I believe that God is my Father
and I am His child.

I believe that I have right standing with God
because of what Jesus has done,
not because of anything I do.

I believe that Christ is with me,
whether or not I "feel" Him.

I believe that my worth is intrinsic
because I am created in the image of God,
and Jesus died and rose for me.

I believe that God is doing a good work
in and through me,
and that this day is part of it.

I believe that when I confess and repent,
I am completely forgiven.

I believe that the Holy Spirit will lead me through this day,
and will give me grace, strength, and wisdom
as I need it.

I believe that God will provide
for every need I have.

I believe that God holds me securely,
and that nothing can separate me from Him.

© 2001 Paula Marolewski

You have my permission to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all links and copyright information. This article is not to be sold or included with anything that is sold.

Author's Bio: 

Paula J. Marolewski provides challenging and interactive adult Bible studies for individuals, Bible studies, small groups, and adult Sunday School classes at Sink Your Roots (www.SinkYourRoots.com). Studies include such topics as Debunking the Myths about Knowing God's Will. The site also offers free weekly Seedlings - “Little thoughts that grow big results.”