We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Acupuncture". If you have expertise in Acupuncture and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You can detoxify your body with acupuncture. Acupuncture is a major treatment component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has been practised since several ages ago. The principle behind acupuncture lies on the balance of Qi (pronounced as chi) or the vital life energy force that ... Views: 18097
Pleasure Points
Acupressure releases muscle tension and eliminates the toxins held in muscle tissue, enabling energy and blood to flow freely. As blood circulation increases, oxygen and other nutrients can nourish more areas of the body, naturally heightening your sensuality. Many of the same ... Views: 12956
Pain relief is a very frustrating goal of both individuals and physicians. More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. There are many health disciplines devoted to helping people with their pain problems. Every approach has its merits, but it is rare for any single approach to be a ... Views: 11153
There are five elements in the classical system of acupuncture. Each element has a primary color associated with it. The five elements are Metal (white), Water (blue/black), Wood (green), Fire (red), and Earth (yellow). The colors have an energetic property to them beyond just the wavelength of ... Views: 9916
3 Reasons why leisure time and leisure mind is important!
By Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac.
Acupuncturist, Herbalist
PhD, Holistic Nutrition
Are you busy… or do you create busyness?
This time of year we all run around like chickens loose from the ... Views: 9729
With the discovery that aspirin and other over-the-counter remedies can be easily abused -- often with dangerous side-effects -- health-conscious people are beginning to look toward natural alternatives for pain relief and aids to healing. One of ... Views: 8760
According to different reviews that you can read all over the internet, one natural product that you can use on your skin to get rid of acne is cucumber. You do not have to purchase astringent that may contain harmful chemicals, because you can just use cucumber and have a natural astringent. ... Views: 7837
Western View
TCM Pathology
Pattern Differentiations
Western View
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a luteal phase defect typified by anovulation, hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and obesity. It affects 5 - 10% of women.
PCOS is generally defined as several ... Views: 7633
excerpt from “Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women’s Health: Bridging the Gap Between Western and Eastern Medicine”
Endometriosis, the formation of tissue outside of the endometrium
(uterine wall), can create painful menstrual periods, premenstrual spotting,
pain during ... Views: 7310
5 Ways Blood Stagnation Can Impact Your Health
The Blood: Two Perspectives
Our blood is responsible for circulating oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body, as well as bringing warmth, and removing metabolic waste products. Western Medicine recognizes the importance of the ... Views: 7070
I wanted to share one of my patient’s stories with you to illustrate the potential of 5 Element Acupuncture in healing the mind and spirit after mental and physical trauma. I asked “Kathy” if I could use her story because it illustrates almost the complete array of both the illnesses of the ... Views: 6701
Without doubt, the most popular product in the CBD market today is hemp flowers. If one asked the difference between hemp and cannabis, even some seasoned consumers, chances are they don't really know.Hemp and cannabis have indeed been used interchangeably in cultivation, and the two are ... Views: 6122
I have 2 ½ year old twin boys, Daniel and Jack. While my smaller one, Jack, was 3 months old, he suffered from colic after breastfeeding almost once a day. When he was in pain, he would cry and his belly would be very tight to the touch. I began to massage his abdomen beside the belly button ... Views: 6057
Treating Macular Degeneration
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Andy Rosenfarb, L.Ac., MTOM
Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration (ARMD-Aged Related Macular Degeneration) is the slow deterioration of the cells in the macula, a tiny yellowish area near the center of the retina. ... Views: 5982
Different types of shoulder injuries will require different types of treatments. While it may be in your best interest to try natural healing options for certain conditions, surgery may be the best suited option in other cases. It is estimated that the average time it takes to recover from ... Views: 5876
1. Qi
Before any scientific investigation of Qi, the concept of Qi and its properties in Chinese philosophy must be known, in order to judge how closely any modern scientific interpretation fits.
Qi is a fundamental concept or terminology in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with ... Views: 5723
Here’s a point worth considering: if you want to prevent wrinkles, visit your friendly neighborhood acupuncturist. Promoters of facial acupuncture claim this procedure can literally take years off your face since it eliminates facial lines, eye bags, and other skin problems.
Known for ... Views: 5620
“A” in Greek is the word for “negative,” “men” is the word for “month” and “rhea” refers to “flow.” Amenorrhea means “no menstrual flow” (absence of menstruation). In Chinese medicine, it refers to “no moon.”
Rudyard Kipling said, “East is east and West is west and never the twain shall ... Views: 5574
By Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac.
Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist
PhD, Holistic Nutrition
Did you know that fatigue slowly expresses itself–creeping into every bone in your body? Did you know that it crawls deeper and deeper deteriorating all of your key organ systems? Fatigue has an ... Views: 5465
Energy Meridians
Channel, also known as meridian, in traditional Chinese medicine, is the common name of vessel and collaterals. It is the path of running qi and blood, communication inside and outside, and run through top and bottom. (Note: In Japan, "meridian" is known as "keiraku". In Korea, ... Views: 5458
If you're into sports that involve a lot of jumping, hopping and bounding, plyometric exercises are indispensable in training your body to move, hit, run and throw faster. And while it develops speed, plyometrics also enhances muscle coordination and increases power. Hockey, basketball, soccer ... Views: 5416
Traumatic brain injury or post-concussion syndromes often happens in a car accident or sports injury. The injury could affect brain function and left over feeling sleepy or unable to think through problems. Short term memory and concentration are common issues, or even could not do simple ... Views: 5260
Fitness clubs, fitness centers or gyms- they all mean the same thing: It's a place you go to stay fit. From exclusive fitness centers that offer complete spa-like amenities to simple neighborhood gyms with the most basic of exercise equipment, fitness clubs fill that special call for those who ... Views: 4966
Osteoarthritis is a rheumatic pathology; the articular cartilage degenerates for various reasons and a series of symptoms appear such as pain and limitation of joint width that decrease functionality.
The patient's mobility is affected and the quality of life can become much ... Views: 4936
A patient I will call Cindy grew up in Boston and came to my clinic for acupuncture treatments due to breathing difficulties and low blood oxygen levels. She had been an incredibly active and restless lady throughout her life, unable to sit still and constantly moving around energetically. As a ... Views: 4927
Vitamin K is an important antioxidant nutrient well known for its important assistance in the clotting of blood. It is also the target of the commonly over-prescribed Coumadin, adding to society-wide problems of vitamin K deficiency. Ironically, such deficiency causes hardening of the arteries ... Views: 4870
One of the major causes of infertility and IVF failure is a thin uterine lining, inadequate blood flow to the uterus, i.e. low uterine artery pulsatility index. Treatment to increase blood flow is essential to improving fertility and reducing chances of miscarriage. It should be noted that ... Views: 4771
Intercontinental flights are known to cause a phenomenon known as "JET LAG". Travelers and airline crews have complained of extreme fatigue, nausea, headaches, memory problems, attention lapses, clouded thinking, sleep and appetite disturbance, increased susceptibility to infections, depression, ... Views: 4744
Losing weight can be such a chore. The constant need to keep your metabolism running through exercise is a daily challenge that must be overcome by anyone serious enough to keep flab away. Then there's that daily need to watch what you eat. From breakfast, lunch, dinner to the snacks in between, ... Views: 4695
Low back pain can be quite debilitating, making it difficult for a person to stand or walk. There could be soreness and muscle spasms that prevent people from leading normal lives. Back pain could also be due to poor posture or inherent medical conditions like herniated disc or degeneration. ... Views: 4631
Cardio kickboxing is an aerobic workout regimen that features dancing, punching and kicking set to upbeat music. While it takes elements from martial arts and boxing, there is no body contact involved in this routine. Rather the kickboxing moves are done repetitively at a fast pace, causing ... Views: 4602
Many times a day I am asked, doc it hurts right here for no reason, (and the person points to the spot) why is that?
Each moment your body is in constant communication with you, the driver. It only has a couple of ways to get your attention and pain is the most common method it uses.
Pain ... Views: 4572
Thousands of years ago, physicians in China mapped the body’s electrical system. They charted fourteen energy paths, or meridians, and documented how stimulating specific points along those paths released energy blocks, restored the normal flow of Chi, or healing energy, and improved ... Views: 4357
The teenage years are turbulent times. They are not children anymore but they're not adults yet. Caught in a time when they are trying to make sense of the rapid bodily changes that they are experiencing, teenagers are often vulnerable to outside influences yet at the same time resistant to ... Views: 4317
A recent visitor to my EFT tapping web site wrote asking me a very important question about anxiety. I thought it was an extremely valuable 'Q and A' and felt that posting it here, would be helpful for anxiety sufferers who where using or considering using EFT tapping.
QUESTION: Does EFT make ... Views: 4120
Health authorities and experts have expressed concern about the emerging threat of antibiotic resistance among UTI patients. In fact, they are considering this to be one of the reasons why urinary tract infection, particularly among women, has becoming acute or persistent as a disease.
In ... Views: 4048
Let’s face it - there's so much bad talk about dentists and their practices, pain of procedures and so on that obtaining and loving a fantastic dentist is kind of a miracle. Mainly because a wonderful dentist that fits your needs is so difficult to discover, showing your appreciation for all ... Views: 4019
Brief Overview Of ColoThin & What It Does
ColoThin is a colon cleanser that helps you lose weight by detoxifying your body, getting rid of any harmful waste within.
How it works is that, it consist of natural ingredients that will help flush food debris, as well as toxins off your colon… ... Views: 3993
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
A time to plant, a time to reap;
A time to kill, a time to heal;
A time to laugh, a time to weep…
A time to build up, a time to break down;
A time to dance, a time to mourn…
A ... Views: 3980
Years ago, while working as an engineer in Boston, I received acupuncture treatments aimed at reducing the high level of stress in my life. I had been on a very taxing project at work and after hearing a co-worker rave about an acupuncturist, I became curious enough to begin weekly acupuncture ... Views: 3975
Since man and woman first walked on the earth, the existence of human beings has been dependent upon our ability to reproduce. This is, of course, true for all animals. Yet today, more and more people are surprised to find that reproducing is not as simple or straightforward as it may seem. ... Views: 3965
Do you live to eat? Or do you eat to live? If you live to eat, you are destined for "obese-ness." If you eat to live, you are bound for greatness. The order of the words may make only a minor semantic difference, but in meaning, the impact is huge!
Living to eat implies that food is the ... Views: 3942
Pain comes in many different shapes and sizes. Pain can rear its ugly head as mild discomfort that "comes and goes" or severe, excruciating agony that takes our breath away. Pain may be completely debilitating, interfering with exercise, work, sleep, and countless other activities or it may be ... Views: 3933
Q - I have heard that Acupuncture can be used to induce labor and to reduce the pain of labor, but I'm so afraid of needles, I'm not sure I can handle even more pain from the acupuncture needles -- should I try it?
A - To be quite honest, needles give me the creeps too! I don't like them ... Views: 3891
Exactly what is the best cellulite treatment? There are several cellulite treatments or cellulite creams which can help to cancel out the appearance of cellulite. Within this short article, we are going to give you one little secret of what makes some cellulite creams work.
What's ... Views: 3888
You already know the value of vegetables. In case you don't, here's a rundown: They are full of antioxidants that fight free radical damage that causes cancer and other related illnesses. They reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. They keep the immune system healthy and ... Views: 3885
Many new cars today are equipped with automotive navigation systems. These systems use satellite technology to locate the car and provide directions to a location of our choice. The directions are often provided by voice prompts, which describe the path to follow in order to reach our ... Views: 3854