The following list of productivity tools keeps business running and increases performance:
1. Make sure your computer is working. A down computer wastes time. There are companies that service computers via the web 24×7.
2. Skype – make a video call via your computer Great way to connect ... Views: 1193
Statistics show the majority of people aren’t enthralled with their work. Interpreting the statistics meaning forces me to come to the conclusion it’s difficult for them to have a great time because instead of excelling they reached a plateau which causes static thinking, worry, stress, or ... Views: 1470
Mature businesses show their maturity through consistency. In other words they are reliable. It’s odd to receive calls from suppliers on behalf of well known organizations that cannot keep an appointment. What does this say about your company? It’s not appealing. People’s time is valuable. ... Views: 1396
When working with entrepreneurs and small business owners I see a drive and passion that is necessary for success. There are eight areas where consistent actions are needed to produce consistent results. As you develop and grow, the actions change because of your accomplishments and your ... Views: 1188
As an organization what do you do to motivate employees to win, grow, and evolve? This isn’t management motivating employees or employees motivating management. There should be three categories:
1. Motivation for project work to win, grow, evolve
2. Motivation to run ... Views: 1790
To raise the standard of work and living it’s clear to me there must be continual advancements in humanness, medicine, and technology. What is your action plan to win, make more money, and grow to make lives better?
We need to create more jobs to stimulate the economy. This means ... Views: 1472
Business owners and employees must be pumped repeatedly for business success. Just like your car needs gas repeatedly so does your mental health and body. The benefits are you are able to provide better service, be more productive, and your work actually gives you energy.
So, a typical day ... Views: 1374
Your mindset is what you think and the way you think. As a mindset, mood, motivation expert and author no one is smarter than you and you are no smarter than anyone else. What makes us well versed in an area are our knowledge, expertise, relationships, and experiences.
What makes ... Views: 1226
In the forefront of our mindset and mood is the desire to raise the standard of work and living. As humans it is ingrained in us to strive.
In order to do so, three areas need to be addressed:
1. Creative ideas and innovation to make adjustments to the current way of work. This includes ... Views: 1048
Making decisions helps you stay on track to be productive. Here are two ways to decide on whether to pursue a project or goal.
1. Does it make common-sense? Similar to some of the bizarre marketing we receive we sometime want to decide based on variables that are non-cooperative. Instead, ... Views: 1263
Although unforeseen opportunities may appear as you succeed, a goal is not accomplished unless given forethought and targeted as follows:
1. You decided to do it (answered the question why?)
Unless the why has logic and emotion intertwined it will fall flat. The logic resembles gears in a ... Views: 1391
Think of the strong business relationships you have. How did they form and grow? There may have been tense moments or disagreement. However, because relationships are important you were able to handle the situation.
Seven steps to establishing trustworthy relationships:
1. Create ... Views: 2741
Your mindset is what you think and the way you think. As a mindset, mood, motivation expert and author, no one is smarter than you and you are no smarter than anyone else. What makes us well versed in an area are our knowledge, expertise, relationships, and experiences.
The practical ... Views: 1325
To be “in the zone”, consistent high performance, our mindset must have a program readily available. Sure, each of us has specific expertise we use to create solutions for our businesses to grow. As a mindset, mood, and mental motivation expert, I want to know how you make your thought process ... Views: 1362
The ability to communicate with a focus plays a vital role. Regardless of our occupation, the individuals who excel in a specific field and are able to communicate this knowledge to benefit others and themselves always win. Be attentive to your presence, voice, body language, eye contact, and ... Views: 1033
Many times we have habits, techniques, skills, and processes that bring results, but we fail to capture them and put them in our respective repertoire to use when needed. We forget they are valuable, or just plain don't see it until it's brought to our attention. As we continue to move forward ... Views: 1924
In today's business climate, we are experiencing more interest in professionalism. The past five years provided many successes; however, most have been overshadowed by the nonethical behavior of a few. Some people lost most of their retirement savings, and the US population is demanding a ... Views: 2741
Corporations are a vital part of an economy. So are foundations, government, and faith based initiatives. In corporations employees are starving for a new direction to create a new economy and adapt. Corporations are largely responsible for more business transparency because of the push for ... Views: 1294
For good reason, practically every endeavor in life is rated. I've seen ratings on who or what's #1 in business, industry, NFL, NBA, MLB, person of the century, athlete of the century, technology, restaurant, university, neighborhood, travel destination, best looking, best movie, best book, etc. ... Views: 1405
What are the metrics used by you to calculate return on investment (ROI)? Of course, the bottom line, profitability (money), is important. It gives us more options to invest our time wisely to work with others to be more productive and profitable. However, when making a deal you need to ... Views: 1320
Do you want to grow all aspects of your business and life? If so, then get on board with the best way to catapult your success. Regardless of your income and title, you can stimulate the universe to a New Best Level™. Compete for goodness, and profitability will come to you.
How? By giving ... Views: 1119
To evolve to a New Best Level™, try an Open Communications structure. You and I, the people we interact with, and all things stimulate unique motivational forces (a feeling) in our being. In some cases, the motivational forces are stronger. However, before motivation come five other steps
(1) ... Views: 1185
Many people exercise by playing sports, or know someone who does. Having played sports almost my entire life, I have a few pearls of wisdom about this form of exercise:
1. To gain an advantage, focus on a full-body workout. In sports, your base (waist down) is more important than your upper ... Views: 1244
Many people exercise by playing sports, or know someone who does. Having played sports almost my entire life, I have a few pearls of wisdom about this form of exercise:
1. To gain an advantage, focus on a full-body workout. In sports, your base (waist down) is more important than your upper ... Views: 1244
Some companies and athletic teams use the words teamwork or team to describe how their organization works. That's extremely important. Some don't mention teamwork or team. These organizations are the ones that experience stagnation. My research indicates while many companies and athletic ... Views: 1978
I empathize with you because the economy is in the dumps. All of us feel the effects, however, by empowering your mindset and motivation you will see it doesn’t matter what the economy does. It matters what you do. I know if you take spirit-enhancing action to produce spirit-enhancing results ... Views: 1263
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