If you’ve just started researching the healing power of magnetic fields, it can be quite confusing to sort out all the information. This article will break the topic down into an easy to understand introduction to magnetic fields, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, and the therapeutic ... Views: 1582
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for myriad health conditions, including chronic diseases, acute injury, and chronic pain. There’s a lot of good reasons to explore investing in a PEMF machine of your own. But how do you determine ... Views: 1673
In the US, according to recent statistics, more than 20% of people will experience depression at some point throughout their life, and 31% of adults will develop some kind of anxiety disorder, whether mild or severe. Both anxiety and depression can be debilitating, impacting ability to work as ... Views: 1732
Back pain is so common that you’ve probably experienced it for yourself – or you will at some point in your life, since over 85% of adults do. In fact, back pain is the second most common pain ailment – only headaches occur more often.
Back pain, like any pain, is a communication that ... Views: 7736
Obesity and diabetes have become a worldwide health problem in both males and females and across most age groups. People who are obese, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including:
All causes of death ... Views: 6151
Obesity and diabetes have become a worldwide health problem in both males and females and across most age groups. People who are obese, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including:
All causes of death ... Views: 5331
Americans are taking massive amounts of painkillers. The federal government is very concerned about the level of abuse and wants to take steps to reduce this dependence.
The prevalence of chronic pain in the United States has been estimated to be ... Views: 5674
A critical consideration for selecting and applying pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy is the strength of the magnetic field needed to affect the tissue being treated. For the most effective results, the individual seeking to do ... Views: 4265
I have a personal relationship with CTS. And, I’m not alone. It affects one out of ten people during their lifetime and is the most common form of nerve compression.
My first personal encounter with CTS was helping my father deal with it. He developed it severely in both wrists at age 82 ... Views: 3540
If you are considering getting a PEMF system for your health, the number of choices can be overwhelming. So, what are some of the most important considerations to make the right choice?
Since getting a PEMF system is an investment in your present and future health, it’s important to consider ... Views: 3410
The last 20-30 years have witnessed a marked increase in total joint replacement procedures with excellent results. Total or partial hip and knee replacements are the most common, with more than 1 million Americans having one of these procedures each year. The main complication is aseptic ... Views: 9207
A treatment discussion about osteoporosis or osteopenia is not complete without considering electromagnetic stimulation of the bones. While nutrition, exercise, hormone balancing, and supplements are critical to adequate bone formation (particularly post-menopause), they are often not enough. ... Views: 8731
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – or concussion – is a complex clinical phenomenon. The classic designations of mild, moderate, or severe TBI are based on the acute clinical presentation and do not necessarily predict the long-term outcome. Moreover, the long-held assumption that the ... Views: 10096
Enuresis or bedwetting is a common childhood condition, although the problem may also persist into adulthood in some cases. There is similarity between urinary symptoms in childhood, such as nocturnal enuresis (NE) and overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, and OAB in adulthood.
Normally, ... Views: 11637
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, complex, and often disabling disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with a variable clinical course. There are two basic forms of MS – relapsing/remitting and progressive. There is significant overlap between these two forms. Patients with MS have ... Views: 15394
I have been a family physician for more than 40 years, and have helped hundreds of women with life-limiting and embarrassing incontinence issues. Most of the time, treatment was frustrating and only partially successful. I have always looked for alternative approaches that were not invasive, ... Views: 11384
One of the almost universal phenomena that I see in people using PEMFs, regardless of PEMF system, is that people almost universally describe improvement in sleep. Because of this feedback, I felt it was important to dedicate an update to the subject.
Sleep disturbances are very common: from ... Views: 11524
Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases that are often caused by increased pressure inside the eye. Unless the pressure is controlled, it can cause damage to the optic nerve and a loss of vision. In the early stages, it’s difficult to determine whether you have glaucoma; it’s virtually ... Views: 11909
First of all let me say that after 44 years of medical practice, one of the most troubling conditions I have ever had to deal with is diabetes.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus (DM), more commonly known simply as diabetes, is a chronic, lifelong disease that causes high levels of sugar in ... Views: 11871
Problems with Current Therapies
Depression is very common, with a lifetime rate of over 20% in the USA. It is estimated to be the leading cause of disability in developed countries worldwide by the World Health Organization. In depressed patients who do see improvement with treatment, relapse ... Views: 10734
Since many anticancer therapies are very general in their action of killing cancer cells and have dramatic side effects, different, effective, yet less toxic, approaches to treating cancers are necessary.
I previously reported on a study that looked at the use of pulsed electric fields on ... Views: 11698
Prostate hyperplasia, also known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), is a fairly common problem for men. It can lead to urinary obstruction, often considered a medical emergency, if severe enough. Biopsy proven BPH increases from 8 percent in men aged 31-40, to 40-50 percent in men aged 51 to ... Views: 10545
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 40 million people in the USA. In this post, we discuss what causes OA, what traditional therapies are missing, and explore hugely promising new research that shows the far-reaching benefits of PEMFs for OA.
OA Development
Joints are complex structures ... Views: 11182
Healthy young and middle-aged adults generally secrete about 5 to 25 micrograms of melatonin each night. This amount tends to decline with age, and this decline is possibly linked with an age-related rise in sleep difficulties.
What is Melatonin, Really?
Melatonin is sometimes described as ... Views: 11832
Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) reduces fever and relieves pain. It doesn’t reduce swelling like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) do, but it is gentler on the stomach and is less likely to cause other side-effects that NSAIDs can cause. When taken correctly and carefully, they can be ... Views: 11080
Pain management is one of the most common applications for PEMFs. Current conventional medical approaches to pain management often leave much to be desired and involve heavy medications, procedures, surgeries, and physical therapy. Rarely will conventional doctors refer patients to alternative ... Views: 11464
All ancient human societies recognized a vital energy, referred to as a ‘healing presence’ or ‘healing thought’ to be part of all biology. Some scientists recognise this energy, and have attempted to demonstrate its existence with the help of different devices. Modern measuring techniques now ... Views: 11175
The use of magnets and magnetic fields as they relate to healing has long been studied. Magnetic bracelets and necklaces, mattresses and shoe inserts are both widely available and widely used. Cleopatra herself was reported to have slept on a lodestone, or magnetized rock. Understanding the ... Views: 11610
When willpower doesn’t work, smokers who want to quit may have a new tool someday: magnetic brain stimulation.
A study of 115 smokers found that 13 sessions of the treatment over three weeks helped some heavy smokers quit for as long as six months.
This noninvasive technique, called ... Views: 10564
PEMFs and Circulation
Virtually all PEMFs, and even static magnets, improve circulation through at least 7 mechanisms.
-through dilation of blood vessels
-reduction of edema, which constrains circulation
-reduction of platelet adhesiveness
-reduction of fibrinogen and improvement of ... Views: 10556
I have never been a proponent of saying that PEMFs alone should be used to treat cancer. The most humbling thing I can say about the treatment of cancer is that there are no perfect solutions. I would also say there is no such thing as a cure.
No such thing as a cure
Cancer is a chronic ... Views: 11269
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure. AD worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death. Most often, AD is diagnosed in people over 65 years of age, although the less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimer’s can occur much earlier. In 2006, there were ... Views: 11833
I am frequently asked what I can do to help people with atrial fibrillation (AF or A-fib). Many of these patients are on lifetime anti-coagulants, or other cardiac medications or are being recommended surgery or an invasive cardiac procedure, typically ablation. More recent research sheds ... Views: 11197
At the cellular level, aging is a process of declining capacity for repair of cell injury. With aging there is cumulative, un-repaired or poorly-repaired natural or unnatural cell injury. This is “death by a 1000 cuts.”
Cell injury results when
• cells can no longer adapt to stress,
• ... Views: 11577
How do we distinguish between good and bad Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)?
Researchers once thought EMFs, especially very low frequency and extremely low frequency EMFs, were safe because they were of such low strength as compared to other forms of radiation, such as those from a nuclear ... Views: 11832
All energy is electromagnetic in nature, and nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells. We are all familiar with the electrocardiogram (EKG) and electroencephalograph (EEG) tests, which measure the electromagnetic activity of the heart and brain, respectively. ... Views: 9669
Increased Circulation
One of the most basic functions magnetic fields have in the body is to increase circulation. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) is injured or ill, it does not hold its ideal charge. This causes red cells to “stick” together, making circulation slow. When a magnetic ... Views: 10951
All energy is electromagnetic in nature, and nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells. We are all familiar with the electrocardiogram (EKG) and electroencephalograph (EEG) tests, which measure the electromagnetic activity of the heart and brain, respectively. ... Views: 10844
Lyme disease is caused by the transmission of bacteria and viruses by the deer tick. Tick borne diseases are found throughout the world. The bacteria infection caused by the tick bite in the case of Lyme disease is a corkscrew type organism, called a spirochete. These are very hardy and ... Views: 11723
I was struck by a recent article in Integrative Medicine regarding the incredible environmental risks we are creating with the huge volume of pharmaceuticals being used to manage pain. Consider that, according to the Institute of Medicine, there are probably close to 110 million Americans with ... Views: 10958
Many people are preoccupied with the idea of alkalinizing the body; there are many books on the subject. Unfortunately, a good part of the time this concept is way oversimplified.
Maintaining Neutrality
The pH of our blood is maintained in a very tight range – neutral, which is slightly ... Views: 11664
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have been used to treat almost every conceivable human illness or malady, including many inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or psoriasis.
PEMF therapy has been associated with pain reduction, and accelerated healing. PEMFs exert these effects by ... Views: 11083
Pain relief is a very frustrating goal of both individuals and physicians. More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. There are many health disciplines devoted to helping people with their pain problems. Every approach has its merits, but it is rare for any single approach to be a ... Views: 11151