If you've noticed that your home has become a bit less harmonious, perhaps it's time to pay attention to what you're doing to encourage positive energy. Positive energy is very important to the health and welfare of everyone living in your home. Bad moods, bad luck, depression and even poor health can be the result of a buildup of negative energy and a lack of positive energy. If you feel that your home could benefit from an infusion of "positive vibes," here are some feng shui tips to try.

Restoring Order to Your Home

If your home seems to be lacking in positive energy, there's a good chance you can improve things by simply restoring order. With today's busy lifestyles, it's often difficult to find the time to keep homes clean and tidy. Every day just a little more clutter, dust and dirt can accumulate around your home. It might not seem like much on a daily basis, but it does add up over time. Before you know it, your home is drowning in a sea of clutter and disarray.

Spending the weekend giving your home a good top to bottom cleaning can be the cure for this problem. Although you might not want to devote that much time to the process, it can be well worth the time and effort it takes. When Monday morning arrives, you might be shocked how much better you feel, waking up in a clean home.

Experience the Healing Power of Nature

Nature is a wonderful source of positive and healing energy. If your home feels out of sorts, bring it back to perfect health by adding touches of nature. A few beautiful houseplants can work wonders, especially if you choose varieties that have rounded leaves. You should also try to keep your curtains, blinds or shades open as much as possible, allowing the sunshine to come in. During the dark winter months, it might be necessary to supplement the natural sunshine with artificial lights. Be sure to always choose full-spectrum bulbs for the best results. Water can be another good source of positive energy, serenity, harmony and relaxation. Try placing a small indoor water fountain in your living room or family room. When you're feeling stressed, the sound of falling water will soothe and relax you.

Create an Indoor Sanctuary

For those times when you or another family member needs an extra dose of positive energy, it can be helpful to have an indoor sanctuary to go to. It really doesn't take a lot of time, effort or space to create a private sanctuary area. An unused bedroom, a quiet corner of the basement or even the attic could work perfectly. Equip the area with comfortable seating, beautiful artwork that depicts nature scenes, and perhaps a CD full of soothing nature sounds. A soft source of light can also be a nice added touch. Sanctuary areas can be used in a variety of different ways, such as for prayer, contemplation, yoga or just relaxing with a good book or some good music. After a short time in your sanctuary area, you'll undoubtedly feel rested and rejuvenated.

Author's Bio: 

Jessica Ackerman, author and staff designer at WallDecorandHomeAccents.com, specializes in contemporary wall hangings and Southwestern metal wall art.