Qigong has proven an effective treatment for inhibiting or destroying leukemia cells in mice and certain other types of human cancer cells. The studies here fall into two broad classes: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Typically, the in-vitro studies involved randomly dividing the ... Views: 3982
Tantric Qigong, Taiji, Multiple Sclerosis and the Immune System
Multiple Sclerosis is a condition where one’s immune system dysfunctionally attacks the fatty sheath that insulates nerves. Just like an electrical wire that has been stripped of its insulation, one’s nerves start to short out. ... Views: 3548
Tantric Qigong, Mindfulness, and Flow
Mindfulness, which is often thought of as a Buddhist concept, is really about being Present. Presencing is one form of self-inquiry (which can be done as a meditation or as coaching) as is Tantric Qigong. These art forms are about getting out of your ... Views: 2650
Qigong, Immunity, and Influenza
With debate raging over the efficacy and side effects of the H1N1 flu vaccine, which contains mercury (as thimerosal) and may contain other adjuvants, perhaps it is appropriate to consider carefully some natural alternatives to increase one's immune response. ... Views: 2290
The sense of yearning is a coded message that the soul is sending to our ego. Yearning takes on different characteristics depending on one’s state of evolution, one’s level of consciousness. To the individual awakening to higher consciousness, first the physical necessities must be met. Then ... Views: 1694
Nutrition to Increase Your Immune Response
Fresh garlic contains allicin, a sulfur-bearing substance that acts as a natural antibiotic in addition to being a potent antioxidant. You can use garlic in cooked vegetables, sauces, soups, and stews. The trick is not to cook the garlic, ... Views: 2477
The 3rd Chakra, Romance, Eros, and Agape
If material acquisition, pleasure, and power cannot fully sate our most secret yearning what can? Romantic love comes closer to assuaging this questing of the soul. It is of a higher vibrational level than the mere competition for survival, status, and ... Views: 3307
The Spiritual Function of Yearning
The first three chakras compose a unit; a triad of our animal drives. At this stage in our evolution, it is easy to observe that, as a species, humans are still controlled by these animal motivations. There are certainly many enlightened buddhas, saints, and ... Views: 1669
The 3rd Chakra: The Tower of Ego & The Fall
The Tower of Ego
The over compensation for survival challenges and the perception of lack in the material or emotional realms leads to the quest for dominance. This makes sense on the animal level as the best hunters or providers will ensure their ... Views: 2188
The Mystery of the Solar Plexus
For many years I have seen various charts and books written on the subject of the chakras. There seems to be some general confusion as to the location and spiritual function of the solar plexus. I have seen some charts put its location as low in the body as the ... Views: 2765
Storing Life Force
What makes the third chakra and its emotions and agendas so powerful is, well, power. Power in the sense of the pure life force stored in this area. The third chakra is like a battery; life force is stored as potential. This energy is rarely stored as true potential, in the ... Views: 1478
Characteristics of the 3rd Chakra
Characteristics of the animal third chakra
As an extension of the reptilian / mammalian fight or flight reaction, the third chakra manifests the energies of control, manipulation, stubbornness, anger, hatred and violence. These can be directed outwardly or ... Views: 2412
The 3rd Chakra and the Spiritual Purpose of Power
Americans love power. It is our god. Well, ok, money and power. The American Dream is based on a certain level of self-sufficiency and freedom. Empowerment and the liberation of the spirit have been characteristics of many of the original and ... Views: 1483
The Art of Being Present
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. –Buddha
What moment do we have other than this?
The past is an illusion long gone. The future is not yet ... Views: 1748
Presencing™: Growth, Meditation, Manifestation
Presencing™ is a method of self-inquiry that scans the body, mind, and emotions for what is Present at that time. What is present is often the tip of the iceberg, a barely recognizable “feeler” put out by your higher self to try and get your ... Views: 2254
The Art of Being Present
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. –Buddha
What moment do we have other than this?
The past is an illusion long gone. The future is not yet ... Views: 1462
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
A time to plant, a time to reap;
A time to kill, a time to heal;
A time to laugh, a time to weep…
A time to build up, a time to break down;
A time to dance, a time to mourn…
A ... Views: 3963
How does Tantric Qigong™ work?
It can be said that Qigong works by uniting heavenly and earthly energies. While Western science does not yet have a full explanation of how Qigong does this, it most likely that it works by amplifying your personal Chi (Qi, life force, vitality, Ki) by drawing ... Views: 5005
Fibromyalgia is a rheumatologic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain that leaves those afflicted with fatigue, painful ‘tender points,’ morning stiffness, and difficulties with sleep and the performance of routine activities of daily life. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition ... Views: 2371
6 Tips for Surviving an Economic Crisis with your Self Intact
One Path Will Fragment Your Consciousness, The Other Will Set You Free.
The unemployment rate has reached its highest levels in recent memory. Major US and international companies are restructuring, laying off employees, or just ... Views: 2297
Mantra can be a very powerful tool to align the chakra system through the power of vibration. It puts the power of the body behind the intention of the mind. Om is the universal mantra, often described as the universal sound current. It is a "one size fits all" kind of mantra. Anyone can chant ... Views: 3119
What is it with Americans and sex? We appear to crave it, are fascinated by it and simultaneously fear it with every fiber of our being. We use it in advertising to sell everything from automobiles to zucchini, yet often prohibit our children from learning about it, our teachers from teaching ... Views: 1324
Yoga and Taoist practices share many similar techniques and paradigms while also having both subtle and dramatic differences. Each is a master system for human evolution abundant with complex subtleties that have developed over millennia. To try to concisely compare these practices is difficult ... Views: 4948
Qigong (Qi Gong, Chi gong, or Chi Kung, ) is a system of Taoist exercise and meditation developed at least 4000 years ago in China. The word "qigong" perhaps can be best translated as "energy mastery." It is a method of balancing mind, body, emotions, and spirit through a series of external and ... Views: 1681
Qigong (Qi Gong, Chi gong, or Chi Kung, ) is a system of Taoist exercise and meditation developed at least 4000 years ago in China. The word "qigong" perhaps can be best translated as "energy mastery." It is a method of balancing mind, body, emotions, and spirit through a series of external and ... Views: 1224
What is the diffrence between Red and White Tantra?
The short answer is that Red Tantra is focused on sensuality and sexuality, while White Tantra is more oriented towards a spiritual approach. There is also Black Tantra which is obsessed with power and its permutations, e.g., siddhis, ... Views: 27355
Let’s face it, the United States is a drug culture. 14 million Americans use substances such as marijuana, PCP, and cocaine. 104 million Americans drink alcohol, and 65.5 million use tobacco.* Almost everyone will be afforded the opportunity to use pharmaceutical drugs, many of which also have ... Views: 3430