Do you ever have the sense that there has to be more to life than what you are presently experiencing? Those are the moments in time where you become consciously aware of your problems, and awaken to the possibility that change could occur. Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself seriously considering ... Views: 1055
Atkins Nutritionals filed for bankruptcy at the beginning of August 2005 in light of a decline in the diet’s popularity and profits. Atkins low carbohydrate craze focused on eliminating grains, fruits and vegetables to shed weight, and embraced high-protein diets rich in meat and cheese. As ... Views: 962
Would you like to be confident in the things you do? Most people would. The problem is that many people aren't sure how. They think it is some mystical trait that some people seem to have and others don't. Actually, being confident in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals is a skill ... Views: 3601
Let’s say you’re moving forward in your efforts to achieve your goals. Along the way you will certainly experience many victories. Yet there will also be challenges and failures. To keep yourself going, you are going to need lots of support from within. This support is going to come in the form ... Views: 815
"I know what I need to do, but I’m scared that I won’t succeed.” Who among us hasn’t been stuck in this scenario before? We know what to do, but we don’t put knowledge into action. The end result is the frustration of staying stuck in the current reality even though change is desired.
The ... Views: 783
Can we love our bodies? As the years go by, each decade brings new and unexpected changes. We move from adolescence to young adulthood. For some, the transition is into motherhood. Most of us eventually enter into maturity and beyond. Our bodies are affected by stress, environment, sadness, and ... Views: 744
Self-acceptance and body love can be tough concepts to grasp and even tougher to incorporate. The degree of difficulty doesn’t seem to matter if you’re thin or very large or somewhere in-between. It takes time and persistence to create a new belief about one’s self and one’s body. Don’t worry so ... Views: 829
Everyone is in the process of seeking greater happiness. We are each involved in the search for feeling good inside our bodies. What may come as a surprise is in the midst of a binge, anorexia, bulimia, or other addiction process, happiness is essentially at the core of what is being sought. The ... Views: 1064