Don't skip breakfast. We have been told this countless times when we were growing up. It turns out that mothers know best where this area is concerned. Now, nutritionists actually tell us to follow mom's advice. Eating breakfast jump starts our day by revving up our metabolism and giving us the ... Views: 1214
The health benefits of vegetables are unparalleled. Not only do they contain vitamins and minerals, they also have dietary fiber that works wonders for the heart and the gastrointestinal system. In an increasingly health-conscious world, those who have made the switch to consuming more ... Views: 998
Some years ago, coconut oil used to receive flak. It was the culprit behind high blood pressure, heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems. Because commercial coconut oils are refined, bleached or deodorized, it has already lost most of its nutritive properties, making it an "unhealthy ... Views: 954
They say that success in dieting hinges largely on knowing how to substitute high-calorie foods for healthier options. When faced with severe stress, most of us turn to comfort foods like ice cream, chocolates, cookies and pastries to make us feel good. When faced with a looming deadline that ... Views: 875
The berry family is one of the healthiest natural food options on the planet. They are rich in antioxidants that help prevent the development of disease and fight off free radicals that cause cancers and other degenerative diseases. Plus, they are so delectably delicious and abundantly ... Views: 1045
NaCl. If you remember your high school chemistry, you'd know what these letters stand for. It is the symbol of the compound sodium chloride, more commonly known as the lowly table salt. It's an important compound that our bodies need to function properly. However, the American diet today is too ... Views: 843
When you get sick and the drugs and medicines don't work to heal your condition anymore, doctors will often recommend surgery as a last resort. In more aggressive cases involving the growth of a tumor, it is sometimes considered as the first option before other interventions are done. It is also ... Views: 876
We all live in a world of chemicals and genetic engineering. We have learned to accept the fact that in order to prevent pests from ravaging our fields, pesticides have to be sprayed on a regular basis. To ensure that we get the best, juiciest and largest produce, fertilizers have to be used as ... Views: 785
A life that is long and free of disease and suffering is what we all want. But with the stresses inherent in modern living and the obscene levels of processed food consumption these days, it seems that this is more of ideal rather than the norm. In the Mediterranean, however, people have long ... Views: 932
You already know the value of vegetables. In case you don't, here's a rundown: They are full of antioxidants that fight free radical damage that causes cancer and other related illnesses. They reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. They keep the immune system healthy and ... Views: 3885
Did you remember how you felt when you gave in to your craving for that juicy cheeseburger, fries and soda from your favorite fastfood chain? That initial bite was just glorious, wasn't it? That melt-in-the-mouth goodness was simply heavenly. But have you ever stopped to record how your mood was ... Views: 890
When you are on the road to weight loss, you are presented with many options. Depending on the type of fitness regimen you are on, many ways, methods and strategies are given to you just to prevent yourself from snacking unnecessarily or ingesting what is more than necessary. The more sensible ... Views: 856
Authorities have advocated healthy eating guidelines for overall wellness. The food pyramid and the basic food groups (go, grow and glow foods) are the traditional guides that most of us adhere to in order to meet our daily nutritional requirements. But the modern family knows how challenging it ... Views: 890
You know fruits and vegetables are good for you. You know beans, legumes and nuts are packed with protein. You know you don’t have to worry about foot-and-mouth disease, bird flu or mad-cow disease every time you bite into that ripe and succulent mango or munch into that crunchy asparagus. Since ... Views: 870
Eat your greens. This wasn't because mom wanted to punish us for being naughty. Her constant reminder at the dinner table didn't have anything to do with us being naughty or nice -- she merely wanted to keep us healthy and disease free!
What's the big deal with the green leafy vegetables, ... Views: 771
It's no secret that vegetables are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are good for the health. They are also full of fiber and low in saturated fat so they make you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Going meatless even for just two days a week positively impacts health as ... Views: 629
For many of us, French fries, hotdogs and coffee have become staples in our daily diet. It's impossible to imagine breakfast without coffee, hotdogs and bacon or fries to go with our other greasy processed orders of burgers and soda, as we take the easy option of driving through the nearest fast ... Views: 716
It's easy to eat for the sake of eating. What we put in our mouths has simply become a matter of habit, for most of us. It's a routine that we do in order to survive. But do you really take the time to think about what you eat? Why is good nutrition essential?
These questions might seem ... Views: 782
Dieting is almost always associated with food restriction and craving. It entails a lot of self-control, calorie-counting and hunger, so many on a diet cheat at the very least or simply give up on it altogether.
However, there are diets that have been proven to carry out their promise of ... Views: 770
Healthy eating refers to eating suitable foods in an appropriate quantity. It's what fuels our bodies, and helps us live longer lives, and fight off curable diseases.
Healthy Eating and Nutrition
Healthy eating is vital to living a harmonious and balanced life. It prevents damage to your ... Views: 870