Giving feedback to a subordinate on how to improve their performance can often leave you feeling uncomfortable-like you are walking on eggshells. That is because most of the time we talk at rather than with the person.
In traditional communication, we usually start with one of two approaches. ... Views: 840
As John Maxwell put it so well, leadership is all about progress moving forward and moving forward means you are constantly changing. So for those in leadership roles, change is inevitable and necessary for growth.
Leaders go in to leadership roles because they are go at continually pushing ... Views: 875
As a leader you are constantly training your team whether you realize it or not. The problem I think we often run in to is that people think they have “arrived” and that they no longer are learning.
The truth is that your brain is continually forming new paths and new ways of thinking IF you ... Views: 877
Whether you are a leader or a sales professional, you will only get people to gravitate to you when they feel trust with you. This trust has to be transparent. That means they have to see what you are saying and doing as congruent at all times.
The concept here is an easy one to mentally ... Views: 853
What influences successful entrepreneurs to make the decisions that they make? Is there a secret formula? Bill Gates has put his money and his brain to good causes. When asked what influenced him to make the decisions he does, Bill replied that it was his Dad.
Now least you think that Bill ... Views: 855
EQ? IQ? Ego?
I am amazed at how often I will hear companies say about a poor performing leader, “yea, I know they aren’t great with their team but we can’t afford to lose their knowledge.” So what you are saying is that a person’s IQ is more important than their EQ? Or rather that you will ... Views: 824
Leadership is not a position but a way of thinking. When you recognize and embrace that concept it will change how you view yourself as well as others, especially those on your team or managers.
I bring this up because I see too many leaders act as though they have “arrived.” Suddenly every ... Views: 1006
How many times have you been in a meeting and you are scratching your head wondering what the person is talking about and why you should care? If you are like most of our clients, they tell us that 70% of all meetings they attend are a waste of their time. Imagine what you could do with that ... Views: 870
Often times presenters and speakers wonder what they should do with their hands during a presentation? Do they let them hang at their sides? Clasp them together in front? Put them in their pockets? What are the options for what to do with your hands while presenting?
Wouldn’t it be nice if ... Views: 1068
Universally I will tell you most people build a presentation or discussion around their point of view with the thought being you will “get it”. The problem is the other person is listening from a completely different perspective so they can’t even “hear” what you are saying. And thus the ... Views: 1163
There he is in the back row, with his arms crossed and a tough look on his face. Pretty soon he is picking a fight with you in the front of the room. Oh, we’ve all been faced with the curse of the negative person who desires nothing more than to prove you wrong. My simple advice is, don’t even ... Views: 933
Your boss calls you up and asks if you can get in to see a client tomorrow. You know you need to have a focused tailored presentation but you have no time to do it? What do you do?
Most people at this point take a hatchet and start putting different presentations together. You end up with ... Views: 829
I find it interesting that most executives tell me they wish people speaking to them would get to the point right up front and people speaking to executives tell me they don’t feel their executives listen.
Hmm… What’s happening here?
For most of you when you go in and talk to your ... Views: 1011
Do you ever feel as though you have to put on your armor when you're negotiating with a prospect or client? Have you ever wished you could find a way to negotiate that was strong and firm -- yet creative and consultative at the same time? Would you like to be able to state what you want … and ... Views: 1891
There is nothing worse than knowing you will probably put your audience to sleep with all the facts and figures you have to give. Yet is there anything else you can do when your material is complicated?
Yes, there is. Here are a few quick tips to help you jazz up and shorten what you have to ... Views: 1280
• What can turn your audience off?”
I want you all to sit back, close your eyes and imagine…”
Have you ever had a speaker ask you to do that? I love looking around to see how many people are “peeking” or just looking at their laps.
When you ask the audience to shut their eyes you are ... Views: 1023
Many people don't realize how important transitions are when speaking. They are what makes good conversation flow and what make many speakers seem eloquent.
Plan your transitions and vary them so you don't put an audience to sleep or in to a pattern by always using the same transitions. ... Views: 999
You know for years we have held the majestic eagle as our sign of a good leader. It soars so high above everyone else, has a beautiful wingspan, eyes that can see it's prey from miles away and uncanny accuracy in getting it's food. Definitely a leader. Definitely something we should admire and ... Views: 1312
What does the movie Coach Carter, the book The Tipping Point, and great leadership have in common?
Every Executive I work with wants to be a good, positive, and strong leader. When I ask them what they would like to change in order to make their life easier they often say things like, “it ... Views: 1161
Their company was on the rise. They had gone from $50 million in sales to $250 million in just 10 years. They had a softball team, a family picnic every year, and a Christmas party that was so loved by everyone that groups of people would get blocks of rooms and stay the night to party together. ... Views: 1051
As an executive it is crucial that your body language always matches your words so people correctly interpret what you said. If people have to chose between your body language and your words they will intuitively listen to their gut reaction to your body language, not your words.
So here are ... Views: 951
“I am organizing an Easter Egg Hunt for the neighborhood today and I wanted to know if your children will be coming?” said the confident voice on the other end of the phone. With a smile on my face I told Megan that absolutely Rory and Ce’Anna would participate. I was told to bring nothing but ... Views: 1002
45% of your company’s reputation is based on the public’s view of your CEO. Staggering isn’t it? To think that ONE person can wield that kind of influence over your company’s stock, your employee turnover and your public image. Yet it is true. Burson-Marsteller’s Maximizing CEO Reputation ... Views: 1018
He walked into the room to deliver the news that the company was going to be looking at the possibility of outsourcing parts of their IT services. It was actually a part of their database management that IT hated and openly talked about hating. So he knew they would be glad to hear that the ... Views: 874
Leonardo da Vinci said “some times genius does best when it works the least.”
Now I don’t think he meant we should all hit the mall or park and just hope work happens. Nor did he mean we should slop through our work.
Instead I believe he meant that often the best ideas and inspirations ... Views: 1050
I just completed a weekend of training that cost me $13,000. Sounds like a lot right? I mean really, can’t I find the same information at a lower cost?
Well, believe me, those thoughts ran through my head as well. I also thought about how long I have been in business—15 years. So what can ... Views: 1096
One of the most frustrating experiences we can all face is how to make effective decisions especially when you feel there is a lot of risk at stake. You wonder how much risk you should take on without putting yourself out on a limb or how much risk you share without looking like you are trying ... Views: 902
Where are you when your best ideas come to you?
If you are like 90% of all people you get your best ideas when driving, in the shower, in the morning, when falling to sleep or when working out. Notice what is absent… the office. Your best ideas don’t come to you at work!
They come to you ... Views: 891
Generating leads and new business is never an easy thing to do. But in today's tough economy, it can be harder than ever. Fearful about the future, prospects are clutching to their time just as much as they are their budgets. Nobody wants to make a bad decision, and so the cold calls aren't ... Views: 867
IQ is your intelligence-your ability to capture information and store it in your brain and then extract it when needed. But all of us have run in to people that are highly intelligent but that lack common sense. So if you are looking for a great leader what are the essential ingredients that ... Views: 1785
I love Summer, I enjoy Spring, Fall is okay but Winter, man I am not a fan. For me Winter is too cold and too long. In my mind, I think let’s just get rid of Winter.
But what would happen if it was Summer all the time? Would I really want my neighbors in my yard year around? Or do I love ... Views: 859
There is an eerie phenomenon going on in our society. It is starting at a tender age and creeping into the business world as well. If left alone, it will eventually lead us to mediocrity.
It is the idea that people can learn accountability without ever having correction. That would be like ... Views: 906
"What should I do if the leaders in the company whom I need to make the decision come in late to the meeting?"
My question back to this was, "does this happen often or only with one person?" The entire group yelled out, "Our whole company is run like that. Everyone comes late to meetings." ... Views: 824
Is your performance worthy of an encore?
An encore is something we only ask for if the performance we have seen or experienced overwhelms us, moves us, and we want more of it. In Mark Sanborn’s new book, the Encore Effect he asks, is your job performance worthy of an encore?
In other ... Views: 1002
She looked at me and said, “I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right. What do you want me to do?” The right words but her hands were on her hips, her legs were spread apart and she was looking down her nose at me. Everything screamed, “Lady, you really are the problem. Just tell me what it ... Views: 1671
The mistake most companies make is believing that their customer always knows what they need. In an economy where people have access to information on the Internet, the client often feels informed enough to make their own diagnosis and then search for the solution they believe is best. In this ... Views: 1044
Sharks hunt for prey by finding movement in the water or blood. In today's economy you can often find people mistakenly adopt a "shark" sales mentality. They feel they need to circle out there and surround customers by getting to them first. First smell of blood in the water and they go for ... Views: 977
Birdseed. Imagine if in 1981 someone asked you how much money you could make selling birdseed. Seems to be a limited market doesn’t' it? I mean imagine the retail space you need to rent and the amount per square foot you would need to generate in order to make it profitable.
The only way it ... Views: 994 set up the right net in the right way.
Imagine that you are looking at putting in a new deck. You call a company and the sales person comes out and talks to you all about the decks they build, the quality they offer and the way they can get the deck done. You decide to have them build ... Views: 996
60 seconds is not a long time. Yet that is all it takes for a customer to gain a quick perception of your store and of you. This perception then becomes a reality to the customer. All in 60 seconds. It doesn’t seem like much of a chance.
Yet, if we know it only takes that amount of time, why ... Views: 1071
It is Friday afternoon and you call John Thompson in to your office. You have had numerous talks with him but today is the one you dread. Today you need to tell him he is fired. This is quite possibly the worst part of your job; the part that stresses you out the most. And you just think, ... Views: 955
The executive meeting was to start at 8 AM. Two of the ten executives were missing. The purpose of the meeting was to improve how the executive group connected as a team so they could execute ideas, challenge each other appropriately, and drive the company to higher sales.
The CEO turned to me ... Views: 781
Your employee Jill, is often late to work and leaves early. Her work is behind and other employees in the department seem to always be picking up the slack for her. Jill is polite and friendly and, while she's at work, seems to be concentrating. She rarely socializes with anyone at work, ... Views: 1192
Just the other day a sales person told me she would do whatever it took to make me happy and that really ticked me off! Why would that be? Shouldn’t I be thrilled that she was offering to do whatever it took to make me happy? No, because the words didn’t match her body language. As she was ... Views: 1654
Are great leaders born or made?
That is a question that has been plaguing people from the beginning of time. It is the issue discussed in books such as “From Good to Great” and “Winning.”
The answer is a little of both. Some people seem to naturally develop at a younger age some key ... Views: 2173
I live in the frozen tundra. For all of you in the warm climates, let me share what I mean by cold. Today it was in the low teens with a biting wind that caused you to curl up in your jacket with the collar pulled so high up you looked like the headless horseman. With the biting wind people ... Views: 1036
Let’s take a moment and I will show you what the moment is, what the story would be, and how you could transition it to make your point in several different instances.
THE MOMENT: Today is my son Rory’s 8th birthday and he woke up all excited.
THE STORY: I was on the Gazelle exercising when ... Views: 944
If you have ever doubted the impact a single presentation can have, just watch the primaries.
Going in to the primaries the talk was all about how far ahead Howard Dean was in the pack. In most people’s mind he was the forerunner and most likely new candidate.
And then, one presentation ... Views: 985
Getting clients and building your base through referrals is essential in the insurance field. Yet, it is harder than ever to be able to do just that. Clients guard their time and seem more reluctant than ever to release their friend’s names even if you have done a fabulous job for them. As ... Views: 990