In the world of psychology, bingeing definitely has a negative connotation. Binge eaters and binge drinkers are bingeing to escape emotional pain. They are usually trying to fill an emotional void by literally stuffing themselves with food or alcohol or drugs. Bingers use the compulsive ... Views: 1202
1. The loss of a family member:
If you’ve lost a family member recently, frequent company and gatherings may intensify the pain of that loss. It’s funny; sometimes being solitary can seem more comforting simply because the person’s absence is noticed and felt more in social ... Views: 1913
When you have a loved one you suspect is struggling with an addiction, it can be difficult to know when and how to voice your concerns. Most people struggling with addiction do their best to conceal it, so it is not always easy to know the full extent of their problem. Some subtle signs there ... Views: 1718