, but before you know it’s the weekend and you have a full agenda.
It is easy to sit back and claim that this one didn’t return your call, or ... Views: 1339
Mean people hurt others. Good people love others.
If you have been through any type of meanness or cruelty you will understand where I am coming from. When someone does something mean to you, your first reaction is to get even, or to try to justify yourself. This is absolutely the worst ... Views: 1459
Accept me as I am; whatever my faults may be, my weaknesses and my strengths. Like me and love me unconditionally. The old is the old, change has taken place, and time has put a divider in between friends.
Learn to look through new eyes, a new perspective, and with new hope. Look through ... Views: 1097
I see it all the time, people selling themselves short. Be it on a professional level or a personal level, it happens all the time. It is the wrong job, wrong career, wrong boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. Here are some things to help you.
Don’t give away your power to someone else. Keep it. ... Views: 1576
Life is pretty easy to figure out; we just complicate it by reading too much into it. We are wired to figure things out which work for us and we try a new approach if it isn’t working.
A large part of getting to where you want to be is envisioning yourself already there. If you are a ... Views: 2188
When you are comfortable with yourself you release all expectations of others. I say this in part because Valentine’s Day is approaching and there will be many hearts that get broken because they expect others to fulfill their wishes. There is an easy evaluation of this. If you squeeze a ... Views: 1459
Reinventing yourself is not about getting rid of old ways and ideas. It is about taking away what you need from them; heartbreak, sadness, being stepped on and lied to, and creating a brand new person who sees their self a lot more clearly.
The energy around a situation or circumstance is ... Views: 1419
Before I start this article about unsupportive people, I would like to explain some important details to you. In this article you will see how uncompassionate and narrow minded some of these people are.
Let’s start by describing the unsupportive person; this person can be male or female, old ... Views: 1137
Before I start this article about unsupportive people, I would like to explain some important details to you. In this article you will see how uncompassionate and narrow minded some of these people are.
Let’s start by describing the unsupportive person; this person can be male or female, old ... Views: 1491
This article is about releasing and forgiving. If someone has hurt or upset you, take time to reflect on what might have happened in their life to change them. Things are not always as they seem.
Occasionally we are broken so we can be mended the right way. Feeling our own heartbreak allows ... Views: 1194
As we grow our wants and needs change. What suited us in our 20’s and 30’s will not suffice for us in our 50’s or 70’s. We live in an elaborate world, with some of the most beautiful places, the best restaurants, and some of the finest boutiques.
When I grew up everything had to match, my ... Views: 1456
We are a society that is filled with attachments. We love our technology; we have to feel connected to the rest of the world at all times. When we try to evolve ourselves we learn to release. Sometimes when we release one thing, we become attached to something else. You also have to stop and ... Views: 1247
To sit in silence is to relax and just breathe. No time constraints, no rubbish to listen to. You feel your own heartbeat thumping. You feel your diaphragm contract and expand with every breath you take. You clear your mind of all things. Relax and let your mind go.
You walk outside, the ... Views: 1813
Things will change, only when you decide you are ready to change them. Life is so full of promise, but some days you just don’t see it. I’ll call those days, distractions. Believe me when I say, life is full of them.
How do you tune out all of the distractions? First you have to realize ... Views: 1072
To sit in silence is to relax and just breathe. No time constraints, no rubbish to listen to. You feel your own heartbeat thumping. You feel your diaphragm contract and expand with every breath you take. You clear your mind of all things. Relax and let your mind go.
You walk outside, the ... Views: 1468