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Are We Actually Conscious?
Just how much of what we perceive as ourselves and our life is actually the result of our conscious, intelligent and knowledgeable decisions, and how much is the result of our automatic and unconscious response to the influences of economic, political and social ... Views: 1617
Every time I hit the pavement I delight in how great running is for stress relief, meditation, feeling freedom and nature (which in Chicago could be joyous or extremely irritating, even within minutes of one another…) but ultimately, for the process of generating unexpected ideas, and on ... Views: 1461
Failure holds you back. If you are not where you want to be in life, then it holds you back. Everything pulls you back to where you are when you're trying to get ahead, when you're trying to improve yourself. Your situation, your friends, your family, your debt, everything... maybe not on ... Views: 1904
I often ask successful people what was the best piece of advice they ever got from a parent. What words of wisdom carried them forward as they achieved their personal and professional goals? Responses such as "Don't take anything for granted", "You have to work hard and struggle for success" ... Views: 2435
Over the last year or so, I have spoken to a number of people who have found themselves at a crossroads in their careers through no fault of their own. Economic circumstances, being in the work place at the wrong time, employers using the excuse of the economic downturn to re-structure – have ... Views: 1821
How dare they. You spend your hard earned money on those books engaging and enticing you with the exciting new joys and opportunities awaiting you, and then the author sends you off into the world without a magic genie to grant your every wish!
Wouldn’t that be great? Well, that is not how ... Views: 1572
Malcolm Forbes, founder of Forbes magazine, said: “The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living doing what they most enjoy."
It is the worst of times, it is the best of times
In spite of difficult economic conditions and high unemployment, there is no better time than ... Views: 1481
I distinctly remember the day that my life changed forever. After a few weeks of intense swelling in various parts of my body, my doctor called to give me the lab results at my place of work. She said the rheumatoid factor was positive and that this most likely was due to the fact that I did ... Views: 1920
Philosophical coaching is connected with modern science in asking fundamental questions about the nature of what we know or seem to know. Philosophical coaching is the butter and bread of freedom of thought prompted renewal of debate about moral and ethical enquiries. The objective is to help us ... Views: 2340
There’s a lot of talk about major changes brewing on the planet and in the lives of those who inhabit it. Some describe how the shifts in the magnetic poles affect people. Others refer to the prophecies for 2012 and the period leading up to Transformation. Many simply appreciate the seasonal ... Views: 1902
How to overcome shyness? Two tips. Do not be scared of people. If this is easier said than done, use imagination.
Firstly, what is shyness? One definition is a feeling of the fear of embarrassment. Perhaps more fully it can be defined as a feeling of apprehension or awkwardness experienced ... Views: 1064
You’ve reached a crossroad in your career. Maybe you want to reap greater rewards for your hard work, or you’re tired of working for someone else, or you want to determine your own destiny. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided to start your own company and be an entrepreneur. How do you get ... Views: 1443
I was contemplating what could I write that would reach people and help them to get them started toward the path of life that best suits them and those connected to them.
Here is what came to me,
“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”
When we meet others and purpose is sensed ... Views: 1618
As I write this, I think of how many dreamers and wishful thinkers we have in this jet age. Active in my thought now is the number of people trying to be who they are not created to be. I hope it’s not strange to you when children identify someone they want to be like in the future. Can you ... Views: 1360
“The great tragedy of life is not death, but what dies inside of us while we live.”
— Norman Cousins
“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom.”
— Anais Nin
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with ... Views: 1432
One of the things that can be drummed out us as we age is our ability to dream. When we were younger they came so easily. Somewhere along the way this ability, those delicious ever changing desires, ambitions and dreams become so deeply buried we seem to be unable to find them. Where did they ... Views: 1543
In the month of February the focus was love. It feels so right to begin March – Spiritual Wellness Month by sharing how taking time out for self-care allows you share the best of yourself with your family and through your business.
When you love yourself so much that you like yourself, you ... Views: 1684
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1961
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1947
Many people go through life creating by default; they just aren’t clear about what they really want. They become hung up on how much is going wrong in their life or in the world. And once that happens, they start to tell a story—they construct a narrative around the grim details that have ... Views: 1274
Who am I? Is the question that comes to mind as I sit here. What purpose does this transformation serve? What is the benefit? Well, I can tell you that who I am now is not who I was 3 years ago or even last year. Along with the world changing, so am I. Looking deep within me has prompted a lot ... Views: 1250
The vast majority of people with whom I work talk about life change, as if it was something to be desired, something out of the ordinary, something that only happens when we arrive at major crossroads in our otherwise mundane lives. How little we know about the reality of life! Viewed in its ... Views: 1694
There are several ways of getting rid of fear. Some people advocate facing it head on. That kind of person will lead you to the edge of the diving board and then give you a push. No doubt they do the same if you are in front of them with a parachute strapped to your back and hesitating before ... Views: 1366
Any time you have been really caught off guard and you are in a lot of pain, there is always an awakening with lots of wonderful life lessons to follow. The world is in a financial crisis and people are losing their homes, moving in with relatives, wondering about where their next pay check is ... Views: 1561
Soon we’ll be getting all those television programmes that review the year just gone. There’ll be events we thought we’d never forget about, that we now can barely remember. There’ll be other apparently trivial events that stick in our memory. And underneath it all, perhaps a nagging ... Views: 1294
You may have set our New Year’s resolutions and are determined that this year it will be different. But take yourself forward to December 2010 - will you be looking back on this year the way you looked back on the last one? Will your dreams and goals be recognised? Will you be looking back on ... Views: 1395
It was supposed to be the year you lost the weight/trained to be a rocket scientist/ditched the husband/married the hot chick from accounts/went global. Or at least made some money. You know, the big stuff.
But somehow it’s fizzled out or been swamped by the old routine or engulfed in the ... Views: 1303
Many personal development ‘gurus’ lead people to believe that, once you follow their course of action, life will be plain sailing – only good things will happen –life will simply be one wonderful moment after the next. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I recently got a call from one of ... Views: 5868
It has been said, by those in the know, that the process of grief and loss has stages. While it is agreed these stages don’t necessarily show up in predictable patterns or in specific order, I am hear to tell you there’s much more than stages to the grief process than stages. The work of ... Views: 1823
I would like to share with you something I have come up with called the flexibility factor. I came up with this idea from seeking peace within tension without allowing myself to be moved from the path I was trying to travel. Here is how it happened.
Over the last few days I have noticed an ... Views: 1877
This is the time of year when people get off the proverbial treadmill of their workday world and allow themselves some time to reflect on the past year - what they accomplished, what they didn't, what was good, and what wasn't so great. Too often people feel like they've fallen short of their ... Views: 1457
In her new book, Own Your Life, 7 Essential Steps to Independence, author, speaker and lawyer Suzanne B. Quinn guides the reader through the seven essential steps to personal and financial security and independence. This article is an excerpt from her book, comprising one of the seven ... Views: 1344
What is your most ideal day? Do you know exactly how you want to live your life for the next five days, five weeks, five months, and five years? When was the last best day of your life? When is the next?
The best day of our lives is today. The past is no longer here. We cannot enjoy it any ... Views: 5432
As I was driving in my car yesterday, I was thinking about “themes” and life lessons that keep reoccurring in my every day life. It seems that each week, there is some kind of thread of commonality that manifests and keeps trying to be recognized – with my clients, my colleagues, my kids, my ... Views: 4916
Changing Your Ways, Keeping that Resolution You Made to Change
It is one thing to decide to change something about yourself, and quite another to do it. There is a concept that holds me back: that I relate to the current "I" that has to change. You, too? As if a parent needed to be defied ... Views: 2496
Changes in our life come disguised as the ultimate human freedom.
Because the ultimate human freedom is power to choose, to respond to change and not to remain in overwhelm, frustration and fear.
Initially change does not usually appear as feelings of freedom!
Based on my ... Views: 1749
I was faced with an interesting question from my younger son the other day. He meandered into the kitchen and said was it all right if he used my The New Raw Food Detox Diet book as a plate for his chocolate cake. There were so many things wrong with this question I didn't know where to begin. ... Views: 1339
What brings us to a point of change?
The answer to that question can be extremely complex when we explore all the events that occur in our personal lives and the impact of society and the environment and a hundred other variables outside of our control. It is human nature to ask the question, ... Views: 1138
One of the most common outcomes of transition and transformation is that the life we used to live is no longer our reality. So, how do you reconstruct your life, when many of the things you used to hold so dear no longer have the attraction they used to?
Here are 3 exercises you can use to ... Views: 1262
In her new book, Own Your Life, 7 Essential Steps to Independence, author, speaker and lawyer Suzanne B. Quinn guides the reader through the seven essential steps to personal and financial security and independence. This article is an excerpt from her book, comprising one of the seven ... Views: 1107
It is often said that balance is the key to happiness and the good life. When related to self-esteem, most of us are aware that we fill our lives with activities and obligations for others without thinking about ourselves and what we may need. There is a way to take care of yourself while also ... Views: 1446
So here I sit, about to do my first blog for www.singledadstown.com. Heck, one year ago I didn’t even know what a Blog was. Now I’m a blogger. What a difference a year makes. Or in my case 5 years make, but I’ll get to that in a minute. I think that it is important that I let you know why I am ... Views: 1285
Who are you? Some say that a person is a product of his or her choices. Much like the causality dilemma of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" that evokes questions about life and how the Universe in general began, who you are can be rooted in a circular cause and consequence pattern of ... Views: 1325
I work with a lot of people who are often in conflict with people they work, or aspire to work with, or in their personal relationships. Time and again I see people become frustrated, angry, and hostile, all a result of having fixed and expectations of one another. Some hold onto and wear their ... Views: 2392
Dealing with “End of Life Issues”
There are so many wonderful things about our particular society but facing the end of life isn't one of our strong suits. We do very little to prepare for this certain event. This topic, "end of life issues", has been on my mind for some time but it has ... Views: 2238
I love the scene in Men in Black when they open the locker to find an alien world living inside. The aliens didn’t realize that there was a whole other world outside their locker. They were fine with their box.
Imagine what would have happened if they took them out? It would have been ... Views: 4417
They are everywhere… at your jobs, in line at the grocery store, walking down the streets in broad daylight! If you ask how they are, they say things like “Good,” “Busy” and “Thank God it’s Friday!” They seem like normal people, but they are dead, no life force, nothing to drive their ... Views: 1277
Ethical Wills have been around for many generations but seem to be regaining their strength. That may be simply because many of you are getting to the stage in life where you begin thinking about what you are passing along to your children or other loved ones.
Another term for Ethical Wills ... Views: 1383
One of the keys that I have found helps me immensely during periods of change, is the ability to surrender to what is, no matter how unsettling it may feel. I simply allow the situation to become part of the greater plan. I remain flexible and shift gears if necessary, perhaps revaluating my ... Views: 1444
Title: How to Find and Follow your Inner Calling
(from the Oprah Winfrey Show - Part One)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Category/Subject: Personal growth, Oprah Winfrey, dreams, inspiration, life purpose, success, motivation.
Web Site: Craig's new blog (with extracts from his various writings: ... Views: 1304