Vegetarianism is both a diet regimen and a lifestyle. It is marked by eating only plant-based foods and shunning meat like pork and beef. While pure vegetarians or vegans only consume plant foods and consider all meat, including fish, and anything derived from meat sources, such as eggs and ... Views: 906
If your child is about to burst, you should be worried. Like overweight adults, overweight children expose themselves to a lot of health problems that threaten his life and well-being. Obesity greatly reduces their quality of life and it is incumbent in parents to ensure that they are ... Views: 639
What's yellow, sweet and totally nutritious? Mangoes. Grown naturally in the tropical islands of Southeast Asia, they've now found their way to virtually all countries in the world. Mangoes have been dubbed as the "King of Fruits" and with good reason, too.
If you're trying to gain weight, ... Views: 1000
What's the best way to meet your daily vegetable requirement? It seems an impossible question to answer, especially when you absolutely cannot stand the taste of vegetables. But there's no question that they're good for you. In fact, in order to fully protect yourself against diseases like heart ... Views: 1242
There's no question about it. It can be such a challenge to eat vegetables. Their taste leaves much to be desired and it takes an experienced cook to make vegetable dishes palatable. Fruits, on the other hand, are easier to eat. Their naturally sweet, luscious taste is appealing to most taste ... Views: 726
Do you live to eat? Or do you eat to live? If you live to eat, you are destined for "obese-ness." If you eat to live, you are bound for greatness. The order of the words may make only a minor semantic difference, but in meaning, the impact is huge!
Living to eat implies that food is the ... Views: 3942
One thing is certain, the Food Pyramid is an idiot proof guide to help with weight loss and nutrition.
It's amazing how the nutritional world has changed. Some weight loss programs, or diets, tell you to eat mostly carbohydrates. Some say eat only protein and no carbohydrates. Then there are ... Views: 905
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