I am sure that you have heard the phrase, “It is not your aptitude, but rather your attitude, which will determine your altitude” When you commit to project a great attitude to the world, everyone around you will respond far more positively to you and they will want to be supported by you and your value proposition. Having a positive attitude is a prerequisite for inviting meaning, success and fulfilment into your experience. Dare to allow your unique potential to shine and show the world to see who you really are and what you offer, by projecting the right attitude to everyone you touch.

Your Attitude helps you Stand out
Most of your competitors out there, sell products and services, which can satisfy your prospects and customers’ needs and desires. Great sales professionals on the other hand, know that people will be willing to pay more and become far more loyal, towards them and their value proposition, when their great products and services are backed up by an agreeable, positive and enjoyable experience too. Let’s be honest, who does not want to have their needs and desires taken care of and to be made to feel good at the same time?

Attitude is not everything – It is the Only thing
The people will always respond positively towards you and are moved by confident, positive people, who project a great attitude to the world. There will always be a market for great products and services, which help people and satisfy their needs. So you can continue to just sell products and services like everyone else out there and get lost in the mass of offerings available, or you can make a decision right now to stand out from the crowd, by offering your prospects and customers the opportunity to not only enjoy great products or services, but to get the benefit of your great attitude thrown into the mix too.

Your Attitude is far more Important than the product or service
It is really easy for your customers or prospects to say no to just another product or service, which is similar to all the others on offer, but it, is impossible for them to say no to a really positive experience with another caring human being, who clearly has their best interests at heart. As you know when something makes you feel good, you naturally want to have more of the thing which made you feel good in the first place.

This why people spend money on things, which they know are bad for them, but make them feel good. Things like Tabaco products, alcohol and even drugs. People will spend money on things that make them feel good, before they will spend money on necessities. This can be seen and explained by the crazy debt crisis facing most first world countries today. People continue to borrow money to satisfy their need for instant gratification and pleasure in the moment.

People want to feel good
I am sure we are all guilty of spending money on things we did not need, simply because they made us feel good. I was recently walking in an upmarket mall in Melrose arch, after delivering a talk to a large corporate, at one of the venues there. I saw this really amazing looking jacket, in the window of one of the boutiques and was intrigued by it and so I thought I would take a look at it, to see if it was worth buying. I walked in and asked the sales lady if I could see the jacket. She was really attentive and caring and showed a real interest in me. The whole experience was fantastic. She walked over and suggested that I try the on for size and fit. She showed genuine caring and reflected a really positive and supportive attitude as she helped me put the jacket on. Now I know I was being sold here, but she immediately complimented me on how the jacket fitted and commented that she thought it made me look really professional and elegant.

Admiring my reflection in the mirror and really liking how the jacket fitted, I asked her for the price. She told me a price, which was way above anything I had ever spent on a jacket before and so I protested telling her that the price was insane and added that I did not even need another jacket at that point. She was amazing, had a fantastic attitude and incredible smile as she reminded me that “No one buys an amazing jacket like this one, because they need it, they buy it because it is really beautiful and makes them feel good” I immediately asked her if they took credit cards and left with a really awesome jacket. I most certainly did not need, but rather one, which made me feel good.

Be the Breath of Fresh Air People need to see everyday
I try to avoid all the newspapers and news reports out there, describing the chaos and challenges in the world, but despite my efforts, even I am exposed to the Medias relentless efforts to disseminate bad news to us. It is for this reason that it is always so refreshing to meet someone who projects a positive, solution orientated attitude towards you. When you can authentically project a smile to the world and you are always willing to project a can do attitude to everyone around you. Everyone around you, including your customers and prospects will positively respond to you and want to support and work with you.

Do People Know how much you Care?
We all have a need to be taken care of by positive, helpful, smiling, energised, passionate, inspired and caring people, who have our best interest at heart. I know when I buy something, it is always about the whole experience and seldom only about the product or service itself. Yes we all have needs for products and services, but we also have a far greater need to be made to feel good too. So if you really want to stand out a sales professional, it is crucial that you project a positive attitude and find innovative ways to make your customers and prospects feel good about you and your entire value proposition.

People pay more if you make them feel good
When you are positive, authentically caring and energised, people will find you and your products and services very attractive and be willing to pay a fair price for them. Remember that people will never pay a higher price for your products or services than you believe to be fair yourself.

My wife and I often go to a local shopping centre to enjoy a dinner and a movie together. There is a really wonderful car guard at the centre, who has the broadest smile, I have ever seen. He shows genuine interest in us when we arrive. He rushes to open the door for my wife and greets us enthusiastically every time we arrive in his section of the parking area. Although his section in the parking lot is a little further from the entrance than any of the others, his section is always full of cars. People love his attitude, smile and authentic commitment to service.

Alfred’s section in the parking lot is often full and so we are sometimes forced to park elsewhere. The other guards are surly and you can see that they hate what they do. They simply go through the motions, only walking up to you, expecting their tip from you. I always give Alfred a handsome tip for the way he makes us feel and on occasion, do not even tip the other guards, because they make the whole parking experience with them so unpleasant.

How do your customers feel after dealing with you? Do they feel good and are they energised after their time with you? I assure you that your sales will go through the roof when you consistently project a positive attitude to the world, you genuinely show caring for your prospects and clients and you consistently find innovative ways to ensure that they always feel good after spending time with you.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew Horton is one of South Africa's top sales training experts. He will support, uplift and inspire sales professionals to explore the limits of their potential and awaken the sales giants, which resides within all of them. His sales training presentation is aimed at inspiring sales professionals, helping them to become re-energised and eager to achieve their sales targets. The sales tools and powerful tried and tested practical sales techniques, they will be introduced to during his presentation, will help any sales professional to immediately up their game and to become a real sales giant, within their markets. Visit my website at http://www.andrewhorton.co.za/sales-training