“Believe” is such a powerful word, especially during this time I year. We see signs propped up in windows, “This house believes in Santa” or simply the word “BELIEVE” masked as a Christmas ornament sitting high on a tree. I just love it. And, to me, seeing is believing, and I will tell you ... Views: 1538
I read an interesting blog today by the author of Little Things Matter. Each day, a post is written about the daily rituals we do to help or hinder our personal development. Funny thing is, so many thing that Todd Smith writes about seems so obvious, yet we neglect to do this little things day ... Views: 2465
One of my email buddies wrote about something very interesting this morning that gave me yet, another morning coffee AHA moment that I would love to share with you.
Just as I had referred to that annoying voice inside our heads in my last blog, how do we stifle the real life of the whiners or ... Views: 1591
Today was a bittersweet day for me. I attended the funeral of my 99 year-old former grandmother in law. It was a day of reflection, sadness, soul searching but most of all remembrance.
The strange thing about funerals, is that there is no code of conduct to follow. Coming from a divorce, I ... Views: 1532
So much of our day is spent thinking about what we want to do, be or have. When was the last time you actually thought about what was going right and how well you were doing something? Maybe it's time you start..
Today I woke up exhausted. I have been going, going, going, with work for months ... Views: 1502
A funny thing happened when I was instructing my English 121 class today, the teacher (me!) became the student. In the blink of an eye, I was in awe of how much my "kids" as I affectionately call them, know about themselves, writing and life in general.
I have to admit, it isn't always easy ... Views: 1782
Goal setting can be tricky. There are times in our lives when we think about setting goals and it can be so overwhelming. How can we even think about setting more goals when we have a hard time checking off our daily to do lists?
It's so easy to put all the other tasks first - whether work ... Views: 2911
A Reason To Believe
Amidst the chaos of our lives, we must be steadfast on our quest to find reasons to believe. Even in the gloomiest of times when there does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, you have to look for that glimmer of hope. Because, at times, that is all we ... Views: 1561
I took a poll the other day when I was teaching my class at a local community college. I asked the students what they thought in regards to the “act of forgiveness.” Since we are reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie, one of the main themes in this life lesson memoir is “forgive everybody ... Views: 1746
I have to admit, being a mom to a teenage son has its challenges. I cannot for the life of me figure out how he can function in his room that is filled with technology and dirty socks. With the buzzes of texts, the bam bam of the XBox games, and the other random noises I hear from time to time, ... Views: 2329
The Boss sings about it. Self help gurus write about it. Setting goals is the ideal way to live your best life and most of my clients get that. However, how do you get to the point where you get that gusto to want to be a goal setting machine?
The bottom line is, exactly how do you find ... Views: 5765
As the holidays come and go, one of the most popular remakes we see on network television is the holiday classic called A Christmas Carol. Kelsey Grammar sings about days past in the musical, Vanessa Williams reconnects with her long lost friends while Susan Lucci discovers what a Grinch she ... Views: 2041
As I was driving in my car yesterday, I was thinking about “themes” and life lessons that keep reoccurring in my every day life. It seems that each week, there is some kind of thread of commonality that manifests and keeps trying to be recognized – with my clients, my colleagues, my kids, my ... Views: 4920
The other night we all went to one of my favorite stomping grounds in the area, Barnacle Bills. With all of us craving the best burger around, my fiance, Steve and I took our girls out for a night on the town. While my son was at football, we decided to take the night off from grilling and have ... Views: 1664
November 23, 2009
Just when you think you have heard it all, you realize you haven’t. In this day and age, when kids (especially teenagers) are being categorized as egocentric beings totally sidetracked with electronic devices along with their own social foibles, we may tend to forget when ... Views: 1926
We all hear this phrase. Live your authentic life. Whether it ’s on the latest self help blog or you happened to be tuned in to Dr. Phil, this seems to be the phrase that can stop us personal development junkies in our tracks. What, exactly, does this mean? If you aren’t living your “authentic ... Views: 2858
Tips and Tools on Transition. Tip # 1 – Making Peace with your Past
August 16, 2009 by divorcesolutionsforyou | Edit
Many people often ask me how I got to where I am today (as a transition coach) being that I have had many twists and turns to my own life over the past decade. I by no ... Views: 1789