Summary: We are at risk for a superficial understanding of Bible prophecy that applies to our time. The words of a popular song, “The Days of Elijah,” are discussed as an example.
A large roomful of Marines sing “The Days of Elijah” on Youtube. It is linked below for readers who might want ... Views: 1066
Summary: All the Protestant reformers saw the papacy as the “little horn” power claiming the title of God while persecuting the saints and changing the Commandments, Daniel 7:25. In Revelation 13, we see the beast [political cartoon] as an amalgamation of a lion, bear, leopard and dragon ... Views: 1125
Summary: All the Protestant reformers saw the papacy as the “little horn” power claiming the title of God while persecuting the saints and changing the Commandments, Daniel 7:25. In Revelation 13, we see the beast [political cartoon] as an amalgamation of a lion, bear, leopard and dragon ... Views: 1064
Summary: Nine surgeries were performed so that a patient on kidney dialysis at the end of the line could have a renal transplant. (Google) Before we call this a modern medical miracle, let's take a closer look... .
With Obamacare's low rewards and a changing medical scene, we can expect a ... Views: 1214
1. Fear of loss, especially financial loss is considered by many as the greatest human motivator. You could lose your home and it's contents by failure to act ahead of “economic collapse, 2015,”if the 36 million results on Google mean anything. When it comes to such events, a year early is ... Views: 1773
1. Fear of loss, especially financial loss is considered by many as the greatest human motivator. You could lose your home and it's contents by failure to act ahead of “economic collapse, 2015,”if the 36 million results on Google mean anything. When it comes to such events, a year early is ... Views: 1735
Olimpic winners didn't get there by moderation. Moderation isn't the key to anything except mediocrity. We are under-utilizing the benefits of pure air, sunlight, absteemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet and use of water.
While a lukewarm tub-bath is relaxing example, but the extremes of ... Views: 1127
When a woman sees her husband is touched with tenderness toward her from Scripture and that he prays for God's blessing on their marriage, her heart is touched and she may even weep with love for God and him. This could be a secret wish or unidentified need of half the world's ... Views: 1314
In the days of Nimrod whose kingdom was Babel, men built a tower, saying, “Let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad,” but God said, “let us go down and confound their the LORD scattered them abroad.” Genesis 10:9,10; 11:4,7,8.
It seems significant that even now the Tower ... Views: 1281
In the days of Nimrod whose kingdom was Babel, men built a tower, saying, “Let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad,” but God said, “let us go down and confound their the LORD scattered them abroad.” Genesis 10:9,10; 11:4,7,8.
It seems significant that even now the Tower ... Views: 1574
The subtitle of Malachi Martin's best-selling “Keys of This Blood,” indicates that the super-powers are involved in a three-way struggle for world supremacy. The book may have overlooked our 500 point stock market crash a month after John Paul's visit in 1987.
With the take-down of the ... Views: 1413
The subtitle of Malachi Martin's best-selling “Keys of This Blood,” indicates that the super-powers are involved in a three-way struggle for world supremacy. The book may have overlooked our 500 point stock market crash a month after John Paul's visit in 1987.
With the take-down of the ... Views: 1572
NBC News cites a poll: “Majority Wants Supreme Court to OK Same sex Marriage.”
Why the clamor to tell Supreme Court what to do? When has the majority ever been on the right side morally?/ Favor for such unions was strong among the young (73%) while opposition came from 68% ... Views: 1
NBC News cites a poll: “Majority Wants Supreme Court to OK Same sex Marriage.”
Why the clamor to tell Supreme Court what to do? When has the majority ever been on the right side morally?/ Favor for such unions was strong among the young (73%) while opposition came from 68% ... Views: 1036
NBC News cites a poll: “Majority Wants Supreme Court to OK Same sex Marriage.”
Why the clamor to tell Supreme Court what to do? When has the majority ever been on the right side morally?/ Favor for such unions was strong among the young (73%) while opposition came from 68% ... Views: 1012
NBC News cites a poll: “Majority Wants Supreme Court to OK Same sex Marriage.”
Why the clamor to tell Supreme Court what to do? When has the majority ever been on the right side morally?/ Favor for such unions was strong among the young (73%) while opposition came from 68% ... Views: 1
Summary: Biblical signs point to impending crisis and destruction with judgment on America and the beginning of martial law. To watch, pray and withdraw funds may be protective.
This article is dedicated to the memory of Tom Lass, a Presbyterian pastor who kept a backpack loaded in his car, ... Views: 1437
Summary: As governments lose control of their subjects and become the fierce beasts of prey that Daniel foresaw, we see another reason why the Bible is the #1 best-selling book of all times. It offers insights to every area of life, including the geopolitical scene.
Historically Babylon was ... Views: 1302
With half of marriages ending in divorce and so many married couples still unhappy, this topic begs a look. Many might be happy if they kept two points in mind.
This author thought he was happily married when his first wife of 20 years left him. He was in a stressful marriage for 19 more ... Views: 1212
Summary: Recent events like solar and lunar eclipses and the nuclear talks with Iran have biblical significance. What do they signify, or do they have any relevance for us?
Einstein said, “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
Two weeks ago, we saw a “rare” solar eclipse ... Views: 1065
Summary: Daniel's vision of the ram and goat apply to Iraq and Iran because "the vision is at the time of the end," Daniel 8:17. The effort at a nuclear agreement with Iran is also the focus of Bible prophecy because, "when they say 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction comes." 1Thessalonians ... Views: 1054
Summary: Washington politicians are sold out and America is going down. This is Bible prophecy which also shows God's plan—something you wouldn't imagine!
When this author visited US Senators with medical literature to show adverse drug reactions were the leading cause of death before age ... Views: 1053
Summary: Christ's warning suggests need for an “exit plan,” but not in a bunker with guns. Prompt action is called for—are we ready? Maybe we should begin to think about it.
Matt Drudge spent $1.9 million on a Camelback Mountain mansion in Phoenix. While this shows a concern for security, ... Views: 1368
Summary: The 3rd Commandment (Exodus 20:7) was intended to protect God's name, but when translators removed His name and replaced the four letters called the tetragrammaton, with LORD in all caps, They took His name in vain (made it empty as they made it into a generic title). Elijah turned ... Views: 1127
Summary: US Christianity could be like the lukewarm church of Laodicea that had a materialistic focus. We can't bring ourselves to see impending changes that take us out of our comfort zone. We don't see end-times impending nor hear Christ's words that could ready us. We are poorly prepared in ... Views: 1088
Summary: In a calamity-prone world, we are one large disaster away from martial law. It can happen easily, due to economic failure, “natural” phenomena, or increasing lawlessness and a gun-grab.
If you Google “martial law,” the 17 million results suggest interest in what may be impending. ... Views: 4610
“The sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before the day of the Lord,” Joel 2:31.
The Bible says we “know the times and seasons perfectly,” 1Thessalonians 5:1.
This suggests we should at least know the year for when "the day of the Lord" comes with “sudden destruction,” verse ... Views: 1129
Summary: The road is cleared for martial law and the end of America as we know it. Military “standing where it ought not” (Mark 13:14) was a sign to flee Jerusalem, but the idea of fleeing the cities when we see it as early believers did, seems strange to most Christians. Are they like the frog ... Views: 1275
Summary: The unique timing of a solar and lunar eclipse to mark the beginning of the biblical year in the spring is an omen of when He did so in Egypt when judgment fell as Israel put blood on their doorpost two weeks later at Passover. This spring's Passover will see a "blood moon"--a token of ... Views: 1376
Dear Brother Francis,
Please pardon my lack of exalted titles or formality you usually get, but Christ said, “call no man Father” and “all ye are brethren,” Matthew 23:8,9. Please also forgive me for breaking the principle of Matthew 18:15—I should have come to you first, but not being ... Views: 1314
There may be more wrong about Christmas than we realize. Here’s a candid look at timing, ID and how we celebrate. If we wanted a mystical flight to Bethlehem, here are three reasons we won’t make the flight.
1. Bad Timing. You may already know that the winter solstice was celebrated as the ... Views: 1181
An article by Lyn Leahz on cites David Wilkerson’s vision that “The United States is going to experience, in the not-too-distant future, the most tragic earthquake in its history.” We believe Wilkerson was a godly man and blessed with insights, but the title of her article ... Views: 1293
As Jews celebrate Hannukah and Christians do Christmas, most people look for a day off or hope to benefit commercially from this time that's meaningless to millions of others. What's the point? Is it all vanity as Solomon said?
Religion is gratitude if we are doing it right. If we don't see ... Views: 1236
Summary: The Bible's political cartoons fit current players on the world scene. The book of Daniel deserves another look as we consider where we are in the stream of time.
“If referendum was today ... Britons WOULD vote to QUIT Europe, reveals expert new survey.” The full story of this ... Views: 1895
1. How did we get such nicely rounded spheres from a Big Bang that should have given jagged rocks?
2. How did all the planets come into orbit after such an explosion?
3. Why do the planets vary in distance from the sun so greatly, and still stay in orbit?
4. With more than 100 moons for the ... Views: 1368
Summary: Rick Wiles' interview with John Shorey raises the question. The book of Daniel supports Muslim overflowing the US.
Asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel, Matthew 24:3,15.
Daniel was sealed “till the time of the end,” (Daniel 12:4) but Daniel ... Views: 1387
Never mind this unarmed youth just came from a convenience store that he robbed. Never mind reports that this 300-pound youth reached into the police car and tried to grab the officer's gun. We don't really know the whole story, but the story seems lop-sided and makes the black population angry, ... Views: 1219
Summary: America's border problem is prophetic. Rome has conquered US, and a growing majority will vote the pope as leader of a New World Order as rapid changes continue.
“At the time of the end” the king of the north “overflows” the king of the south in Daniel 11:40. In Bible times, Egypt ... Views: 1093
Summary: The basis for nuclear energy and tremendous power is seen in Einstein's equation showing that a small amount of matter can yield a huge amount of energy. We appreciate science discovering what helped put an end to World War II in the Pacific and now we have energy for peaceful purposes, ... Views: 1376
Summary: Billions of Christians consider the Bible the basis of their faith, and billions of Muslims do the same for the Qur'an. Here's a look at some basic differences in the two best sellers.
The Qur'an recognizes the Bible and Muslims “accept the Torah of Moses (peace be on him), the ... Views: 1276
Summary: The inadequacies of evolutionary theory are contrasted with Intelligent Design. True science is compatible with the Bible as seen by Sir Isaac Newton. Origin is linked to destiny.
The tragedy of most best-selling books like Roots, is that they fail to grasp a higher truth beyond ... Views: 1508
Books promoting the rapture idea have sold millions, but from 1988 to now, it's been a no-show. If we are supposed to be raptured before tribulation, what can we say to those who are in tribulation now? Would it be fair of God to give us a free pass from our lukewarm western churches while ... Views: 1269
Summary: In a world crazy with lawlessness and tyranny of governments ignorant of God’s principles, Elijah is to come. Historically, Elijah identified the true God and brought Israel back to true worship. “Remember the law of Moses…with the statutes and judgments. Behold I send you Elijah,” ... Views: 1464
Summary: Not two sides to a coin—there's also an edge, and there's a third, not easily seen option to fighting the New World Order and dying versus selling out to it and the false worship (Rev 13:14-17). God who “declares the end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:10) has provided a way to escape ... Views: 1193
Summary: God will hold pastors accountable for smooth messages when the times demand a warning. People should be preparing for an overwhelming surprise by studying the Bible and getting out of cities
A blind spot for most Christians involves the letter to the last church--Laodicea in ... Views: 1243
Secure America Now sponsors an ad that recreates the “Daisy Girl.” It suggests Obama’s refusal to stand up to the Islamist Iran is risking disaster for America. Muslim jihadists in America are probable.
Described as “a nonpartisan organization dedicated to bringing critical security issues to ... Views: 1203
Summary: Prescription drugs have had a “free pass” for too long. It's time to revisit the science of pharmacology, evolved from toxicology—the science of how much chemical killed half the animals.
A close friend of Williams said Robin was taking a drug for Parkinsons that listed suicide as a ... Views: 1241
Summary: Christ’s warning in Matthew 24 was understood by early believers as military force, and their fleeing Jerusalem in obedience spared them the siege and destruction by Titus. But the warning was not only for Jerusalem, but “the end of the world,” Matthew 24:3,15.
Obama promised ... Views: 1217
Modern medicine kicked out Hippocrates as Father of Medicine--“Let your food be your medicine.” Doctors promote DuPont's slogan, “Better Living Through Chemistry.” But if you know anyone taking a bag of pills, you know it's not so. Studies often report benefit from a vegetarian or vegan diet. ... Views: 1235
When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. Revelation had not yet been written, but a blessing is pronounced on those who read and understand the Revelation.
#1. There is a similarity of context for both Daniel and Revelation and both Daniel and John ... Views: 1399