As you know when you are in the gym and you want to grow, either your fitness or muscle mass. You can never just maintain the same workout routine. You either need to increase the size of the weights you use or the number of repetitions you perform, or if you are using cardio equipment, you need ... Views: 639
If you thought about this question for just a second, the first thoughts that would pop into your mind would be, “my family”, “my children” or “my spouse”. Now take the time to look a little deeper, is the way you are living your life indicating that you are actually living your life, like those ... Views: 636
There is most certainly no such thing as failure; you only fail when you finally give up and stop trying to achieve anything. As long as you are still taking action, which is in line with achieving the outcome you desire or you are working to overcome an unresolved challenge you have not failed. ... Views: 718
Life truly is a magnificent journey filled with meaning and fulfilment, when you strive to build great strength of character, always choose to reflect a positive attitude to everyone in your environment, operate from the high ground of good values and you choose to be passionate about the things ... Views: 728
The creation of the mobile Global position system has revolutionized travel and made getting lost virtually impossible. Finding your way to any destination, in a simple stress free fashion, is as simple as entering your destination and then sitting back and following the verbal instructions that ... Views: 1003
Changing or improving any part of your life or business, is one simple decision away. When you make the choice to excel at something or to become world class, you must first make the decision that you want this positive change in your life. Then you need to learn a few basic new lessons and ... Views: 1111
The numerous changes we see all around us every day and the roller-coaster economy, has presented us with a few new and interesting challenges. Everything continues to change, and will most certainly keep changing into the future. The markets are no longer the same, peoples buying habits and ... Views: 2954
I have been involved in sales in one way or another for what feels like my entire life. I got my first sales position working in a chemist, when I was only ten years old. The wily old pharmacy owner knew that the people, who came in to his pharmacy, were there to buy prescription drugs or other ... Views: 899
Have you got any idea where your life or business will be one year or five years from now, or are you satisfied to leave that to chance? You are most certainly going to arrive somewhere, one year or five years from now. My question to you is “WHERE” is that going to be. You can continue to fly ... Views: 1092
Inviting meaning and fulfilment into your experience, starts with you making one of the most important and satisfying choices you will ever make in your life, namely the choice to allow yourself to experience true joy and happiness. Remember happiness is always a choice and the level of ... Views: 1133
The attitude you project to the world can never be something, which depends on what is going on in your life or business at that time. It is something you have 100 % control over. In fact one of the most important choices you must make every day, is the type of attitude you intend to project to ... Views: 1002
The way your life will turn out, one year or even five years from now, is the result of an accumulation of all your current habits. Everything in our lives is governed by our habits. Starting with how you get out of bed in the morning, to how you dress, to how you speak, think and most ... Views: 1376
Success always leaves clues. No one around you that has achieved great success has done so in a vacuum. The path they have traveled, to achieve the remarkable success they have achieved, is paved with their own personal recipe or brand for success. One of the easiest ways to invite similar ... Views: 1054
I am sure that you are like most people and have a favourite type of food or even a favourite restaurant, where you love to eat. This gives you a wonderful way of nourishing your body. Can you say the same about your mind? Do you have a favourite author or type of book, which you use to nourish ... Views: 1425
I am sure that you are like everyone else and you want to experience real positive and meaningful changes in the results you are currently enjoying in your life. The best way to this is to make a small shift to the way you view things. It is time for you to change your casual interest in ... Views: 1333
Accept that today is the start of “THE BEST OF YOUR LIFE”. I have lived life in great poverty and have also had the privilege of sharing in the abundance of financial wellbeing, which flows all around us. Take it from me; money is most certainly not everything. It does bring along with it ... Views: 887
Have you ever taken the time to look around your world and explored how much influence the people around you exert on you and the business decisions you make? Are you even remotely aware of the power the people around you exert on how your life and business unfolds? If you want to wrestle back ... Views: 652
The best way to achieve greatness and to excel at everything you do is to remove distraction from your life. Whatever you do, always give 100 % to the task at hand. When you are working on any specific project, place all your energy into working as effectively as you can on that project only. ... Views: 865
The world around you will continue to change at an ever increasing pace and over the next twenty years, you may even be selling products or services into markets that don’t even exist yet. The one thing that you and everyone around you should be able to depend upon and, which will keep you ... Views: 686
If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would that word be? Would it be something like, honest, obsessed, driven, compassionate, humorous, empathetic or any myriad of other possibilities? Write down the one word you would use to describe yourself. Is it the same word other ... Views: 3685
One of the biggest challenges we face in our lives every day is the need to control everything in our environment. Too many people are so obsessed with things over which they have no control at all, that they do not have any energy left to focus on the things that really matter in their ... Views: 626
Challenges are Inevitable
You will face challenges as small as a traffic jam, which may make you late for work in the morning, to massive challenges, such as the loss of your job, as a result of company resizing. In the moment these challenges may seem overwhelming and you may even feel like ... Views: 1437
You can, and never will, find any meaning and fulfilment in your life or business, if you go to a job every day just to make money. A job is something you do whilst in college to help you pay the bills. A vocation on the other hand, is something you do because you enjoy doing it and you feel ... Views: 737
All enduring and sustainable inspiration must come from within each individual. That is why it so important for leaders to empower their team members and to support them to have a vision for the future of their own. As it is the inner drive or inspiration of each individual and their ability to ... Views: 1366
No one can ever expect to feel fulfilled or to be living a life of meaning, unless they have a clear vision and mission for the future. The two greatest tragedies in life is to either, never have a mission or vision for the future or to feel like you have fully achieved your life’s mission, ... Views: 896
One of the most important skills you need to develop as sales professionals is your ability to build meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships and real connection with people who matter. Dare to take inventory of your current relationships right now. Are the relationships you have, ... Views: 843
Success is a wonderful journey, but like any worthwhile long trip you will take, you will inevitably encounter a few challenges along the way. These challenges may even knock you down for a while. The secret to inviting sustainable success into your your life and business, is to spend as little ... Views: 2106
I believe it is because we have a need to always complicate everything in our lives and businesses that we cause ourselves a whole lot of unnecessary stress and discomfort. It is more often than not the simple solution or option, which delivers the best results in the end.
Action ... Views: 1073
Success is a becoming; it is never something you can successfully pursue. Are you satisfied with amount of preparation you are putting in every day, towards becoming the person you need to be, to attract the success you deserve and desire? Are you acquiring the skills, knowledge and resources ... Views: 653
One of the greatest success skills super achievers develop is the ability to build meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with their clients and to add real and meaningful value to them, when they sell them either their products or services. When I talk about sales I am not referring to ... Views: 927
We live in an ever changing world. Any casual observer can see that the pace of the change, we see all around us, is speeding up every day and so the best way to survive and to thrive, in this ever changing environment, is to commit to constantly innovate, evolve and grow.
Your commitment to ... Views: 780
The people you choose to associate with are one of the most important factors or influencers, which will determine how your life and business will turn out in the future. These influencers will get to determine whether you stick to your daily commitments to take action towards achieving your ... Views: 1534
The greatest gift you can give to yourself and everyone around you is the ability to see the abundance, which abounds and then be willing to offer everyone around you the gift of your caring and sharing. Learn to view the universe as an abundant place, see it as a place, with sufficient ... Views: 1302
We have an incredible ability to do whatever it takes to get exactly what we truly value. In other words when you have a really deep rooted need to achieve something, it is something you feel like you just “MUST” have. There is no obstacle or challenge that will stop you from achieving it. ... Views: 1133
When you make a commitment with yourself, do you generally keep all of them? Or do you continually let yourself down? Always remember that there is always a price to be paid when you make a commitment or promise to yourself. That price can either be one of regret or one of accomplishment. Which ... Views: 1499
The influences, which the people you spend time around have on your life, are very subtle. Just like anything, either positive or negative, if you repeat something consistently over time, they add up and eventually shape the way you live. The people you consistently spend time around will ... Views: 1840
Nothing has a greater effect on building relationships than Appreciation
Appreciating others is one of the principles of success, which too many business professionals, neglect on their journey towards sustainable business success. This is often at their own peril as research shows that up to ... Views: 780
The best way to convert a fantasy or a dream into a goal, which you can readily achieve, is to write your dream or fantasy down and then to formulate a broad plan to achieve that goal. This simple step begins the process, of goal achievement, by creating something concrete in your mind. This ... Views: 1070
The pressures imposed by society and its expectations, regarding anything you can't touch, feel or see, has forced us to repress our intuition and to stop listening to our inner voice. I hear you asking the question "What inner voice are you talking about". Well that inner voice that just asked ... Views: 2134
When you look at yourself in the mirror in the bathroom every morning, do you like what you see? Do you feel satisfied and content that the person staring back at you is living a life of meaning and fulfilment, in all areas of their life? Are you asking yourself questions like, “How did I get ... Views: 2446
When you reach the end of your fleeting physical experience one day, will you wish you had spent more time chasing after money or will you wish that you had invested your most valuable resource, namely your time, into creating meaningful relationships? The reality is that we are so driven to ... Views: 1213
What are the skill sets you possess, that you believe can contribute towards reaching your goals?
Take a long hard look at yourself and see what characteristics or skills you possess, which will contribute to your sustained success. This self-audit will help you assess where you are ... Views: 1068
Formal education is important, but not crucial; to create sustainable success in your life, as it only equips you with the fundamentals for making a living. A commitment to lifelong learning and consistent growth, on the other hand is crucial, if you want to achieve and sustain greatness, as it ... Views: 1601
Unless you are in the business of selling a complete commodity product or service, which relies exclusively on massive numbers of people buying your easily substitutable, low value product or service, you will find that the Pareto principal applies. Where 20 % of your clients give you 80 % of ... Views: 1129
The best way to achieve greatness, become a super achiever and to excel at everything you do is to strive to focus 100 % of your attention on whatever you are doing at that time. When you are working, place all your energy into delivering the best possible outcome you can achieve, strive to ... Views: 1110
The world around us has started changing at an ever increasing rate. Everything seems to have become more and more interconnected. Events outside your industry and sphere of influence, very often have a huge influence on your business, family and your wallet. It is for this reason that, if you ... Views: 1208
The first and most important way to change the results you are enjoying in your life right now is to set your imagination free. Let your imagination out for a walk and allow it to wander through the corridors of possibility. Explore all the possibilities and opportunities, which are available to ... Views: 989
Yes a journey of one thousand miles does indeed start with the first step. The challenge for most people though, is to find that inner drive and desire, to actually get off their butt, escape their comfort zone and for them to take that first teetering step and then to stay inspired enough, to ... Views: 1259
he easiest way to ensure that you remain inspired and on track as you traverse the path to the success you desire, Is to constantly measure your performance against a number of predefined outcomes. These outcomes or measurement criterion must be defined and clearly stated, during the planning ... Views: 1316
There are factors, like the type of parents we had, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in, which may affect how our lives turn out, if we allow them to be a factor. In reality all these factors are merely events, which occurred in our lives. The real measure of who we ... Views: 863