Eating fruit is a wonderful way to fill up your tummy and help you along your path to weight loss, weight maintenance and to increase the health of you. With so many choices at your local grocery store or market, eating a few servings a day should be an easy task to accomplish and there is no doubt that fruit is a fantastic addition to any Lovely Lady’s menu.

Fruit is a super addition to your daily enjoyment because there are two major assets in produce – fiber and water. These ingredients add volume to your meals so you can eat the same portions of food with fewer calories. The bonus is that most fruits are low in calories and fat and they will fill you up. The FDA suggests we consume 2-4 servings of fruit/day. A serving equates into the following choices: an apple, a banana, an orange, 16 grapes, a pear, 6 strawberries and 2 plums.

With so many choices at your fingertips, selecting from a wide variety will be the most beneficial habit to create. Think of it as cross training for fruits. We are searching for a variety of fruits with a rainbow of colors. Below you will find a list of health benefits that arrive from partaking in the almighty fruit and wonderful attributes to including this sweet deal into your day.

~Fruits reduce the risk of some cancers and other chronic diseases.
~Fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals.
~Fruits provide fiber which is fabulous for lowering cholesterol and balancing blood sugar.
~Fruits help you feel fuller longer.
~Fruits aid in the ability to visit the bathroom on a regular basis.
~Fruits are super at packing a punch in the weight loss department.
~Fruits decrease your cravings for processed sweets.

Whenever possible you should shop for fresh fruit in season. This will ensure not only a lower price but also the best flavor available. Do not purchase more than you can use at one time to deter waste and to avoid having it lose its vest. Also be aware of canned fruit and fruit juices; when human hands have altered fruits original state it usually adds up to additional sugar, an increase in calories/fat and a loss of natural flavor and taste. The same applies to dried fruit. It is what it is – dried. All the water has been removed which adds up to less nutrients and higher calories.
Reach for fruit on a regular basis and vary your choices for the most benefits they have to offer.

Author's Bio: 

Nothing brings me greater pleasure in life than to assist women on their journey toward better health, weight loss and molding a lifestyle to one that meets their expectations. Coaching Lovely Ladies is a enormous passion of mine and I am completely honored to be able to assist each and every Lovely Lady on their travels of a happy, organized, active, balanced lifestyle. I coach real women who are willing to take real action and reap real results. Visit my website today and let me help you work toward your wellness goals.

Women’s Health and Fitness Coach