Another year is about to close it’s doors, and a new year will open before us. For most, this past year was undoubtedly filled with many challenges. No matter how you faced these obstacles, whether you succeeded or failed in overcoming them, they also came with the wisdom of valuable life ... Views: 665
"I don't want to be controlled by food (or alcohol, poverty, unsatisfying relationships, etc.). I just want to feel good. I know there is more to life than this." Although filled with anguish, these are beautiful words. They signify the beginning of new possibilities. Your current life may no ... Views: 856
“I should be eating healthy.” “ I should not eat that.” “I should have lost more weight by now.” “I should start exercising.” You might not see anything out of place with these statements. It’s a common habit to motivate ourselves to change with this approach. However, should statements generate ... Views: 762
A question frequently asked by individuals overcoming an eating challenge is "Why? Why do I struggle with food and weight?" Asking "why" is great starting question. It certainly makes some sense to uncover the reasons behind why an eating challenge or weight challenge emerged. Asking your brain, ... Views: 708
Can we create a better life through the power of positive thinking? Positive thinking is only a small portion of the process of conscious creation, but without it, we haven’t got a chance. People are more successful when they encourage themselves with positive thoughts and hold positive images ... Views: 658
Are you unhappy or depressed? Do you find yourself complaining about your life? Excellent! The fact that you are discontented and feeling pain are powerful indicators that you are ready to create change in your life. One of the first steps to creating your better life is getting clear on what it ... Views: 686
Change does not happen on its own. As much as you might wish your life would suddenly take a turn for the better, no one is going to ride up on a white horse and lead you into the land of happily ever after. That does not mean you cannot live the fantastic life you dream about. Instead, it means ... Views: 829
Are you disappointed, discouraged and discontented with your present level of success? Are you secretly dissatisfied with your present situation? Do you want more abundance, inner peace, joy, or happiness? Do you want improved health, a lighter body, or an end to a food obsession or ... Views: 625
Become Aware of Stress In Your Body
Stress is something we have all experienced. But we generally haven’t stopped to define stress and understand what is really going on. One of the most common definitions of stress is, “a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or ... Views: 833
"I am going to lose 20 pounds!" "I am going to get back in shape!" Sure, everybody has a few ideas of what they would like to accomplish. But do you have REAL goals? That is, a goal that you have defined, written down, and committed your motivation, discipline, and drive into? Do you have a goal ... Views: 699
Self-pride is your sense of your own value or worth as a person. It is how much you like, accept, approve, and respect yourself. You can recognize yourself as worthy and capable of loving and being loved. Or, your self-pride can be the biggest stumbling block to living the successful, happy life ... Views: 1803
Like everyone in this world, you are looking to improve your life! No matter how well or how poorly you are doing, there are definitely areas where you desperately want to boost the quality of your life. Maybe you want to end emotional eating, overcome depression, feel relaxed and ... Views: 802
Everyone needs to feel appreciated on a regular basis. This stems from our very human need to know and feel that what we have done is right and worthy of notice. We feel good when someone gives us their love and approval.
However, being overly dependent on approval from others, and fearing ... Views: 11151
You start out with big plans to change your life. Your energy is high and you can see yourself ready to move forward on your desires, goals, and dreams. For the first few days or weeks, things are going smoothly, and then one day your energy is a little less focused. Maybe you reached an ... Views: 682
Does your worry generate terrible stress? Do you worry so much that you can't get to sleep? Does the anxiety generated from your stress cause you to engage in emotional or stress eating, or another type of addictive behavior? If so, you're not alone.
Worry is a "worst case fantasy" picturing ... Views: 2128
During the course of our lives we experience many transitions. Some of these beginnings and endings are sudden and unexpected, such as an accident, divorce, illness, death, or the loss of a job. Other transitions are a self-imposed process of transformation such as weight loss, marriage, birth ... Views: 951
Have you ever found yourself stuck in that awful loop of considering weight loss but not taking a step forward? You want to change your life and you keep thinking about it. However, one moment you feel excited about taking some sort of action, but the next moment you feel uncertain.
If you have ... Views: 704
If you refuse to quit - you will succeed. We have all heard this basic advice that persistence is your key to success and making your dreams come true. It is your ability to remain committed to your goals, dreams, and aspirations despite many obstacles along the way. Persistence involves ... Views: 767
It happens to all of us at some stage - you want to achieve change in your life, but just cannot motivate yourself to do it. You really want to reach success, lose weight, or eat differently, but just do not have the push or willingness to take action. Every time you think about getting started ... Views: 6260
Brain fog. Fatigue. Exhaustion. We all have those no energy days when we just want to stay in bed all day. It is common to grow weary now and then. However, do you find that you are tired all of the time? Does your lack of energy have you feeling that you just cannot be bothered to do the things ... Views: 872
"I know what I need to do, but I am unable to get started." We know what to do, but we don't put knowledge into action. While momentum is a powerful force, inertia can be even more powerful.The result is the frustration of procrastination and remaining stuck in your current reality even though ... Views: 1193
During the course of our lives we experience many transitions. Some of these beginnings and endings are sudden and unexpected, such as an accident, divorce, illness, death, or the loss of a job. Other transitions are a self-imposed process of transformation such as weight loss, marriage, birth ... Views: 1141
Don’t let fear rob you from the opportunity of success. If you are like most people, you have a goal or a dream that is meaningful and that you want to achieve. That goal may be related to personal growth issues such as weight loss, gaining self-esteem, finding inner peace, increasing your ... Views: 1972
"You will either step forward into Growth, or you will step back into Safety."
~ Abraham Maslow ~
As the year quickly moves forward, this could turn out to be just another day, week and month that passes by, or it could be the beginning of something new. Take a look at your life. Overall, how ... Views: 813
Do you sail through the day at optimal performance with energy to spare? Alternatively, do you struggle with feeling tired, stressed, irritable, and burdened by extra pounds?
Just a few changes in how you eat could make a dramatic difference in your energy levels. Add these innovative ... Views: 1269
Would you like to be confident in the things you do? Most people would. The problem is that many people aren't sure how. They think confidence is some mystical trait that some people are born with and others aren't. Actually, being confident in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals is ... Views: 1159
Moving beyond perpetual dieting, emotional or stress eating, bulimia, or any other form of using food to cope with life involves so more than just ending overeating. Long-term success requires learning new ways of thinking, acting, and behaving. Among the list of essential new skills are ... Views: 1105
Keeping weight off permanently involves more than just plugging yourself into the latest diet or weight-loss trend. Successful and lasting change requires creating a new relationship with food itself. As you know, there are no good foods or bad foods. There are however, certain behaviors and ... Views: 759
Finally - you are alone. No one else is around. You waited an eternity until you could indulge in a secret candy bar on the drive home from work. Or, maybe you stayed up late waiting until finally everyone else fell deep asleep. Now you can head into the kitchen and give yourself guilty ... Views: 2808
Look into the nearest mirror. Are you frustrated . . . unhappy in your life and dissatisfied in your body? Are you unable to achieve long-term weight loss, end emotional or stress eating, build confidence, or overcome depression? How do you talk the person looking back at you?
The person ... Views: 802
Do you love yourself? Or, would it be closer to the truth to say that you are your own worst enemy? Self-love means to regard yourself with respect, to recognize and value yourself, and to appreciate your life.
Self-love is the process of breaking free of the need to gain others approval and ... Views: 936
I should be eating healthy. I should not eat that. I should have lost more weight by now. I should start exercising. Have you fallen into the habit of trying to motivate your weight loss efforts with "should" statements? You might not see anything out of place with these statements. However, you ... Views: 769
The potential causes of overeating, emotional eating, stress, or depression are numerous. Using food to deal with difficult life situations and complex emotions, or feeling despair and hopelessness about your life can be linked to your own personality, problem-solving abilities, and capacity to ... Views: 1593
Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning? Do you feel run down and burned out, with hardly any positive energy to give to the activities you once enjoyed? We have all been there – tired, mentally and physically exhausted, and maybe even depressed. On top of all that, if you ... Views: 1347
"I am going to lose 20 pounds!" "I am going to get back in shape!" Sure, everybody has a few ideas of what they would like to accomplish. But do you have REAL goals? That is, a goal that you have defined, written down, and committed your motivation, discipline, and drive into? Do you have a goal ... Views: 707
During the course of our lives we experience many transitions. Some of these beginnings and endings are sudden and unexpected, such as an accident, divorce, illness, death, or the loss of a job. Other transitions are a self-imposed process of transformation such as weight loss, marriage, birth ... Views: 797
If you are attempting to end emotional or stress eating, lose weight, or move beyond an eating disorder, you will most likely experience good days and bad days. It takes a lot of work and much practice to strengthen new ways of thinking and acting. Along your journey, there will likely be ... Views: 1050
As a nutrition therapist, counselor, and healer, I understand that the path to creating a life of greater joy is a mysterious event. Each individual person has the power and control over his or her own healing. No matter how many times you fall, get back up, and then fall again, the most ... Views: 979
Long ago, when your life was new, there was a light that shone brilliantly and freely within you. You carried this creative, loving, joyful spirit with you into this world. This light and power within you was your energetic life force.
Time passed.
You learned the ways of the world.
You ... Views: 836
“Food is an important part of a balanced diet.” Fran Lebowitz
The Iranian movie, “The Fish Fall In Love” is a film that speaks of eating and falling in love. It is based on the premise that people fall into two categories; some that eat their food with no passion and the others who eat ... Views: 992
“Hello! I just need some advice please! I try to eat healthy and work out on a regualr basis, but I constantly eat when I am bored, even though I am not hungry. I get bored and keep wandering into the kitchen and grabbing all kinds of snacks. How do I stop this habit?”
While there are many ... Views: 1331
One very powerful way of reaching the still, small voice of our soul is through the practice of mediation. Before you run off, meditation simply means familiarizing ourselves with our mind, with our thoughts and with our emotions. It is learning what happens between thoughts. Meditation means ... Views: 887
Failure is one of those life experiences most of us would rather not encounter. Generally we tend to connect failure with intense self-judgement and inner criticism. The fear of failure is so strong, we often become hesitant to focus on inner dreams because of past failures. We would rather not ... Views: 12268
A whimsical message arrived through my email. “Dear Lord,” it began. “So far today, Lord, I have done all right. I haven’t gossiped, lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent. I am very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I am going to get out of ... Views: 750
Do you keep a journal? Many people don’t because they would not know what to write or perhaps they don’t see the value of writing down their thoughts. Why bother taking the time to write when life is so complicated already? Maybe it’s time to take another look at just how much you will gain ... Views: 848
Love is a consuming passion for our own happiness. It is a choice we make to be excited, safe, secure. Love and joy are available when we decide we are important. To decide means to conclude. Not based on any proof or accomplishment and not waiting for some magical moment when someone gives ... Views: 5975
Having a Dream . . . a Passion . . . a Vision . . . is like having a reason for living — a reason for being. Our dreams provide a strong sense of purpose and the motivation to great each new day with enthusiasm. The dreams we truly desire for ourselves are how we ... Views: 833
Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning ... Views: 835
Passion, what is passion?
I recently attended a basketball game. Fantastic seats and a packed house! The lights were glaring, music was playing loudly, mascots were dancing around, and the home team was on a winning roll. Fans were cheering, jumping up and down, screaming, hooting and ... Views: 780
Self-confidence is your assessment of your own self-worth. It plays a large part in determining your happiness through life. So how do you create confidence? Well here's a surprise - you take action! If you don’t currently have much self-confidence, let’s explore the options on how to ... Views: 914