Helen and James Jay are The Official SelfGrowth.com Guides to "Feng Shui". You can find complete information on Helen and James Jay and their products by visiting Fengshui Designs.
Thinking of listing your home in the spring? You may want to beat the rush and get at it sooner. A lot of homeowners that had their homes on the market last fall took them off for the holidays or winter season. Most of them are planning to relist in spring, or even sooner. Listing when there ... Views: 1759
Less is more is a phrase I use often when doing a home staging consultation. When a home is completely vacant besides buyers having a hard time visualizing the true size of the space, or how they would fit their furniture, they also see every flaw. There’s nothing else for them to look at or to ... Views: 2456
Although often treated as though it has little impact on a family’s life, in Feng Shui the garage can have an enormous influence. From money and relationships, to health and well-being, the garage may affect in positive or negative ways. Even if the garage is detached from the house, it can ... Views: 3280
Living in northern climates necessitates a shift in mindset in terms of Feng Shui. When the temperatures and the snow start to fall, it’s important to consider how this changes your environment and how you need to make corresponding changes in how your Feng Shui is carried out. Doorways get ... Views: 2635
Are you so busy doing the urgent that there is no time left for the important? Sometimes life just gets in the way of you creating the surroundings you want, which directly relates to the future you create. Life can throw up road blocks in the form of endless appointments, caregiving to others ... Views: 2112
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Feng Shui and Real Estate - by Teresa Min Yee Hwang Master of Feng Shui & Lecturer, FSRC Chinese Astrologer Certified Interior Designer Teresa Hwang Feng Shui & Design Feng Shui Research Center BC Canada http://www.teresahwang.com
In Chinese, the word "Feng" means Wind and "Shui" means Water. The literal translation of Feng Shui is the study and application of Wind and Water. Figuratively, Feng Shui is the art and science of identifying the dynamic energies (Qi) in our environment, and utilising them to achieve Balance ... Views: 2287
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Feng Shui & the Cosmic Trinity - by Teresa Min Yee Hwang Master of Feng Shui & Lecturer, FSRC Chinese Astrologer Certified Interior Designer Teresa Hwang Feng Shui & Design Feng Shui Research Center BC Canada
In Chinese metaphysical studies, the concept of the Cosmic Trinity - Heaven, Earth and Man/Human aspects are intricately entwined together. We can look at the whole picture by their effects on our Path of Life. We can study the Heaven effect with Chinese astrology - the Four Pillars of Destiny ... Views: 2680
Feng Shui is concerned with the flow of energy in a space. One way to assess this flow is to determine how the energy moves through a home or office and whether there are places where it is stagnant or whether it flies through too quickly. Another way to assess the flow of energy ... Views: 2669
Do restaurants and fast food establishments use Feng Shui or at least some of its principles when designing a successful profitable business? Absolutely yes! Here is how can you apply that information to your own home so you can experience less stress, better relationships and more ... Views: 2915
With school getting out and kids being at home, the dynamics around the house will inevitably change. This is a good opportunity to mark the passage of time in your child’s life by implementing Feng Shui in their bedroom. Without the rigidity of a school schedule to keep kids occupied, ... Views: 2587
Change is inevitable. There are large numbers of changes that occur regularly in your life that are completely within your control. You make modifications to the way you do things, vary how you think about something, adjust what you do or when you do it and make huge transformative changes such ... Views: 2055
Most everyone I know owns books. Some people have skads of them—-so many, in fact, that they’re stored in boxes in the basement. There are some people who can’t let go of their college textbooks from 30 to 40 years ago. Others love their books so much they ... Views: 2869
Spring is a magical and transformative time of the year. It is the perfect time to take a good look at your surroundings and get rid of anything that does not provide you with vital fresh energy. This is the time of the year that provides fuel to flame the successes and joys of your ... Views: 1988
Sometimes, despite your honest and open-hearted approach, it seems like the intentions you used for specific Feng Shui adjustments are not only NOT materializing but you may actually be heading in the opposite direction. Even though you’re pretty sure you did everything correctly, it ... Views: 2586
One observation I’ve made over the years from working with people who are integrating Feng Shui principles is that Feng Shui does not support you hiding out any longer. You are required to face the music when it comes to the patterns of how you live, the ties to your things, and the truth about ... Views: 2525
Does what happens at the Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market make a difference in your life? Will the new décor trends for 2014 provide you better energy or will they somehow create more clutter and chaos?
From a Feng Shui perspective, the answer is yes to all of the above. ... Views: 2061
Remember the days when you went home from your job on Friday afternoon and didn’t think much about it until Monday morning? Remember when reading novels was a regular part of your life? Remember when the word “unplugged” was part of your vocabulary only when you were ... Views: 2571
Almost everyone I know is trying to “stay fit” or “get in shape” or “lose a few pounds.” Health directives as well as personal experiences have pointed to the value of fitness. There’s no question that healthy diets, consistent work-outs, and a ... Views: 3048
People often celebrate as many as three or four holidays during this time of the year. Unfortunately, each can be filled with stress wrapped in many shapes, sizes and packages that can far overshadow the potential for joy.
The biggest stressor for many is having too much to do in the limited ... Views: 1889
With the advent of social media, the intrusion of the Internet and media outlets, it is rapidly becoming almost impossible to create and maintain quality relationships – especially face-to-face relationships. Are you putting up with others constantly on their cell phones, texting, being ... Views: 1943
Feng Shui principles are a powerful way to achieve the accomplishment of your goals. Its energizing principles influence the outcome of the creativity and visual impact of another powerful tool, the Vision Board.
A Vision Board, whether it is a bulletin board with push pins or an elaborate ... Views: 2096
With the constantly increasing amount of children being diagnosed with autism it appears this disorder is reaching almost epic proportions worldwide.
While there are many theories as to its origins there has not been a culprit found for its cause. Also what works for one child’s development ... Views: 3137
What you focused on five years, five months or five days ago is what you have in your life today. The relationships you have with your family, friends and contacts are the direct result of how you spent your time in the past and what you decided to focus upon. What you focus on today is what you ... Views: 1986
When it comes to decorating a room, lights and light sources are two of the main features that contribute greatly to the overall effect. However, just as it is important to consider what kinds of lights to have, it can be every bit as important to consider what type of lamp shade you use. One ... Views: 1507
The kitchen, along with the master bedroom has always been one of the top two most important rooms in the home whether you are looking to purchase, sell or renovate to “stay in place.”
In today’s underwater home sales marketplace, many stay-in-place homeowners have decided to not just ... Views: 2023
Children unlike most adults are much more susceptible towards negative energy in their environment. To create a safe healthy environment for your little one, you could do many thing one of which is to use the ancient techniques of Feng Shui to direct more positive Chi (natural energy) to your ... Views: 1526
“Age is such a high price to pay for maturity,” said Tom Stoppard, a Czech-born British journalist and playwright. Albert Einstein spoke of it as a space in which he lives, “that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.”
Various resources define maturity as ... Views: 1980
Are you looking for easy yet inexpensive ideas to sell your home when your income or financial future depends on it? The key is attracting buyers, and there are dos and don’ts that can make a significant difference.
According to the National Association of Realtors, 98 percent of home buyers ... Views: 2017
The sound coming from a tuned wind chime is unique, creating an aura of tranquility and serenity that will flow through any living space. These would be a nice change from the loud, chaotic noises we hear everyday. Why don't you choose to provide the gift of serenity to your loved ones this ... Views: 3768
Feeling a bit drab and unstylish lately?
Do you desire a greater sense of vibrancy in your life experience?
Has the recognition you’ve worked so hard for been constantly out of your grasp?
If you’ve answered, “yes” to any of these questions, it may be time to incorporate some peacock ... Views: 5768
What did you do for yourself today that helped you be more energetic, productive and prosperous while reducing your stress and anxiety about the future? Do you believe there is something you can do or you need to do to change the status quo or do you feel it is out of your control?
The ... Views: 2008
Downtime is a necessity in today’s warp-speed world. We are so busy making a living and consumed in day-to-day activities that we often do not have time to enjoy life. We tend to over-commit, never say no and turn into workaholics – always doing something or going somewhere.
Are you someone ... Views: 2065
Also called “Lemurian Seed Crystals” or "Lemurian Star Seeds", Lemurian Quartz Crystals were originally found in Brazil. Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end ... Views: 1854
If your life is lack of love then every moment brings sadness, tastelessness and insipidity to you. Nothing can cause happiness if there is no harmony between you and your life partner. Life becomes painful in such situations. Many people have passed through such experiences. You consider each ... Views: 3245
Studies have shown that people’s food intake is susceptible to their surroundings. Simple visual clues like plate size, room lighting, room color and the eating behavior and body size of dining companions were shown to affect the portion and size of food consumption.
While the studies are ... Views: 2370
Today I would like to give you some energy related tips of vaastu for home.
Friends, we can’t ignore the importance of positive energy in our life. Houses with less positive energies become store of negative energies. And the inmates of such houses always struggle with problems like- stress, ... Views: 7062
Are you excited to bring out your holiday decorations each year? Do your design accents inspire and uplift you? There are more decorating choices than ever for consumers in 2013 but even with the variety of options, this may not be the year to transition into a completely new look.
With so ... Views: 1863
People who know something about Vaastu, which is ancient architectural science, would also know that it's all about placing balance in all the five elements and cosmic energies. If this balance get wobble the problems occur in the one's life.
One's life starts with his home. It's a bit ... Views: 3302
The January, 2013 Atlanta Gift Show was filled with bustling shoppers looking for new products and trends to stock their retail establishments for the upcoming summer and fall seasons. This is the good news. There is perhaps some not-so-good news as well? Usually the winter show features the ... Views: 2120
Everyone can understand the significance of a kitchen. After all, a house without a kitchen cannot be considered complete. An Indian housewife spends most of her time in the kitchen - her day starts in the kitchen and ends in the kitchen - and the entire family gets their basic life energy from ... Views: 1979
If you want to create balance in your life instead of living your current juggling act, then living a rearview mirror lifestyle is not for you.
Do you know people that live in the world of victimhood? The world of “would have,” “could have,” and “should have”? Do they live in the past filled ... Views: 2531
The year of the Chinese Dragon was an intense year for all of us! It was either intensely good or intensely bad, there was no in between. However, the year of the Water Snake brings good fortune to all of the animal signs. This only happens once in 9 years, so that is an awesome start for all ... Views: 1854
Are you ready to shift the energy in your world? Are you ready for better relationships, more prosperity? If yes, try using Feng Shui principles.
Feng Shui is a lifestyle that is all about shifting energy in your life and surroundings to create an improved, more prosperous life. You may call ... Views: 1897
Not feeling the holiday spirit this year? Feng Shui principles can help you create a joy-filled holiday season. Although our society tends to compress much positive energy (good Feng Shui) into the last six weeks of the year and forget about all of that great energy by the second week of January ... Views: 1924
Do you dread mornings and feel like you always have to walk on eggshells because you are stressed to the max before you ever leave home in the mornings? Do you feel like a failure as a mother because your kids leave home without a good breakfast or lunch and everyone is fighting? Here are 4 ... Views: 2885
Savvy homeowners realize that we are working in a new economy. Instead of moving, they are looking at home repairs, maintenance and home improvements as the best option for investing in their homes.
Not only are savvy homeowners investing in repairs and remodeling but there is a major ... Views: 2166
A lot is written at this time of the year reminding you to be grateful for what you have and thanking God or your Creator for your blessings. Yes, it is good and important to be grateful and set aside one day per year to express that gratefulness but what about the rest of the year? Most people ... Views: 1942
The past few years we've heard of how housing value in the states have been slammed and how some experts are even saying that we haven't seen the worse yet.
Here in Canada however, and especially in Toronto, though we're seeing the market starting to soften a bit there's still a bit of ... Views: 2344
According to several research studies done in 2011 and 2012, 39 percent of Americans spend more time on Facebook than in face-to-face relationships and 10.5 billion minutes per day are spent globally on Facebook alone.
The warp speed shift in social relationships and how we interact is due ... Views: 2727
The majority of new parents realize that they have a higher interest in guarding the environment for the next generation. Having a child normally enables you to realize just how critical it is to make certain the world we live in will be safe and clean for years to come. That's the reason many ... Views: 1414