Your parents gave you the name you get addressed by, when people speak to you every day. The name that springs to mind, when you walk into any room throughout the rest of your life though, is up to you. In other words, the picture people have about what you stand for, how trustworthy you are, ... Views: 635
Success is something we all desire in some shape or form. It is what will bring meaning and fulfilment into your experience. So you can choose to allow yourself to continue coasting through life and as you know, this will allow your life to only go in one direction – downhill. Or you can accept ... Views: 964
We are all born perfect, with passion, purpose and all the deep rooted flair and confidence we will ever need. This perfection is unfortunately not left to grow and flourish, as it should be. Other people step in and tamper and influence it, until it changes and the perfection and greatness gets ... Views: 713
Whether you have the word Salesperson on your business card or not, I am certain that you were involved in a number of sales conversations today, without even being aware you were selling or trying to sell something. Maybe you tried to influence a work college to see your point of view or you ... Views: 1369
Your parents give you your name when you come into the world, but it is up to you what sort of name you present to the people around you throughout the rest of your life. As you know it takes years to build your reputation, but if you allow your guard down, one small discretion can destroy it ... Views: 969
Incredibly the first month of 2013 is already part of your memories and can only now serve you, by offering you a new set of experiences and learning, which will allow you to expand and grow into the type of person you need to be to attract the type of success you desire.
How are you doing so ... Views: 727
The most powerful man in the world has 86400 seconds in a day, to get all the mass of things he needs to get done in a day. The wealthiest man in the world has 3600 minutes in a day to earn all that money, he earns. The most educated person in the world has 24 hours in a day; to learn all there ... Views: 818
As long as you view the effort and daily activity required, to invite success into your life as a chore or something undesirable, you will never have the ability to overcome all the inevitable challenges, which will cross your path. You will never have the energy, patience and persistence ... Views: 637
I am sure that you have heard the phrase, “It is not your aptitude, but rather your attitude, which will determine your altitude” When you commit to project a great attitude to the world, everyone around you will respond far more positively to you and they will want to be supported by you and ... Views: 643
Are you patiently sitting around waiting for success to arrive on your doorstep with one huge thunderous boom and nothing has happened yet. Well as you know success seldom, if ever breaks down your door to tell you it has arrived. It is the result of clarity of thought around exactly what you ... Views: 889
There are so many stories of persistence, where people kept chipping away for many years, experiencing constant setbacks and challenges along the way, but they never ever gave up. Every one of them, who kept relentlessly taking action daily, eventually achieved incredible levels of ... Views: 613
If you want to become successful this year, it is crucial that you load both barrels, one with service and the other with purpose. This will equip you with sufficient passion and purpose to be driven, to really want to support your customers and to offer them incredible levels of service. The ... Views: 958
Yes, it is obvious that every sales professional needs to have an intimate knowledge of their product or service and all the benefits it has to offer, as these are all part of the value proposition. Note, I said a part of the value proposition and not the total value proposition. The complete ... Views: 1249
I am sure that you want to achieve and even exceed your sales targets this year. The way to make this possible for you, all starts with you choosing to no longer sell products or services anymore. I am sure that sounds crazy, how can you achieve your sales targets, if you stop selling the very ... Views: 861
If you are in sales and you have been struggling to meet your sales targets for the past few years. Ask yourself the simple question “How committed am I to what I am selling, would I buy it myself” In fact a better question would be “Do I believe in what I sell so much that I Have actually ... Views: 725
Awaken Your Desire to Dream Once Again
Your dreams are fragile, so if you continue to leave them exposed to assaults from all sides, the pressures from society and everyone around you, they will eventually shatter and disappear. It is time to re-awaken your dreams and for you to supply them ... Views: 963
All you really possess is right now, the past is gone forever and is only a distant memory and the future only exists as an idea or electrical charge in your mind. So if you consistently live your life looking in the rear-view mirror, living with regret for what could or should have been. You ... Views: 995
If you feel like you have tried really hard in the past to realise your dreams, but you feel like nothing ever seems to go right for you, you are not alone. The majority of people I speak to feel exactly the same way. They feel like they have tried really hard in the past, but nothing ever seems ... Views: 1101
As you know, your thoughts create your state of mind and the attitude you reflect to the world, which either make you feel positive and driven to succeed or they are restrictive and limit your daily efforts. Restrictive thoughts as you know do not only limit your growth and potential, but they ... Views: 662
My experience has shown me that there is one attitude, which will completely transform your life. It will help you to invite more wealth and better health into your life, give you access to your greatest potential, help you build and sustain great relationships and make you feel the happiness ... Views: 638
Why do you think everyone has different expectations and beliefs about what they can achieve in the future? I know you are expecting a really profound answer here, but I am afraid the answer is really simple. Your most prominent thoughts drive your expectations. So what you think about, actually ... Views: 2071
I have read many research papers and conducted my own research towards my PHD, on why some people become high achievers and others don’t. My findings have been rather interesting, regardless of personality type, habits, gender, occupation or geographic location, everyone I have researched, who ... Views: 837
I have read numerous studies on success and the effect that the people you choose to surround yourself with, have on the type and scope of success, you will actually manage to achieve. These studies have explored a number of variables around financial, career, relational and spiritual success. ... Views: 909
Every day we are surrounded by influence agents, who are all vying for our attention in one way or another. There are billboards everywhere, companies use ambush techniques like phone solicitation, to try to get our attention and money, TV and radio commercials blast at us all day, our emails ... Views: 855
If you really want to excel in 2013 and unleash that sales giant, which is inside every sales professional I have ever encountered, when they move away from old school hard selling and instead focus on using positive influence and persuasion, to build meaningful, mutually beneficial ... Views: 1174
No matter how bad the economy may appear to be, or how poor your perception about the world may be, there are always people with a need to buy and others with goods and services to sell to meet those needs. Take a look around the room you are sitting in right now, how many things have you ... Views: 1170
It is time to stop pussy footing around and for you to finally accept 100 % responsibility for your success this year and for every year, which will follow after that. As soon as you become accountable for everything in your life and yes this does mean that you must accept responsibility for ... Views: 960
Jim Rohn, was one of the greatest business philosophers, who ever lived. His wisdom was always sound, yet very simple to understand. One of the greatest philosophies he left with us, as his legacy, was that “Success was not something you pursue; it was something you attract by the person you ... Views: 1278
Life is a series of trade-offs and every wasted moment is spent forever. Time and therefore your life are traded for the things you choose to do or not to do. You have an incredible privilege right now, that privilege is awareness. Use that awareness from today, to wrestle back control of your ... Views: 2093
I am sure that you have had a great 2012 and as we near the beginning of another wonderful year, it is time to put 2012 behind you, learn the lessons it offers and move forward into 2013. You cannot achieve greatness if you continue to stare into the rear-view mirror as you travel into this new ... Views: 1014
Plan for the future you desire in 2013 and beyond, but be certain that you are living in the NOW. If you live in the future you never actually get to live at all. You seem to spend all your time preparing to live. Planning for the future is crucial, but never allow this process to rob you of the ... Views: 1225
Remember that life is not about all the treasure and trinkets you can accumulate, but rather about how happy you are, how much meaning and fulfilment you experience, the relationships you develop and what you become inside. When you stop chasing treasure as your primary focus and instead you ... Views: 955
2012 only serves one purpose, now that it is almost over. That purpose is one of learning and growth. Learn from the past, but practice the art of living in the now. You cannot expect to expand your world in 2013 and beyond, if you continue peering in the rear-view mirror, concerned about what ... Views: 948
Are you going to continue to allow regrets to replace your dreams in 2013? Or are you going to do things differently this time around? It is time to wrestle back control of your life and to finally make a difference next year. The only thing holding you away from realising your dreams is your ... Views: 715
Is there one universe, in which we all live in one world, where we all get to experience the same reality? I do not believe so, I believe that we all get to experience our own form of reality, where everything we see as “our reality”, is filtered by our perception filters, through which we view ... Views: 605
There is massive power in words. The words we speak and consistently think are slowly moulding our future, one simple word and phrase at a time. In a literal sense what we think about, speak about and act upon, we bring about. If your thoughts, words and actions are moulding the way your future ... Views: 637
What price would you be willing to pay, if the promise was a 100 % guarantee, that you could achieve anything you desired? How many hours of your valuable time would you devote to this endeavour? How much energy and resources would you be willing to expend to achieve this magic? For such a ... Views: 786
How has 2012 worked out for you? Are you happy with the progress you have made this year? Or do you feel like another year has flown by, where you feel like you have just spun your wheels all year and you are in the same place or you even worse, you feel like you have gone backwards. That can ... Views: 630
My wife and I recently found an amazing lifestyle village, where we wanted to stay, so we approached a local estate agent and asked him to sell our current home for us. What astounded me was how quickly he sold it. Within two weeks he had brought about ten qualified buyers through our home and ... Views: 761
If you want to predict what your life will be like in the future, take a careful look at, who you hang out with, what books you are reading or failing to read, what you are consistently doing, thinking and talking about. All these factors will give you a pretty clear indication of what will ... Views: 708
The path to living your dreams is far shorter and a lot less lonely, if you surround yourself with the right people. It is important to surround yourself with people, who inspire and energise you and from whom you can learn, gain support, guidance, help, and get the encouragement you will need ... Views: 569
How fulfilling is your life and does it present you with meaning every day? Are you successful? Or more importantly, do you even know what success looks and feels like for you? Do you work to just get “THROUGH YOUR DAY” or are you living an inspired life where you are constantly looking for ways ... Views: 805
The way to invite abundance into your life begins with approaching life and those around from a standpoint of appreciation. When you learn to appreciate everything in your life, you consistently give and receive responsible love, show real caring and exhibit compassionate thoughts and actions, ... Views: 580
The time and energy you invest daily, towards preparing for the inevitable opportunity, which will cross your path, at some point, is time well spent. As your consistent lifelong commitment to on-going preparation, is fundamental to developing your self-confidence and a resolute belief in your ... Views: 1053
I do not believe that there is such a thing as rejection. Before you ask someone for something, either an order as sales professional, or a date with a beautiful lady, you do not have the order or the date. If the person declines your invitation, you still do not have the order or the date. ... Views: 790
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Own your NOW? - by Andrew Horton - Motivational Speakers
The actions you are taking or have failed to take, the emotions you have felt or are feeling and the attitude you have projected or will project to the world, in this moment, are directing the meaning and fulfilment you feel, moulding how you future will unfold and dictating the level of ... Views: 583
I received some really inspiring feedback from a 72 year old gentleman yesterday in which he affirms that, had he just committed to carry out small daily disciplines throughout his life, he would have managed to achieve so much more. He also affirmed that had he focused his energy daily and not ... Views: 734
Inspiration is that fire in your belly, which drives you to begin taking the necessary action, to allow you to realize your dreams. Developing a success habit set to sustain your daily efforts, is what will keep you going, even when that initial fire begins to wane and burn out. Dare to examine ... Views: 897
This article seeks to discover the reason why some people commit to their dreams and carry out the daily disciplines necessary to ensure their success and others do nothing and just continue to travel on their path to mediocrity? I believe the answer is not that complicated or difficult to ... Views: 1531
We are exposed to more changes every single day, than our grandparents experienced in decades and things are only starting to get going. There are already millions of websites around, containing every conceivable product or service imaginable. These websites keep growing at a rate of one new one ... Views: 761