Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
Addiction can be sneaky. It's all too easy to convince yourself that you're fine when you're actually heading down a dangerous path of drinking or drug abuse. If you are wondering whether you need help with quitting your drinking or drug use, that in itself is a sign that it's probably time for ... Views: 891
Once you made the decision to quite and see the help you might start to wonder what is going to give you the best chance of success. You may be at crossroads in deciding whether to treat yourself at home or a recovery treatment center away from home.
However, some addicts ... Views: 784
It is hugely vital that patients receive the right kind of drug and alcohol abuse treatment. It is not easy to decide whether to opt for inpatient drug treatment or outpatient treatment. Taking a step towards sobriety is important, otherwise you will be putting your life to a huge risk. Any ... Views: 954
Eating disorders are typically associated with various maladaptive patterns of behavior related to food, it’s consumption, and the ensuing effects on a person’s emotional and physical wellbeing. It may, or may not, include attempts to offset the “consequences” of ... Views: 1752
This Bali Beginnings deals with patients who suffer from particular addictions on the basis of programs integrating the medical, psychological and social dimensions. However, the work that it carries out starts already upstream since this unit conducts an important activity of consultation ... Views: 917
Rehabilitation, just like drug addiction, does not happen overnight. It takes a long period. If you are in a critical condition, you may have to go for in-patient treatment. This means you have to spend nights and days in the rehabilitation center, just like a regular sick person. So, what ... Views: 618
“Patients are able to get high-quality care that works around their schedule, has effective outcomes, for as long as they need it while using their in-network health insurance benefits.”
There are Typically Three Types of Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers.
Alcohol and Drug Rehabs typically ... Views: 703
For many, one of the most rewarding and fulfilling volunteer opportunities out there is cuddling babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Parents of premature infants try their best to spend as much time as possible in the hospital with their newborn, but it is impossible to spend day and ... Views: 1375
Mindfulness describes a concept that’s all about consciousness. It’s about being in tune with the things that are going on around you at this specific moment. Meditation is a big part of mindfulness, too. If you’re an addict who wants to leave that lifestyle behind, mindfulness may be able to ... Views: 765
Spending time in a drug rehabilitation center can go a long way towards helping you live clean and sober. Maintaining the same sobriety outside of a treatment center, however, can be challenging. Inside a treatment center, you are surrounded by others struggling with the same things you are as ... Views: 1024
Even though it is interesting to note that recent reports state female workplace bullying is on the increase, causing more people to say they would rather work for a man, we are going to stay focused on the female family serial bully.
I believe bullies know they are bullying. I believe you ... Views: 1559
Addiction of something is good if it yields positivity in the life of an addict but being an addict to drugs is something that not only eliminates positivity but the addict put her/himself in grave trouble and also makes the family suffer from social circles. Despite all the awareness the number ... Views: 1014
You may, like some, be put off by what you perceive as the religious nature of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Today, there is an AA group for you no matter where you fall on the completely-religious to totally-secular spectrum. AA is very clear that it's for everyone, not just people of faith. ... Views: 1052
The root of any addiction or compulsion is deprivation.
Deep-seated,buried, chronic deprivation.
The link is often not apparent at first, and the idea of losing the need to control to gain control might seem too contradictory to fathom- especially when we are in the midst of a painful ... Views: 1560
Two Questions Your Teen May Not Be Asking You (Even Though They Want To)
Teens of every generation have the same questions--but not always the same language and phrasing. The children of 1950s, 60s, and 70s America weren’t asking how to “advocate for themselves” with that specific ... Views: 1139
Drug abuse among teens has been declining over the past two decades across the United States and Australia, but despite record low numbers, parents, healthcare professionals, and tech experts have recently coalesced around a new concern: social media as a gateway to drug use. As teens ... Views: 1758
Addiction is a subtle disorder, that can swiftly hold quickly in some of the cases, mainly after long-term substance abuse and affects the addicted person’s body and mind. So, treatment to addiction is obligatory. As addicted individuals have certain similarities but each case is ... Views: 1645
Addiction is a complex condition that affects not only the person who has it but the people around him or her. A lot of those who struggle with substance abuse, may it be alcohol or drugs, try a dozen of different treatments that might help them get their lives on track again.
One kind of ... Views: 1194
Addiction affects millions of people in the United States and throughout the world each year. Fortunately, help is available for this problem and it is possible to live a happy and productive life after achieving sobriety. However, it is important to understand the common causes of addiction and ... Views: 993
In the event that you are thinking about experiencing look after medication or liquor habit, there are numerous alternatives that you have access to you. A Halfway House for people who have finished inpatient, or healing facility based mental treatment, however, who are not set up to make a full ... Views: 1281
Many people do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may erroneously imagine that the individuals who utilize drugs and alcohal need moral standards or self control and that they could stop their medication utilize just by deciding to. As a general rule, ... Views: 1337
You awaken to the deafening screeches of your iPhone's alarm. You groan as you turn over. Your head is pounding. For the less fortunate, a cold sweat and wave of nausea overtake you. That Jameson shot tasted like water last night, but it doesn't feel so good inside you now. Even worse, it's ... Views: 1107
If you are serious about quitting your weed smoking habit there are several ways you can do it. There's no 'one size fits all' approach, but there are particular methods which are more likely to work for different people and their situations. If you'd like to find out more about how to stop ... Views: 1824
Members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) generally assert that their use of alcohol is out of control and that even one drink is too many. AA espouses total abstinence from alcohol for life. But is it possible for a person who has abused alcohol to gradually cut back on their use of alcohol and ... Views: 1831
For many people, alcohol consumption is just a normal part of life. A cocktail after work, a beer with friends at a baseball game, a glass of wine with dinner…it’s just something you do. You aren’t alone, either. According to data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and ... Views: 1599
As the years begin to pass me by, it is hard not to reflect on my life. Lost friendships, lost loves… just so much lost. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy with how my life has turned out, yet I can’t help and look back at the destruction of my life.
From early childhood, watching my ... Views: 1885
Many people who want their loved ones get rid of substance abuse often think that professional services like detox and rehab are the start and the end of the recovery process.
They often fail to understand that these drug rehabilitation centers ( are just the start of a ... Views: 1259
There’s no doubt that Alcoholics Anonymous has become a huge part of the world of addiction recovery since its founding in 1935. The 12-step program is designed to lead members to a spiritual awakening to achieve sobriety.
Many programs – including those operated by Pyramid Healthcare – ... Views: 1756
Are you really to quit smoking? How to stop smoking is a major question most people have when they make their mind to quit smoking. Quitting cigarette is the most difficult task for the smokers. There are several methods available to help you to quit smoking. You will have to be very strong ... Views: 1087
Smoking Cigarette is a big time problem today. Lots of smokers are now realizing the harmful effects of smoking on their health. Many of those smokers are now quitting smoking. Quitting smoking is not an easy task but it is also not impossible. Smoking cessation is one of the major problems and ... Views: 1121
When it comes to connecting with someone who is older and younger, there can be some obstacles due to generational changes. Events that were progressive once can seem almost medieval to the newest generation, and older generations watch as things they cared about are almost irreverently ... Views: 1259
When you have a loved one you suspect is struggling with an addiction, it can be difficult to know when and how to voice your concerns. Most people struggling with addiction do their best to conceal it, so it is not always easy to know the full extent of their problem. Some subtle signs there ... Views: 1718
Finding an addiction interventionist for your loved one is a positive step in the right direction. While an intervention is not always successful, if you truly care about your addicted family member, you need to try it. We're here to help you in the search for an addiction ... Views: 1347
As per the recent research, half of the population has been registered from U.S. for the consumption of drugs and unofficially they are approx. five million on count. U.S is the largest consumer of heroin. The hurricane of drugs is destroying the caliber of American youth and contaminating the ... Views: 1227
In recent years, there has been a debate on the role of prescription pain pills in the current heroin epidemic. Do opioid prescriptions contribute and fuel the rampant heroin abuse in our communities?
These days, opioid addiction in Long Island NY and across the country is a serious problem. ... Views: 1238
Have you ever started out on a path going in one direction only to find yourself, hours later, mindlessly ending up somewhere else?
You planned to check your Facebook page but somehow you ended up on Twitter.
You intended to have a dialogue in one of your LinkedIn Groups, but two ... Views: 1241
Have you ever started out on a path going in one direction only to find yourself, hours later, mindlessly ending up somewhere else?
You planned to check your Facebook page but somehow you ended up on Twitter.
You intended to have a dialogue in one of your LinkedIn Groups, but two ... Views: 1316
No one starts doing drugs with the intent to become so addicted that they lose everything and ruin their life. Drug abuse starts for a variety of reasons, and prevention campaigns can help address those reasons and encourage people to make the decision not to start doing drugs in the first ... Views: 1734
Whether you’re recovering from drug or alcohol abuse or dealing with a mental health condition, you need the right support.
You may have completed inpatient or outpatient treatment for your condition, and you’re ready to get back to your life. But without the proper support, it can be ... Views: 1237
The problem with an addicted brain is that it has been recalibrated to require drug input in order to achieve a state of equilibrium. Our Long Island drug rehab experts have years of experience in the substance abuse field and have put together this list about the addicted brain. This new state ... Views: 1159
Alcoholism is a disease that can seriously hinder your ability to function. It can also have significant physical repercussions, including liver damage, weight gain, cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Every year, more than 88,000 people die from alcoholism.
Fortunately, the ... Views: 2294
Millions of Americans drink alcohol on a regular basis. Most do it in moderation, while others practice unhealthy habits like binging. Most people assume they aren’t dependent on alcohol for anything, but take it away and they get angry, agitated, or hurt.
Regardless of whether or not you ... Views: 1519
We understand that the thought of using can sometimes be in the back of your mind. Getting high is so ingrained in people that sometimes it's a natural reaction to do so. Maybe now you’re trying hard to stay clean and sober, but still get cravings to use. Maybe you see a trigger that allows the ... Views: 1155
Navigating the levels of care in addiction treatment can be confusing. Is it necessary to go to detox, or can you jump straight to residential treatment? Is sober living required after you complete treatment, should you still be going to IOP while residing in a sober home? All of these questions ... Views: 1118
What is driving the opioid addiction in Long Island? It’s a variety of factors that include socioeconomic hardship or just plain curiosity and boredom. Often underlying mental health conditions also play an important role in creating an atmosphere ripe for substance abuse. Opioid addiction is a ... Views: 1182
• It’s time to sleep, but it quickly degenerates into a frustrating toss & turn party.
• You wake up several times between bouts of shallow, unsatisfactory sleep.
• You feel defeated and cannot focus for prolonged
periods throughout the waking day.
These are all telltale signs that you ... Views: 1641
Dear Dr. Romance:
My son is having a substance abuse problem. It surfaced a few months ago, he promised to stop, and I just caught him using it again. He just turned 18. What can I do to help him?
Dear Reader:
I'm so sorry you're going through this with your son. If he wants help, ... Views: 1577
Dear Dr. Romance:
Don't know if you can help me or if i need to go to specialist alcohol sites. My partner and i had been together for 21 years, i asked him to leave 8 months ago, but i miss him dreadfully at times and i have to remind myself why i asked him to go. His mother was an ... Views: 1515
It is estimated that 20 percent of people in America are living with a mental illness. Even though mental illness is extremely common, that does not make it any easier to deal with. However, there are some things that you can do in order to cope with your mental illness.
Join a Support ... Views: 1089
Dear Dr. Romance:
I recently read "Could He/She be a Control Freak?" and I suddenly found information that seemed to pertain to a failed marriage that I was still pondering about. I am wondering, if a person had a chaotic childhood ... Views: 1560