Helen and James Jay are The Official SelfGrowth.com Guides to "Feng Shui". You can find complete information on Helen and James Jay and their products by visiting Fengshui Designs.
How do you decide what to keep and what to toss? With these three simple steps it will be easy for you to get rid of clutter and be free of the guilt of holding on to things you don’t know what to do with.
It was a cool Tuesday Morning as we climbed among the huge landscaped rocks in our ... Views: 1535
Inside the first two days of August, Mercury the Messenger, the planet that governs all things related to communications, goes on vacation until the end of the month. Now, I don’t know about you, but How I Spent My Summer Vacation (so far at least) is pushing water up a lazy river. People. ... Views: 1545
Citrine has a special function for stability and balance, for someone temper easily irritable, nervous or too restless hold stabilizing effect, and can assist in the complex relationships and situations, properly analyze and make appropriate decisions.
Chemical formula: ... Views: 2443
First, the spiritual and intellectual problems:
It is not easy for modern parents, social habits can not be an easy change when it lasts a long time, gave birth to a healthy and lively children, has become a dream of opportunity which cannot be pursued. In the past two years, I continued to ... Views: 2882
If you are new to the practice of feng shui, you might feel as though it's difficult to even understand all of the concepts, much less put them into practice. Although this ancient practice often seems quite complex, it can actually be quite easy to put some basic feng shui principles to work in ... Views: 1627
When designing and decorating your home, it's important to remember that nobody is too old or too young to benefit from the ancient art of feng shui. So, when you are decorating your child's playroom, try using a few feng shui principles to energize the space. You'll find that the room will ... Views: 4323
If you have a room or workspace where you enjoy your crafting, art projects and hobbies, chances are it has a tendency to become a bit cluttered and chaotic. When this happens, a room that should be designed to promote happiness and creativity can turn into an energy-draining area. If your craft ... Views: 5099
There are plenty of options open to you when deciding how to light lean-to conservatories. You have to think about how you intend to use it, whether it is to catch the sun during summer or for a more all-year-round approach.
Those conservatories which are designed to maximize the better ... Views: 1065
We’re all striving for more balance in our lives, as the alternative leads to stress, anxiety and disease. An unbalanced life is an unhealthy life. Whether you’re a recent grad or a seasoned professional, maintaining equilibrium between your working life and personal time is critical to ... Views: 1466
Origin Brazil, one kind of fragile but beautiful stone, have "wife happy" implication. Green is the most positive, most concentrated green. Malachite, While does not have the jewelry luster, but a kind of unique elegance.
Malachite is difficult to counterfeit: Malachite is a copper salt of ... Views: 1491
Known as the evening emerald olivine, is the August birthstone, a symbol of "happy couple". Olivine is used as the reason why the symbol of marital happiness, perhaps it's green. Olive green, One kind of light green --- yellow-green color. This color is so pure and stable, Only the green shades ... Views: 3920
This is the story about a different attitude towards housing. It evolved out of an inner realization that creating a living space should be a natural consequence of a deep appreciation towards all life. The article highlights an unconventional building project that was realised in Rossinver, Co. ... Views: 2427
Choosing the right flooring for your bespoke conservatory can be difficult, as there would appear to be many options available. It probably won’t come as a surprise to you to learn that the flooring you choose will make a real difference to the feel of your conservatory. Things that you should ... Views: 1004
Aquamarine gets its name from the Latin "sea". It is said, This beautiful gem produced in the sea, is the essence of sea water, So Voyager Neptune bless it and pray the safety of navigation, call it"mascot Stone".
Molecular formula: Be3Al2 [Si6O18]
Refractive index : ... Views: 3592
We often think of incorporating feng shui to gain a sense of peace and harmony where we live, but what about our work environments?
According to Wikipedia, the definition of workplace stress is: ‘The harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when there is a poor match between job ... Views: 1226
With living amidst a challenged economy, everyone is looking for innovative ways to either increase or just maintain a steady income. The question so many are now asking is what can be done at a personal level to create our “own economy” and thrive?
Solutions can arrive from thinking ... Views: 1206
We’ve all heard that Capital One commercial: “What’s in your wallet?” However, if you’re interested in attracting wealth, a more important question is. “What color’s your wallet?” And now, for the first time, I’m offering a phone consultation designed expressly to use color and some other ... Views: 5458
Amethyst, is a kind of purple crystals, The ancients describe it that “The color of grapes, lovely”, Such as grape-like purple is due to traces of iron oxide crystal containing.
The color of amethyst with lavender, purple, dark red, red, purple and other colors, Red to purple red is the best, ... Views: 2927
Are rest, relaxation and regeneration at the top of your list now that summer is here? Summer brings with it patio living, picnicking, barbecuing and lots of outdoor activities that can be both restful and relaxing or physically taxing and exhausting. Do you even have a list of relaxing things ... Views: 1438
Fitting out a large office involves a lot of thought. It is a space where a number of people are going to be spending the vast majority of the day, so the smallest details can make all the difference. Simple things like the choice of carpets and paint job make a big difference to people’s ... Views: 1586
Are you short on time and long on things to do? Do you run out of energy long before you run out of things on your "to do" list? Then it is time to take a look at your surroundings and make sure it is providing you the energy you need to have a great day, not just a barely make-it day.
Nine ... Views: 2118
Grape flavored Kool Aid might not be the only thing feeling fried as we begin this July. Although this month will seem like a picnic compared to last, that still doesn’t mean that we won’t be feeling fatigued from dealing with the dual June eclipses and now having to take cover from one last ... Views: 1775
Along with proper nutrition, air and water, restorative sleep is essential to health and well-being. Without a good night’s sleep, we function below our capacity to handle the demands of life, with varying consequences.
The effects of prolonged sleep deprivation cannot be underestimated, and ... Views: 2645
Here is the third part of this series on what you should be aware of when choosing a property.
We have already talked about the importance of the surroundings, the entrance and the main door. All those points are very important to assert the right type of Chi you and your family need.
Let ... Views: 3754
Here is the second part of this series on how to choose a good place in term of Feng Shui.
As a reminder, the three aspects we are looking at when selecting a place are:
1. The external environment
2. The internal setup
3. The compatibility of the place with the people moving in.
So ... Views: 3818
Moving to a new place is a great opportunity to benefit from a new Feng Shui setup. With careful examination, you can find a suitable place that will sustain you for months or years to come.
There are three different layers we must look at:
1. The external environment of the place
2. The ... Views: 2952
In the western world we use a Gregorian calendar based on the solar cycle. The New Year starts on the 1st of January of every year. The earth rotation takes approximately 365 days, so this one year cycle is actually a physical reality.
However the date of the 1st of January is a convention. ... Views: 2015
In this article we are going to delve more into the five elements and also to have a look at other important concepts.
The Yin and Yang.
The Yin and Yang notions are fundamental to understand Chinese metaphysics, but even more Chinese culture in general. They are basically two opposite ... Views: 2533
In my previous articles I have explained the origin and the philosophy of the authentic Feng Shui. Now is the time to go into the core of the theory and see how Feng Shui really works.
The Qi… Or Yoda’s words!
At the heart of everything Feng Shui, and moreover in all Chinese metaphysics, ... Views: 2657
As mentioned in my previous article, here is a little bit more about the philosophy at work in Feng Shui, and its interaction with our lives. Less about wind chimes and more about Karma!
A lot of people nowadays see Feng Shui as either a get-rich-quick scheme, an Asian version of the law of ... Views: 1872
Once a secret technique used by the Chinese emperors, Feng Shui has become widespread and acknowledged even in the Western world. When Mao Tse-tung rose to power in mainland China, most Feng Shui masters flew away from China, as the new political climate was not necessarily auspicious to the use ... Views: 2174
If you are looking for ways to add more positive energy to your life, perhaps you've been spending a lot of time reading self-help books and looking for ways to change your life. Although there is certainly a lot of merit and benefit in most self-improvement techniques, you might be overlooking ... Views: 5730
If you have recently graduated from college, you probably feel as though you are on the threshold of starting a whole new phase of your life. Although change can sometimes be a little stressful and even scary, it can also be exciting and exhilarating. Just as is the case with all "new ... Views: 1760
Although the basic principles behind the use of the feng shui elements have remain unchanged over the years, sometimes it can be a little difficult to understand the many different ways they can be used in today's modern environment. Every one of these different elements has its strengths and ... Views: 1617
Whether you’re planning a fun filled vacation or an important business trip, don’t forget to practice Feng Shui!
To start off right, at check-in request a room with good luck numbers. Because numbers emit a vital life force, drawing both good and bad experiences, make sure your room number ... Views: 3980
If you’re constantly battling unattractive pounds but can never seem to win the war, let Feng Shui come to your rescue! Incorporate the core principles of feng shui, which are harmony and balance into both your psyche and personal space. Then you will not only achieve your desired weight but ... Views: 2493
Did you know the clocks ticking away in your home or business right now can be your best friend or one of your biggest foes according to Feng Shui? A clock lets you know the time and delegates how much of it you have. Knowing what time it is can make you happy or it can make you anxious. Just ... Views: 15362
While Feng Shui may be about moving your “stuff” to a better place, sometimes the biggest object to move is yourself! Last week I was on the phone with a good friend who has followed my Feng Shui advice for at least 15 years.
Years ago when I did the first analysis of her place, I suggested ... Views: 1632
With school out, longer days and the adjustment to summer schedules, this season brings its own joys, and stresses. Keeping things balanced and harmonized in your home might be a challenge, especially those with children and company visiting, as the well oiled routines of the school year are ... Views: 1175
Some handy and swell information regards the rings you wear and an astrological interpretation from our insightful, inspirational and generous friend Kathy Rose! Starting off our week with some empowering info! See below for some wonderful ways to run rings around your destiny!
Index finger ... Views: 2127
Just as it is almost next to impossible for us to honestly see ourselves objectively, it can be doubly difficult for us to judge our home’s initial impact on others! Why? Because we become so accustomed to all the sights, sounds, and smells of our home. They become second nature to us. ... Views: 1252
In China most of the feng shui masters are quite horrified with our Western practices of treating a dog as a member of the family. To them, it’s like having livestock live with you. However, they are not alone. Few cultures outside of the United States and Europe understand our close bond with ... Views: 4036
Since correct feng shui encompasses all who reside in a home, the next two articles will be about some of the most important members of a family - the pets. Often forgotten about in books on the subject and sometimes even by professionals analyzing a space, they are family to those who share ... Views: 6225
During the past couple of weeks I’ve gotten a multitude of requests from readers who own townhouses and apartments. They’ve all petitioned me to devote one article to their situations. Since they are not allowed to paint their doors, they’ve all wanted to know if there is something they can do ... Views: 9282
The “face” your home presents to the world can be compared to a woman. She can either attractively enhance her natural beauty by using the right make-up and clothes or look like a potential candidate for “What not to Wear” by being sloppy and ill put together. Right attention to detail can win ... Views: 3888
Two weeks ago I was up in Westchester County, New York performing a feng shui analysis for a new client. Before we got to discuss the color of her front door, she proudly exclaimed she knew I would be very impressed with her bright green door. After all, she read in a book because her home faced ... Views: 5599
If you want your life to take off rapidly in a more positive direction, get your paintbrushes out. After this article you will be armed with accurate info and be able to pick the very best Feng Shui-friendly color for your home. Having the right color outside is an extremely important and ... Views: 2095
Ever paint your front door or made some other changes to your home or office on the advise specifically given in a book or web site on Feng Shui? Then you waited and waited in expectation like a kid for Santa, praying he’d deliver the gift of auspicious chi. However you got the Grinch instead ... Views: 1522
To many children, the closet is feared at night. To them behind its closed door there may be lurking a monster waiting to jump out!
As one grows up, the closet loses its power to strike terror. However, without even realizing it, many adults try to punish it for their youthful traumas. As a ... Views: 4015