What comes into your head when you hear the word "beauty"? Hold your thoughts, feelings and images and let me try something. From here on in, do me a favour and FORGET EVERYTHING that you currently know or have been taught about beauty. FORGET that you should be a certain size. Forget that you ... Views: 1184
As I leave my teens behind and await turning 20 in a few months, I thought I'd pay a tribute to the world and give a little insight into what I've learned so far. Here are some of my personal life hacks or lessons learned that I'd like to share in the hope that they can benefit others ... Views: 919
Make-up. We all have an idea of what it is and what it is used for. Whether it's your opinion that it's a cheat's way out of an "ugly face", a con or simply just a magical way to feel better about yourself - it IS a huge part of our society. Period.
I began to write this article with one ... Views: 2108
What if we have more control over peace and conflict than we realise? I believe that we, as a species, have a very good knack for "talking the talk" but not so much "walking the walk". We can affect the world's dynamic and rhythm so easily through our words and actions. You'd think we'd be more ... Views: 1443