Helen and James Jay are The Official SelfGrowth.com Guides to "Feng Shui". You can find complete information on Helen and James Jay and their products by visiting Fengshui Designs.
If you've noticed that your home has become a bit less harmonious, perhaps it's time to pay attention to what you're doing to encourage positive energy. Positive energy is very important to the health and welfare of everyone living in your home. Bad moods, bad luck, depression and even poor ... Views: 1734
If you're like many people, you might immediately think of contemporary decorating themes and minimalist decorating techniques when you hear the term "feng shui." Although feng shui is often a prime factor in minimalist and Asian styles of decorating, it's important principles can also help ... Views: 1559
Asian furnishings can delight anyone due to their modern, yet ethnic style. Decorating an entire room or buying a single piece of furniture, determines which types of furniture actually supports your home space.
Measurements and Details
Before you decide on your final purchase, you should ... Views: 866
Whether you rent, lease or own, any interruption in the flow of positive energy in your home and personal surroundings can cause many tiny interruptions in the flow of prosperity in your life. Your life, home and surroundings are filled with a constant flow of energy that can be positive, ... Views: 1480
If you’re looking for a dining room table and chairs that’s solid and sturdy with a multitude of design and colour options, then you need look no further than wrought iron. This article discusses why a wrought iron table and chairs will grace any dining room.
A wrought iron ... Views: 3244
Unlike the highly decorative metal or wrought iron mirrors available today, ancient manufactured mirrors were simply pieces of polished stone. Examples of obsidian mirrors found in modern-day Turkey have been dated to around 6000 BC. Prior to this, the first mirrors used by primitive people ... Views: 2560
How to write emails that generate desired feedback and flow in your personal and professional life
Feng Shui is about feeling good. These positive vibrations are generated through the strategic placement of items, colors and shapes within space. What we call “positive flow” and ... Views: 1409
It's often said that it's not enough for a person to love money. In order to be truly successful and prosperous, it's also necessary to find a way to make money love you. Although this may sound impossible, there are actually a number of different ways you can use feng shui principles to attract ... Views: 2567
If you own a business or if you want to become a successful entrepreneur one day, you can use the power of feng shui to help you achieve your dreams of business success. Through the proper use of feng shui principles, you'll be able to attract even more wealth and power to your life. As you do ... Views: 2376
While some solutions in Feng Shui are Universal, more often than not, the solutions are like a prescription; they are specifically provided to correct your home’s symptoms. I am a big fan of the “Do-It-Yourself” technique. That is one reason why I became a Feng Shui consultant to begin with. ... Views: 1696
R & B singer Jimmy sang from his Soul when once upon a time he offered that “if you want to be happy for the rest of your life. Never make a pretty woman your wife.” Well, I don’t know about that but I do know that October can bring some ugly relationship energies to the fore no matter what ... Views: 2087
A job search can be a daunting task to say the least. But in a down market where the 24/7 news speaks only of doom and gloom, it can see almost hopeless. The good news is that you are not powerless and can be in more control than you think is possible.
The following strategies are based on ... Views: 1606
Not only does Feng Shui bring good luck and fortune to your home, but it can also help enhance your love life as well. The best place to begin this Chinese Art of Feng Shui is in the bedroom. Why? Because it is the one room in the house where we spend 1/3 of our lives dressing, sleeping, resting ... Views: 990
Feng Shui does not have to be a mystery or confusing and complicated. It is all about the flow energy or the flow of focus in your life. It is not a religious philosophy or a magic potion. It’s about the same energy described in Einstein’s formula E=mc².
Even more than that, Feng Shui is a ... Views: 1452
The constant worry, separation anxiety and practical challenges of running a home that may be moved several times during the deployment of a military spouse is a chronic and cumbersome circumstance that befalls many of the millions of US armed service families. Transience, separation and ... Views: 1198
There’s something that I want to explain about Feng Shui. It is not necessarily something that you do once and never again. Once you get the hang of it, it will become as natural to you as breathing. It is, at its most basic, a heightened form of observation. You learn to observe your spaces ... Views: 1415
In the year of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the loved ones of all victims are brought to mind, as well as the military and their families, for whom sacrifice is a way of life.
According to the National Military Family Association, “There are nearly 1.8 ... Views: 1123
Creating CALM…
Feng Shui expert Yvonne Phillips tells how attention to detail improves your dog’s life
For thousands of years, people have employed the principles of Feng Shui to ensure they live the happiest, healthiest lives possible. The ancient Chinese practice aims to generate positive ... Views: 1187
It is said that the only things that stay the same for military families are family and furniture.
Those serving in the nation’s armed forces, their families and loved ones make sacrifices beyond the conceivable concerns of the average person, enduring many shifts and changes which bring to ... Views: 1136
Do you ever daydream about how great it would feel if, for just one day everything in your life was great – no financial bad news, no weather disasters, no unexpected illnesses, and no new repair problems on computers, cars or your home. In addition, a time when all your important relationships ... Views: 1349
Do you love to crawl into bed at night because your sheets are soft and cozy? When you grab a pan in the morning to scramble some eggs, is the pan easy to find? Do you love the color of your bathroom?
Your Living Space
Look around your home and ask yourself, “How do I feel when I’m in this ... Views: 1244
Although many people naturally think of spring as the perfect time for new beginnings, autumn is also an important season to consider. As summer ends and autumn begins, it marks the beginning of a time period when families tend to spend a greater amount of time inside their home. Before winter ... Views: 3028
When decorating your home, it's important to remember that certain areas need to be given special consideration. The kitchen and dining room are two areas that can be extremely important to the "heart" of your home. The dining room should be a place where your family can come together to enjoy ... Views: 1954
Proper lighting is very important to any home. Whether you need bright task lighting or soft ambient lighting in order to set the proper mood, the number of lights as well as the type of lights you use can have a profound effect upon your home. If you are trying to use feng shui principles to ... Views: 3482
The end of this last Mercury retrograde was a doozy of a dilly and did what Mercury in retrogrades do best, left all the rest of us asking ‘what’s next?’ Earthquakes on the East Coast shaking things up while Irene preferred to stir. In fact, as I write, I’m doing so from New York City. So, while ... Views: 1544
Mother Earth just enacted hers and now it's time (during this NEW MOON!) for you to do same...a Karma Cleanse. I'm going to offer the granddaddy of all environmental cleanses since the CLEANSE theme is running so high:
You'll need uncooked rice, sea or kosher salt and a glass, crystal or ... Views: 1884
Wrought iron furniture, accessories and accents can complement so many interior design styles from rustic Mediterranean to contemporary chic. It is a very versatile material, the chameleon of interior decorating. It can be natural and earthy in an old world Tuscan design, romantic and elegant ... Views: 3117
Parking garage cleanings is a service that required any where there is a parking area.But who exactly are trying to reach when we go out,or pick up the phone.What kind of facilities are we trying to get.The obvious one would be large retailers.These companies are largely found in the city of ... Views: 1777
Internet has converted into a retail center. You will discover and acquire all you have to online including Jewelry. Many individuals selected to buy Jewelry online for a lot of reasons. And among the
common reasons is that you may save around fifty percent on purchasing Jewelry online. The ... Views: 1316
Feng Shui Tips for Love by Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui is a lifestyle that can be incorporated into your daily routine, even if you only choose certain components. Feng Shui can be incorporated into all that you do in life, including calling in love. Before this process starts, understand the ... Views: 2044
Skydive Long Island: Sky dive with Feng Shui LI and Strength for Life NY
Laura Cerrano New York Long Island Feng Shui consultant is always involved with community projects, collaborating with other businesses and non-profit organizations for various causes to help enhance the well being of ... Views: 1333
Do you feel stuck? Do you want to sell your home - downgrade to something easier to take care of and less expensive? Or, do you need to have more room for a growing family and just can't see a way to upgrade to a new home or a major addition?
A great interim solution for you and your family ... Views: 1564
Door Room Shui…if there were only ONE thing that any student should do, what would that be. Oh, yes, keeping the clutter cleared was right up there. Implausible as that may be considering the age range we’re dealing with. And making sure the bed if OFF the ground so Chi can circulate ... Views: 1189
Feng Shui your pets!
You can use Feng Shui to enhance your animal friend's life, and why not?
Your pet feels stress, happiness, sadness, excitement.
But how would you do that?
Easy. We all know our pets personalities whether they are dogs, cats, birds, lizards, fish, or ... Views: 2483
Home interior decorating is an art form, as well as an exercise in creating a functional and well maintained home. With interior decorating it is possible to restyle a home and breathe new life into its walls. Value can be added to a home by replacing wallpaper, re-painting, and investing in new ... Views: 917
It is the belief of many that their front door is a reflection of them as the owner of the home. It is the first impression people will get of your home so quite often people will be willing to spend more than they would for other doors in the building. It is because of this that a lot of people ... Views: 1029
A well designed office can make all the difference when striving for creativity. If you're hoping for creativity and motivation then obviously the dull, lifeless office look isn't going to help you at all. If you want the right results then you really have to think about your working ... Views: 1762
As the days get shorter and cooler we tend to want to "cozy up" our rooms so they "feel" warmer to us. The "light and breezy" style we enjoyed for the warm summer months served its purpose and now it’s time to transition to a "warm and cozy" style for fall and winter.
Seasonal changes need ... Views: 1133
Every woman needs a Beautiful Quiet Place, a place where she can begin and end each day, a place she can retreat to during the day . . . for a 5 minute respite, a 15 minute nap or a lengthier encounter for planning, daydreaming, reading or resting.
As women we give, give, give all the time. ... Views: 935
You'll be amazed at how the right styling can change the look and feel of your home. Oak dining tables are versatile pieces that offer an exciting opportunity to experiment with your style. You can go gothic with a stunning refectory table, or add country house charm with an authentic design. ... Views: 1359
Feng Shui Your Relationships – Staten Island, New York, New Jersey
Problems that exist in a couple’s relationship are manifested in their environment. As a Feng Shui practitioner, some of the things I would like to know about the couple are: how they feel together in their home, which ... Views: 1331
Okay, so, I’ve already said quite enough about what we can expect the next couple/few days what with a dynamic and problematic T-Square baring both teeth and ill will. An angry and assertive red planet will be squaring off against unpredictable Uranus and uber power Pluto practically begging ... Views: 1415
There are many things you need to consider when you look at a bespoke conservatory, particularly a lean-to conservatory. For the sake of cost efficiency you really would want to see the room used throughout the year, not just during the summer. The major decision you will face is finding a ... Views: 1511
Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign which is dominated by Mars. It is the first zodiac sign corresponding with the initiation of spring.
Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign which is dominated by Mars. It is the first zodiac sign corresponding with the initiation of spring. Aries individual exhibits a ... Views: 2336
Fen Shui can be quite complex, encompassing sophisticated Chinese philosophical ideas, ancient traditions and cultural beliefs. According to Wu Xing theory, the structure of the cosmos mirrors 5 phases. Each phase has a complex series of associations with different aspects of nature and the ... Views: 2311
Home interiors signifies to make over of your residential area which comprises of adornment and scheming of your interiors by the means of painting, adding window covers, flooring by using granite, Italian flooring etc. Home interior designing is nothing but the amalgamation of your skills, ... Views: 1013
Title of today’s blog is a chorus of one of my all time favorite Taj Mahal songs. I sure does love me some Taj Mahal! Okay, have to make this quick since I have an appt out of office in an hour and I’m nowhere near glam enough to take my bad self out into the big, wide world.
Believe it or ... Views: 1367
Feng Shui is above just ordering furniture, it’s some sort of lifestyle. And life styles involve mindsets or concepts that will be prevalent. Feng Shui experts just say no to the things without the need of reason. Most of the things they will do include a line from reasoning that will not always ... Views: 1290