We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Employee Motivation". If you have expertise in Employee Motivation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Most new managers inherit a variety of employees, a few of whom perhaps they would not have chosen. Some will have the knowledge, skills, and ability needed to drive the business forward. Others will not. Some may have aspired to your job, perhaps even have been told in the past that the job ... Views: 1300
“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” - Lee Iacocca
One of the most frequent challenges I hear from professionals is, “My boss won’t listen to my ideas. I see lots of opportunities to make the company more successful, but every ... Views: 1298
If you were to conduct the research, you would find that there is a lot of information out there on New Age thinking, New Thought Spirituality, New Consciousness, New Energy, and Metaphysics in general. However, you will find that most of the information points to how to apply its principles to ... Views: 3188
Leadership with a big L is the kind of leadership that comes with a title: Manager, Vice President, Director, CEO etc. It is when you are responsible for a group of people and providing direction to a predetermined result in a business, church, school or family. I’m going to share 4 keys that ... Views: 2139
What accounts for the difference between "Oh crap, it's Monday" and "Thank God it's Monday"? It's your happiness. And, for your own emotional and mental health, you need to feel happy at work.
It all boils down to seven habits that can change everything about the culture of your ... Views: 1132
Remember your very first day on the job? Your shoes had a shine like the tiles on the Space Shuttle and the crease in your slacks could have diced celery. The air was somehow fresher, the birds chirpier. You had been hired. You'd been given a chance to excel, a chance to make a difference.
... Views: 1083
If you've seen the movie Jerry Maguire, you'll remember the scene where Tom Cruise asks Cuba Gooding, Jr., "What can I do for you?" Gooding says, "Show me the money."
Many employers think that's the key to employee engagement. But any company that THINKS you have to pour money on employees ... Views: 1410
Dr. Abraham Maslow studied workplace motivation of employees in the years following World War II. His research has been referenced and adapted many times over the years.
From a training or educational perspective, you can use the five levels of motivation that Maslow identified to focus your ... Views: 16908
One of the things that continues to surprise me is that when times are bad organizations still spend money on employee engagement surveys. A general look around the office or factory and tea room discussions would make it obvious to all that wanted to see it that employees are not so much ... Views: 1059
When you think about the millions of dollars organizations spend each year on IT programs of work, wouldn't it be prudent knowing that employees actually understand and most importantly embrace the reason behind the changes? There is one way of ensuring that employees and their managers have ... Views: 982
Your staff is a most powerful resource to help your business and your vision grow. While each person is hired to implement certain responsibilities in your company, your input and guidance brings their talents to new levels of fulfillment. Using your ... Views: 2900
The U.S. economy is experiencing a rough patch right now, and organizations in all sectors are faced with the challenges of weathering the storm. While the media focus on stories about how people and organizations are suffering financially and otherwise (which many are), the fact remains that ... Views: 894
The proposed Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) that is before the U.S. Congress is sending chills down the spines of many employers. Feeling threatened by the prospect that they soon could be bargaining with unions instead of dealing directly with their employees, and fearing the possibility they ... Views: 1087
An employee-centered workplace is one in which all individuals, programs, processes, and systems are focused on helping employees become fully successful. Individuals who feel valued will provide excellent products and service, which will result in the achievement of organizational goals. In ... Views: 1151
Employee motivation can be quite a challenge. The decision on how committed an employee will be towards the organization, division or team, depends entirely on the individual. Therefore, the first step to employee motivation is to engage with each individual. Find out what makes him/her tick. ... Views: 2930
During difficult economic times, how do leaders deal with the challenge of retaining and motivating their best people ?
In an article in the Harvard Business Review online, Kevin Coyne says that many examples of high morale come from situations of great unhappiness and stress. He suggests the ... Views: 2657
Team building and developing human capacity are two key elements of achieving employee empowerment.
In addition to confidence and skill to undertake new and increasingly challenging assignments, team members also need opportunities for growth and development. Employee confidence and capability ... Views: 1511
Literally, the definition of encourage is to put heart into. All of us need encouragement. Encouragement could have a great effect and powerful impact on co-workers and bosses. When this definition is applied to our situations in work, it may suggest:1.) Increasing morale by offering support to ... Views: 3114
It is very important to succeed at a job interview because it is the only step between your employment and unemployment. Once you get an interview call, please make sure if that is a phone interview or face to face interview. Depending upon the type of interview, please take care of the top 5 ... Views: 2450
Businesses world wide are facing probably the most challenging time since the Second World War. Most of those in positions of responsibility have little or no first hand experience of dealing with a recession on a global scale.
In times of boom it feels easier to motivate and enthuse people ... Views: 2207
A regional professional services firm was struggling with some of the less positive aspects of rapid business growth. The desire to maintain a “small family firm culture vs. a territorial corporate culture, generational obstacles,, and high turnover were combining to chip away at the ... Views: 1326
One of the most important traits of all motivators at work is consideration.
Employees report that the best managers they ever had were people who cared about them as people and as friends. These managers took the time to ask them questions about their lives, and to listen patiently while they ... Views: 1138
Work-life balance is essentially about handling real life. It’s the ability to effectively manage the work, family and personal components of life without suffering extreme stress or any one are being negatively impacted.
Some companies offer programs and services which are designed to ... Views: 1200
Effective leaders see more in other people than people see in themselves, and one of your objectives as a leader is to bring their talents to the surface.
Understanding the three fundamental elements that affect performance will build team loyalty and cohesiveness. These elements are ... Views: 3064
Arguably the No.1 management skill is to be able to engage, motivate and inspire people at work. Achieve that small matter and both great performance and outstanding results are inevitable; fail in this area and you will notice how quickly talent and knowledge leave the organisation. So how can ... Views: 2094
This article will discuss most of the basic factors that motivates people. And knowing and understanding these motivating factors could help in looking for the proper solutions in motivating your staff. In general, employees are able and readily willing to work if they feel they are appreciated ... Views: 2383
How we view our differences is a missing ingredient!
When you wake up in the morning are you excited to get to work? As you shower are you already thinking about all the good work you are going to do that day? Does your heart open in joy when you think about the camaraderie at work? Do you ... Views: 1135
Confronting Your Intimate FOE: Transforming Fear of Exposure into the Fun of Embarrassment
As a speaker and workshop leader, I’m always designing and experimenting with small group exercises that, hopefully, generate positive energy, emotional give and take and some knowing, if not hearty, ... Views: 1873
For years I’ve been telling people how they can attend a mini-seminar every day. How? By watching what happens when they try to spend their money at other businesses.
How many of you have felt like the enemy when you entered a place of business? Perhaps you walked in and the employees were ... Views: 3332
Employee mentoring programs are becoming increasingly common in both larger and smaller businesses. Just as large corporations will find that there are a number of advantages to having a corporate mentoring program, smaller businesses will find that mentoring in the workplace offers a number of ... Views: 15694
One of the primary concerns that businesses have these days is simple: it's all about determining how to keep employees happy. No matter how stable your company is despite the economy, your staff will have concerns and uncertainty and financial stresses. Unfortunately that stress is something ... Views: 2108
Are you somebody who is in charge of running the operations at the corporation you work at? Does your organization consist mostly of loyal employees who stick around for at least a few years or do you mainly have employees who take off for greener pastures within a few months? You might say, ... Views: 1699
Every time that we approach a problem, in any walk of life, we bring to bear assumptions that limit our ability to conceive fresh solutions. Our experiences condition us to see any new situation in terms of situations we have seen before. We make assumptions unconsciously and put things into a ... Views: 1943
In an organization where empowerment is the watchword, all things are possible.
No magic elixir, no one-time effort, no management fad will make people gung-ho about the company they work for. Creating a positive environment is an ongoing commitment. I have often said that profit is the ... Views: 1638
Does this sound familiar?
• “Our good employees are leaving the company as quickly as we train them.”
• “We’re stressed out from being understaffed.”
• “We’re losing too many people.”
What can companies do to keep good people? Let’s get started with these 5 ideas:
1. Make people feel ... Views: 2631
It’s hard to believe…it’s holiday time again! The time of the year when we can be a bit more light-hearted…right?
With all the right-sizing, wrong-sizing, down-sizing and messages of doom and gloom in today’s world, many gloomy faces are present in the workplace. ... Views: 3377
According to a September 2008 article on the web site for the Society for Human Resource Management (www.shrm.org) under organizational & employee development, “Money isn't the primary driver of employee loyalty and retention, recent studies suggest. Open communication, employee recognition and ... Views: 2944
Are you a building professional who wants to ride the increasingly large sustainability wave? Well becoming a LEED Accredited Professional is a lot easier than you think! Passing the LEED exam will make your self look that much better, not only on paper, but also in practical terms.
Ever ... Views: 1632
In order to recruit insurance professionals today, many companies are looking to non-traditional sources for candidates. Since cold calling, networking, and other
conventional sales tactics are still among the most cost-effective ways to get clients, recruiting people with good phone skills is ... Views: 851
True, our work relationships are usually not the first and closest circle in our lives, but some of us spend more time at work, interacting with our bosses and colleagues than we do at home with our close family. And also, think about what a huge effect your work relationships have on your mood, ... Views: 2723
Being in Human Resources or owning a small business is a tough job anytime, especially with the current economy and unemployment predictions. Is there anything that you can do to help your employees, or give them hope when it comes time to make some cuts?
Just about every industry and employer ... Views: 1052
In light of the current stresses in the world, particularly in the financial sector, I thought that this week I'd outline a tool for staff motivation. I call it the Sibeer (pronounce it Cyber) Principle and it can work in any industry at any level of position. The Sibeer Principle's main points ... Views: 1181
A lot of focus is put on choosing internships with the most desirable companies in the best possible places. Expert after expert reminds students to do their research, dress appropriately and tailor each resume to the selected employers. Dozens of articles have been written about getting the ... Views: 2588
Social networking is big business: Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, Twitter, Viadeo - there are plenty of sites waiting for you to upload your photos and tell all about your escapades on a Friday night. But how do you separate work life from personal life, especially when you do socialise with work ... Views: 2567
Not too long ago, I read a piece in the newspaper that referred to a recent study about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Researchers interviewed over 7,000 workers ranging in age from 18 to 44 in 10 countries. They concluded that an average of 3.5 percent had ADHD. This article ... Views: 1239
Don't look now, but the holiday season will be here before yu know it. Very soon, many of you are thinking about two things: gifts and goals for next year. I’d like to give you some great business ideas that attack both of these challenges.
The best gift you can give yourself and your ... Views: 1456
Some companies and athletic teams use the words teamwork or team to describe how their organization works. That's extremely important. Some don't mention teamwork or team. These organizations are the ones that experience stagnation. My research indicates while many companies and athletic ... Views: 1963
If you're challenged by employee motivation, engagement, or retention problems, this article is a must-read. Traditional employee motivation and recognition programs fail because companies and managers don't understand Motivation 101.
Humans crave genuine appreciation and recognition. Since ... Views: 10366
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Employee Motivation. Employee Motivation is the act of providing your employees with the incentives, inspiration and positive atmosphere that will motivate them to superior performance of their jobs. Doris Helge is the Official Guide ... Views: 1269
Motivation is the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in economics, psychology and neuropsychology. These reasons may include basic needs such as food or a desired object, hobbies, goal, state of being, or ideal. The motivation for a ... Views: 19594