Do you speak often and wonder how you can get paid to speak? Getting paid speaking gigs is a real possibility. When you’re paid to speak, you’re earning money to give your presentation and get clients at the same time. Just keep in mind that the speaking business can be an entire business in ... Views: 1056
Using video is an excellent strategy to attract visitors to your site and get clients. With video, people get to hear about your expertise, see how you speak, get to know you a bit and discover if they like you. In addition, using video to build an online presence can be very powerful as it ... Views: 935
Years ago, I felt like I was living a little bit of a lie. Everything I put out there on my website was focused strictly on business, both client attraction and marketing. However, when you get more familiar with my work, you can start to see what’s on the inside: my spirituality.
I was ... Views: 1029
There is some debate about whether or not you should put your pricing on the web if you want to get clients. The decision depends on what you are offering and the price of the packages. For example, if you offer products that are immediately downloadable or fulfill by mail, then pricing is ... Views: 929
Are you working on your business plan and trying to project your sales and potential income? Let me share the way we do this.
For the most part, we create our business plan one year at a time. We start out with an idea of what programs we’re going to create, workshops we’re going to offer, ... Views: 988
When you are trying to fill an event, you want to know not only how many people plan to attend, but how many will likely show up. Years ago, I used to run a lot of free programs, hoping to get as many people as possible to attend. I figured paying for the event would be a barrier and keep ... Views: 945
Are you using video to help attract clients and market your business? We have found video to be extremely helpful in generating higher rates of conversion.
I recommend promoting your business with video to increase engagement and convert more visitors to potential clients. Start using these ... Views: 950
Speaking to groups is one of the best ways to get clients. People get a first-hand experience of you, which helps them get to get to know, like and trust you. Most people want to do business with someone they know from first-hand experience.
Some speaking engagements won’t allow you to sell ... Views: 952
Your newsletter, if done well, takes a good amount of time to write, design the visual presentation and then send out. That’s why finding additional ways to leverage that content to attract clients is a smart business strategy.
While some email management systems offer an automated way to ... Views: 972
Have you noticed you are attracting interest in your business, but somehow you’re not getting more clients? When this happens to people, there is usually something we call a “chaotic vibration” going on.
A chaotic vibration shows up when you say you want something (and of course you think ... Views: 1045
If you are a new small business owner without a long track record, you may find it difficult to talk to your potential clients about results. Sometimes students worry that results will vary for each person. Or, they aren’t sure what they can actually deliver. This makes it difficult for you to ... Views: 834
When you first start out in business, you may feel you don’t have all the answers. That’s more common than you can imagine. However, that is no reason not to start sharing what you know with clients and recognizing the unique angle you bring that no one else can.
You are ahead of others. ... Views: 872
Most small busines owners start feeling stretched and get to the point where they can no longer do it all alone. You realize you need another pair of hands to complete everything that’s on your plate. So you decide to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) and think this is a way to help you get more ... Views: 919
When you are looking to get new clients, one of the best ways is to have a phone call with prospects to get to know them a bit and tell them about your services. Some people offer a free consultation, but I tell my students that this is not the best positioning for what the call is really ... Views: 975
Have you increased your prices lately? If you answered yes, let me congratulate you! Sometimes business owners fear raising their rates, believing they won’t get clients and will lose out on prospects. I went through this as well in my earlier years.
Yet, you can stay with your pricing ... Views: 953
As your business starts to build, responding to email inquiries can become a problem. There are just so many of them! You might think this is a good thing, and to an extent it is because emails are part of client attraction. But you need to learn how to efficiently handle, sort, and respond to ... Views: 854
As your small business grows beyond the start up phase, you become very busy. You calendar is close to being full or is jammed. This may lead to thoughts like, “How long can I keep doing this?” You look into the future and realize you probably won’t be able to grow beyond the hours in a day, ... Views: 896
If you’ve been in business for awhile, you have a number of clients who completed your initial program. You may wonder, “What can I do with these clients next?” They are a valuable group since they have already invested in working with you.
Of course, you could create a whole new program or ... Views: 825
Most business owners have experienced this common situation. You get an email inquiry asking about your fees as the first or only question. If you have responded with your pricing, you probably never heard from the person again, right? This is not the best way to reel in a potential ... Views: 811
If you are familiar with my methods, then you know I always recommend networking groups, and BNI in particular. This powerful international group helped me learn how to network and fill my practice quickly by meeting lots of new people and gaining referrals.
However, many students have ... Views: 882
When it comes to list building, joint ventures can deliver the growth you are seeking. Students often ask me how to reach out to potential partners. A lot depends on who they are and the level of business success they have achieved. I recommend a different strategy for partners who are in a ... Views: 868
Have you come up with a system that got you where you are today? Often that is the basis for a small business – sharing your knowledge, wisdom and solutions with others who have the same type of problem. That’s how to attract clients.
While it’s very important to be congruent with what you ... Views: 984
Do you get clients who want a special price break, payment plan or a smaller program than you currently offer? Some people ask you to make exceptions and special arrangements for them to meet their needs. How should you respond?
It might seem reasonable if one person makes a request of you. ... Views: 898
As business owners working to get new clients, we've all heard it. You're in the closing part of the conversation and your client says those fateful words, "I can't afford it." For some owners, this is the worst case scenario because you feel stuck when your potential customer uses this reason ... Views: 862
Recently a student told me how she had a lot of fear about her small business and how to get clients. She had an enormous number of opportunities coming her way, but she felt afraid to take any action. That fear made her feel like a failure and unworthy of such opportunity. As a result she was ... Views: 793
If your practice is filling up and you are looking for ways to serve more people, consider developing a boot camp program. I did this several years ago when my practice was full, and I had a waiting list. There were also others who couldn’t afford to participate in my live programs. I wanted to ... Views: 897
When you are starting a new business, the first couple of years involve a lot of hard work to attract clients. That’s no secret. But sometimes business owners come to me about how hard they are working and that nothing is happening yet.
That’s why I tell people starting a new business is ... Views: 916
Have you been thinking about raising your rates? That can be both exciting and nerve wracking for business owners. On one hand, you’ll produce more income from the same amount of work. On the other hand you may be concerned by the risk of losing clients due to higher rates. While this may be ... Views: 927
Sometimes business owners ask me what is the best incentive to get referrals from their clients. There are several ways you could incentivize your client base to encourage them to share referrals and find new clients. However, I’m not sure that is necessary.
This is what I believe. I don’t ... Views: 919
Sometimes you have a rare opportunity to meet someone who is an opinion leader in your line of work. This person may be a high-profile leader in your industry who inspires you. When you meet at a big conference or other event, you want to stand out and be remembered. How can you make the most ... Views: 875
When you want to bring in some fast cash or if things have slowed down, you may feel tempted to attract clients by lowering your rates. This is an extremely common reaction and I understand why you might think it’s a quick fix. However, this is a strategy that will not serve you in the long ... Views: 854
Getting more traffic to your website is always on a business owner’s mind. Higher volume traffic helps with list building and improves your chances for finding new clients and filling your pipeline. But once you start to get a steady stream of visitors, what’s the best way to build your ... Views: 885
Do you have a great idea for a series of strategies that are high-value to your clients, but aren’t sure how to deliver them? Creating short audio files can really grab your ideal clients’ attention. Creating short audio files can really grab your ideal clients’ attention. You send each one out ... Views: 839
When building your pipeline, there will be times you do all the right things like speak to groups, network and build your list. Yet, prospects are not saying yes and becoming clients. That means you probably have more time than money coming in.
Now, I’m not a fan of lowering your prices, but ... Views: 859
There are many ways to write a blog post that will attract clients, but I’m going to share two methods that are used most often.
With this method of writing blog posts, the title is written first. This sets the tone for the post and provides the overall idea. Some ... Views: 799
As a business owner, you are looking to attract clients all the time to keep your pipeline full. Everyone has prospects who don’t sign on right away. These are leads who expressed interest at some point. Maybe they spoke to you at length about your services, or you had a “get acquainted” call ... Views: 860
Many of our students talk about how they have large numbers of prospects who sign up for preview calls but tend to not register for the bigger program. Business owners wonder if there is a way to convert prospects like this into paying clients. Here’s what we recommend:
1. Do a Little ... Views: 847
Your ezine, or email newsletter, provides a way to stay in touch with people in your database and is usually part of your free irresistible offer (IFO) to attract clients. The point of your newsletter is to share really high content and high value information that readers can take action on. An ... Views: 960
Deciding on pricing for your products or service packages depends on several things. : Here are my top three strategies for selecting the right prices for your business.
1. Where does the product fit in your marketing funnel? :
To attract more clients into your marketing funnel, you need a ... Views: 846
Are you starting to develop programs to attract clients in groups? When I first started offering group courses, I had a mix of people who were at different levels. While the programs were successful with a blended group, I definitely felt it would be better to create specific courses that met ... Views: 938
Delivering teleclasses is a powerful way to get clients. Yet, many of my students tell me they aren’t sure what to include or the order that works best to deliver the information.
I’m going to share my surefire structure for creating an amazing teleclass. It’s so easy you’ll have your first ... Views: 901
When your service fees run in the thousands, one thing that can help your prospects say “yes” is to allow them to make payments. Sometimes business owners find this problematic. There can be confusion because when clients don’t meet deadlines or put off decisions, they feel they can’t collect ... Views: 924
Using video is a very effective strategy to attract clients. Video gives prospects a sense of who you are and what it would be like to work with you.
Some of my students tell me they feel more comfortable writing out a full script for their videos. Without a written script, many feel they ... Views: 930
You are ready to get out there and start speaking in front of groups, which is one of the best ways to get clients. To do this, you need a strong signature talk. You may be wondering how to write your speech and what needs to go into it. It’s actually really simple. Here are five steps for ... Views: 956
When you are building your practice, sometimes you choose to work with a client for free for a number of reasons:
- Gain experience with an ideal client,
- Minimize risk of trying out a new program,
- Build up your client testimonials,
- Give back to the community by offering services to a ... Views: 896
If you are working to attract clients and create a positive mindset, affirmations will help get you there. What a difference they can make! In case you aren’t familiar with this mindset technique, an affirmation is a positive statement about a goal you want to achieve, written in the present ... Views: 1063
Sometimes my students struggle with how to price their services. There might be a particular service or segment of your knowledge that you feel has more value. You might have an idea that you should charge more for this piece, but feel unsure whether that is fair. Here’s how I look at ... Views: 951
As you work to grow your business, there are many options available to attract clients along the way. One thing that may tempt you is the idea of licensing your proprietary system and/or training coaches or trainers to teach it to others. This can be a lucrative revenue stream but first I ... Views: 916
If you are wondering how to increase your business and client attraction, the most important first step is to set a specific goal. So many people in business, especially those just starting out, don’t have a goal. They just want to get some clients. That does not really work very well.
I ... Views: 824
When you are speaking live or conducting a free teleclass, you want to finish with a strong call to action for your audience. Years ago I created a formula that I’ve used successfully as a call to action that is authentic and pulls prospects towards you.
There are three main components to ... Views: 932