Wedding are known to be the happy and exciting special event that are looked forwards to. Although, planning a wedding is a stressful & important work task to do. It is not possible to avoid the whole stress and enjoyable. One can enjoy the wedding event with their family and friends without ... Views: 582
Existence wedding planner and part of the marriage making plans enterprise for over 20 years, It's miles secure to mention that the Corona pandemic 2020 is unheard of occasion in wedding ceremony making plans history. Hotels close down, journey plans restricted, airports close down and huge ... Views: 561
Wedding planners are like fairy godmothers in heels (for our skilled wedding ceremony planners, please excuse this comparison). Unfortunately, a wedding planner cannot wave a magic wand and instantly plan a bride and groom’s dream wedding or sprinkle glitter in the air to make everyone smile, ... Views: 611
With its majestic forts and impressive forts, Rajasthan is the exceptional preference for all and sundry making plans for a royal wedding ceremony . The picturesque lakes and golden sand dunes provide the proper backdrop on your wedding ceremony pictures.
When planning for a wedding in ... Views: 637
Udaipur is beautiful of three kinds of wedding rituals: Nair weddings, Syrian Christian, along with other Indian styles of the wedding. It is interesting to see how each wedding is in some way similar to the other but, very different too. The exchange of services
marks the finalization of the ... Views: 783
Chances are that if you’re choosing the place of your vacation Destination wedding ceremony in India, you’ve simply taken into consideration the choice of getting a vacation spot wedding ceremony in Rajasthan. Rich in royal history and culture, Rajasthan has all of the factors to create a top ... Views: 594
Faced with male fertility, in vitro fertilization (IVF) with micro-injection is generally preferred to conventional IVF.
Understanding male infertility
Men don't like to talk about it. It's hard to say that his sperm is the source of the problem. This type of anomaly seems to them to question ... Views: 686
When from one month to the next, the stork lets itself be desired and the dream clouded by disappointed expectations, couples often have no choice but to turn to assisted reproductive technology (ART).
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the general term which designates all medical ... Views: 782
Intracytoplasmatic micro-injection of spermatozoa (ICSI in infertility, for its English acronym) is recommended in cases of male infertility, to facilitate fertilization. Once the spermatozoa are obtained by sperm collection or testicular biopsy, thanks to this process we can select the sperm ... Views: 741
What is Egg freezing?
A frozen embryo transfer (FET) occurs when the cryopreserved embryos are thawed and transferred to the woman's uterus. Patients may request to freeze and store any additional embryos that are not used during their first cycle for various reasons. They may want a second ... Views: 800
Men ignore the causes of male infertility. It is estimated that almost half of the cases of low fertility within a couple are due to male infertility. Infertility is spoken of when the inability to obtain a pregnancy within a couple persists beyond two years of unprotected sex. As with women, ... Views: 764
Irregular periods are common and usually mild menstrual disorders. It is especially common in young girls at puberty or in women in the years before menopause.
Irregular periods symptoms:
Irregular periods symptoms include-
Menses are said to be irregular when the classic menstrual ... Views: 934
Embryo cryopreservation is the way toward freezing and putting away developing lives and is a part of most in vitro fertilization programs. The procedure is picked for reasons as shifted as giving an extra opportunity to pregnancy or sparing incipient organisms ... Views: 619
The typical length of a lady's menstrual cycle is 28 days, yet these changes between people. Unpredictable feminine cycle is the point at which the length of the cycle is over 35 days, or if the term fluctuates. A period, or feminine cycle, is the piece of the menstrual cycle where the ... Views: 878
A number of diseases in India have taken place by which people have to suffer from different problems. Tuberculosis or TB is one of them where the worsening outcomes of this condition occur in the death of a person. There is a form of the disease called genital tuberculosis which ... Views: 936
Simultaneously, there are in every case a few inquiries and questions that experience patients intending to take up IVF treatment. One of these is identified with the agony associated with this system. Most of couples are eager to know Is IVF treatment painful? The appropriate response is ... Views: 817
A hysteroscopy procedure is a treatment in which doctor inserts a device in your uterus. It has light and camera on its end to help the doctor see inside the uterus. There are several conditions in which a doctor may suggest this procedure to a patient. It may be for diagnostic or surgical ... Views: 731
An embryo transfer refers to a procedure that is considered to be the last component in IVF (in-vitro fertilization). It is an option for those women who are unable to conceive due to some reproductive tract limitations like facing endometriosis, repeated pregnancy loss, or there ... Views: 755
Blocked fallopian tubes are one conceivable reason for female barrenness. There are typically no indications, yet there are some hazard factors that can build the opportunity of building up the condition. The therapeutic term for a blocked fallopian tube is tubal impediment. The fallopian tubes ... Views: 871
Fallopian Tube Infection
Talking about pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, it refers to an infection of the female reproductive organs and generally takes place when sexually transmitted bacteria spread from the vagina of a woman to her uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. One of the types of ... Views: 553
Genetic Testing stands for a useful tool for detecting mutations or changes in DNA that can lead to genetic disease. It is a test on blood along with other tissues to look out genetic disorders. Genetic testing is done for various reasons. Like to find out if people contain a gene ... Views: 805
PCOS is a common hormonal disorder due to which around 1 on 10 females are experiencing. The hormonal imbalance may result in the excessive release of estrogen and enhanced testosterone. It is one of the common reasons for infertility in females. Ladies with PCOS release a high amount of insulin ... Views: 706
Being a woman is not easy in this world. you need to take care of a lot of things that men do not. One of these things include your reproductive health which Is very sensitive and gets effected by small factors. Here we will talk about PCOS, which is short form of Polycystic ovary syndrome. It ... Views: 687
The thyroid refers to an organ which is situated in the front side of a person's neck and is responsible for discharging hormones that adjust our body temperature, weight, heart & nervous system, metabolism like the way our body uses energy, along with some other processes in the ... Views: 742
Endometrium in a woman refers to a tissue which lines the inner layer of her uterus and it is important for reproduction. It is due to the implantation of the embryo takes place here. There is a requirement of an embryo to attach itself with the endometrial lining for achieving a successful ... Views: 637
When you can't conceive normally, it tends to be extremely discouraging for a couple. Indeed, even in the present current world, there are numerous couples who are having a troublesome time getting pregnant. In the vast majority of these cases, one or the two individuals from the couple have ... Views: 829
In today's technological world, reproductive technology has been invented and that is a preimplantation genetic diagnosis or short-named as PGD. It is applied with the cycle of IVF fertilization in order to amplify the potential for a successful pregnancy and delivery. ... Views: 729
Polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) is a hormonal condition that affects a large number of females at their reproductive age. It is a very common endocrine disorder that has encountered among females. This result in affecting menstrual periods, insulin resistance, and acne and in later life may ... Views: 544
PCOS is a common hormonal condition among women, affecting women between puberty and menopause. The diagnosis of PCOS is based on some physical tests, increased androgen, lack of regular ovulation and small cysts detected in ovaries with ultrasound. There is around 25% of the population is ... Views: 740
Having one miscarriage can be obliterating enough, however, having consistently is frequently an exceptionally awful encounter. The very idea of attempting again can feel like a daunting task, with numerous couples previously expecting another misfortune before the pregnancy has started. Any ... Views: 806
DNA of a person proves to be one of the important components of a sperm. DNA has the authority for holding the instructions that will make the child act and look like parents. Sometimes damage can be caused in the production and transportation of the sperm, which is known to be ... Views: 625
4 weeks are described as the standard length of a woman’s menstrual cycle, but it can vary among individuals. When the length of the cycle touches near about three dozen days, it can be termed as irregular menses. The menstrual cycle of a woman is counted right from the initial day ... Views: 541
Miscarriage is a condition which results in the loss of a fetus before 20 weeks or pregnancy. Basically, it is found to occur during the first trimester or initial three months of pregnancy.
Causes Of Miscarriage
There can be different types of causes responsible for ... Views: 622
In any relationship when infertility or childlessness is a problem until medical tests are done to figure out exactly which partner is infertile. However, the pressure is being applied equally to both the partners. Though statistics reveled fertility issues among male are around 40%. But don’t ... Views: 795
The thyroid gland of a body generally releases different types of important hormones which travel through the bloodstream to reach the receptors established throughout the whole body. That's why a disturbance is able to cause widespread and noticeable health peculiarities. The ... Views: 866
Before you learn about the causes of female infertility, it is necessary to understand the types of infertility among men and women. Primary infertility is a state where a couple is never able to conceive even after unprotected intercourse. On the contrary secondary infertility is another kind ... Views: 751
Infertility has been considered as a worldwide problem. Many couples in this world have suffered from not being able to conceive. There can be issues with both men and women. But the great thing is that today's advanced technology has made it possible to provide a chance of getting a child with ... Views: 771
First, we need to understand what infertility is? If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year without any positive results then there are the chances that you or your partner is infertile. But don’t panic, once you detect the signs of infertility you would be able to do ... Views: 743
A case where a couple gets unable to give birth to a child due to physical problems in men is considered as male infertility. Basically, male infertility is divided into two categories, namely unexplained male infertility and idiopathic male infertility. Infertility in today's world ... Views: 627
With the help of in-vitro fertilization, many couples around the world have managed to have their own baby. This technique has provided a chance for so many peoples to smile. We will let you know about some aspects that are related to IVF. Some IVF tips for success have been ... Views: 771
Our body’s thyroid gland is small and butterfly-shaped gland that is situated near the neck’s base. It is able to make and store thyroid hormones which affect almost every cell in the body. When a signal is received by the thyroid gland, called thyroid-stimulating hormone, it ... Views: 867
Blocked fallopian tubes are one possible reason for infertility among females. Fallopian tubes are connected with ovaries and the uterus. During ovulation, the tubes carry eggs from ovary to the uterus. They play an important role in the process of fertilization. It takes place when the egg ... Views: 694
Unexplained infertility is a condition refers to a diagnosis made in those couple whose standard investigations along with tests of ovulation, semen analysis, and tubal patency are supposed to be normal. Unexplained fertility has been suggested as sustainable because conditions ... Views: 893
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which too much thyroxin hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. This condition may lead to elevating metabolism that causes unintentional weight loss and irregular or rapid heartbeat. However, the thyroid gland has a butterfly-shaped endocrine organ that is ... Views: 645
Endometriosis is one of the most experienced conditions related to infertility. Of all infertility cases, 75%of cases occur due to biological make –up issues, consisting of pelvic conditions and utero formation. If we talk about the data, 30% to 40% of females experiencing endometriosis are ... Views: 655
Numerous reasons are there which can lead to problems with fertility, particularly in older people. But that doesn't mean that there is no hope left for such people as there is some advancement like in vitro fertilization (IVF) that can be helpful in overcoming different types of ... Views: 808