Are you 100 % certain that your value proposition holds more value, than you expect your customers to pay for it? Because if you are not, then you can never expect to convince anyone, to invest into what you sell. Everyone you come into contact with has an innate ability to read you like a book. ... Views: 1172
There is one letter difference between having a mere contact and then converting that contact into a long term sales contRact. That letter is a massive “R”, which stands for “RELATIONSHIP”. If you want to convert the “Right Contacts” you already know and will get to know, into long term ... Views: 784
Build a business
Stop thinking about closing single transactions and instead focus on building a sustainable long term business, one satisfied customer at a time and then use all your satisfied customers as leverage, to get referrals to the next perfect prospect, who needs exactly what you have ... Views: 1120
It cannot be disputed that certain people have specific strengths, which will certainly support them to be better at what we would traditionally call sales, than other people. I do however believe that, as we are all in sales, from the moment we utter our first cry, where by crying, we are ... Views: 1732
The few tips I will share with you in this article, are not earth shattering and going to leave you with one of your “WOW” moments in life. They are very simple, but when done consistently make you referable and unfortunately when neglected will keep you trapped in average. So the question you ... Views: 983
Any sales professional can immediately improve their sales results, if they stop seeing dollar signs, every time they engage with a customer or prospect and instead develop a deep desire to be of service to them instead. To make this work for them they must ensure that they offer the right ... Views: 1205
Energy as defined in Physics is the capacity to perform work. With this awareness, now ask yourself, “How much energy do I have right now”? If you are feeling de-energised or tired, you obviously understand that you will not be able to perform the crucial tasks you need to carry out daily, at ... Views: 885
There are a number of classic children’s books out there, like Dr. Seuss, Cat in the Hat and Horton Hears a Who, to name but a few. All these classics are unforgettable; the pictures conjured up when we think about The Cat in the Hat, for example, brings vivid pictures into your head of a tall ... Views: 723
If you want to finally break free from average and achieve the meaning and fulfilment, you have always desired, then it is time for you to accept that you must “GO THE EXTRA MILE” All the people I have researched and studied, who live fulfilling lives, do not perform at average levels, they all ... Views: 1582
How fast do you believe that you should succeed at anything you try to achieve? Do you believe that, as we live in a world where we have instant coffee, microwaves, instant popcorn etc. it is therefore obvious that success should now also be instant too? Nothing could be further from the truth ... Views: 1100
I know that movies rarely offer the most profound moments, which are life changing or that offer advice to help you improve your life. There is however one movie moment, which stands out for me, from the movie City Slickers, where the character played by Billy Crystal, explains the secret of ... Views: 707
I am sure you that you all remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, from when you were at kinder garden. The tortoise symbolises the benefit of consistent and focused effort carried out at a steady pace over time and how this will always be more effective than the fast paced, erratic and ... Views: 860
Do you believe that being ambitious is wrong or do you believe that ambition or your deep rooted desire to be the best possible version of yourself, is your obligation and even your duty? I believe that operating at anything less than your best, is not only going to frustrate you, but is ... Views: 650
Review your Day
It is always good practice to set time aside at the end of your day to reflect on how you did. Are you meeting your commitments to create the future you desire? This is an opportunity for you to go over everything you have done that day. Are the actions you are taking delivering ... Views: 822
Become the best version of yourself possible
There are numerous possibilities available, for you to become the best possible version of your unique self. Accept that there is only one version of you on this planet; no one else has your unique mind, life experience, character, attitude and ... Views: 890
As you know there is nothing more valuable than your time. You can get more money, better relationships, improve your health, with better exercise and improved eating routines, grow your spiritual connection and improve the fulfilment you get from your career, but as long as we continue to view ... Views: 826
Lack of Knowledge is never a reason not to start
I have owned and successfully operated numerous businesses, in many different industries: from engineering, to manufacturing, to transport, to tourism, to the SCUBA diving industry, to consulting, to professional speaking and training, to mention ... Views: 718
The thing you need to consider as you review your actions, daily, weekly and monthly, is whether they are delivering the desired results. Planning is important, but unless you are ensuring that you are taking the right actions every day, they remain just words on a piece of paper. Assess your ... Views: 1118
Break your Goals Back into Projects
This is where you need to become realistic with your goals. Break your 10 X or hairy audacious goals back into individual projects. These are mini goals or bite size chunks, which you can realistically achieve within the next 90 days. As you gradually achieve ... Views: 879
Meet your Future Every Day
When you are living in a modality of constant overwhelm and urgency and you are constantly distracted. Your attention is focused on putting fires out, instead of carrying out goal achievement activities. Your challenge and the reason you are struggling to achieve your ... Views: 894
Now is the time to create a positive mind-set, where you orient yourself to constantly be on the lookout for fortuitous situations or circumstances. It is extremely difficult to identify opportunities, when you are not looking for them and impossible, if you do not believe in yourself, your ... Views: 897
Open your Mind and Think Bigger Than Yourself
There is a sort of magic found in setting goals. When you set yourself goals in an ever expanding spiral, starting with goals for yourself, your immediate and extended family, your community, city where you live, province or state, your country ... Views: 777
When police agents are trained to recognise counterfeit money, they are trained to focus on knowing all the characteristics of the legal currency. They are trained using real money and work with only the legal tender, until they know every counterfeiting measure printed on or in the money. They ... Views: 1242
Instead of blustering forward and looking for what you need to do, to enjoy the success you desire. Try a different approach this time and look at your vision and instead ask a different question. Ask yourself who you need to become to attract the level of success you desire into your life? Once ... Views: 642
What picture of possibility do you hold in your mind? Can you see yourself living the life of meaning and fulfilment you desire? Because the picture you hold in your mind today, is what is shaping how your future will unfold, as it is driving your beliefs about what you see as being possible for ... Views: 591
Can you Turn “NO-THING” into something worthwhile?
All the goods and services, which make our lives better every day, started out as simply a thought or an idea in someone’s imagination. Why do those products or services even exist in the first place? How did a simple thought, an idea, ... Views: 681
What picture of possibility do you hold in your mind? Can you see yourself living the life of meaning and fulfilment you desire? Because the picture you hold in your mind today, is what is shaping how your future will unfold, as it is driving your beliefs about what you see as being possible for ... Views: 751
Once you are clear on what you want to achieve and why it is important to you, use this information to create a crystal clear vision for the future. Your vision is the picture of possibility, which you write down and use to serve you as your direction indicator into the future. It is the ... Views: 817
I have studied a number of very successful people around the world and based on my research I have discovered an effective formula for inviting similar levels of success into your own life. The first thing which stood out for me amongst the super achievers I studied was their 100 % acceptance, ... Views: 725
It is mistakenly believed that your potential is limited by your current abilities, knowledge, skills or even your current circumstances, whereas, in reality, your limits only exist within your own self-imposed comfort zone and restrictive beliefs. You can completely remove any perceived limits ... Views: 958
You can never expect to consistently exceed your sales targets, unless you learn the art of utilising your available time as effectively as possible every day. Time is a limited resource, which when invested wisely will allow you to achieve remarkable results and when wasted, will keep you ... Views: 1052
Tim Ferris wanted to win a national sports title and was prepared to do whatever it took to realise his dream. He started from where he was, well where else is there to start. With belief, commitment and daily dedication, he won the San Shou kickboxing title just six weeks after being introduced ... Views: 1297
The secret to invite your vision into your future and turn it into your reality is hidden behind a really dirty four letter word. That four letter word is called “WORK”. When you commit to work tirelessly and you consistently take inspired goal specific action daily, you become unstoppable. ... Views: 645
Your mind or should I rather say the captain, who guides you on your journey through life and the thing, which is the source of who you are, is one of the most misunderstood and underutilised tools available in our success toolkit. The more you take care of it and work to consistently add new ... Views: 641
You will only ever achieve the level of success you believe you deserve and that you believe you have the skill and ability to achieve. The reason for this is that your beliefs are what ultimately drive your behaviour and the actions you take or fail to take each day. What you believe to be true ... Views: 1499
When you finally pull the trigger and make the decision to go after one of your goals, no matter what that goal is, you must commit to achieve that goal with everything you have. Half-hearted approaches to anything always result in half heated results. Desmond Disraeli said it so eloquently, ... Views: 816
One of the most underutilised resources available to you, is your database of past clients. There is a goldmine of new business available to you, when you explore your database of past clients and work your list intelligently, to re-activate some of them. What I mean by re-activating past ... Views: 545
As you know becoming successful in life or in sales, is all about relationships. The better the relationships you are able to form with the people around you, the better will be the results you will be able to enjoy in the long run. Success in life or in sales Is not only based only on what you ... Views: 665
Change, like death and taxes is here to stay; how you choose to view it and use it, is up to you. You can either choose to allow change to scare you or even overwhelm you or you can make a wiser choice and choose to accept and embrace change and use it as an opportunity generator, the very ... Views: 626
I am sure that you have heard the phrase “It is never what you know, it is who you know, which will make the greatest difference to how much success you enjoy” Learn the art of mining your power base of contacts and you will not only be equipped to survive in any economic climate, but you will ... Views: 743
Firstly remember that anything you pursue will always elude you. So remove the thought of pursuing success from your mind. The way to invite any level of SUCCESS into your experience is by first accepting that “If it is to be then, it is up to me” and adopting this as your new adage. Secondly ... Views: 691
How prepared do you think you need to be before you call on a prospect? Do you think it is OK to just arrive unprepared and ask them to tell you about their business? There is no easier way to turn a prospect away than arriving unprepared, not knowing anything about them or their business. We ... Views: 662
Have you invested so much into building connection with your customers that they are such raving fans, that they are one of your best-selling tools? Research shows that happy customers will readily refer you to people they know, if they have enjoyed a wonderful sales experience with you. People ... Views: 906
I see people all around me every day, who arrive home after yet another really long day at work, exhausted, yet they never seem to get the important things that they need to do done. This leaves them overwhelmed and unable to achieve their goals. Do you know anyone like that, or worse, is that ... Views: 665
As you know, nothing happens to you, everything happens, because of you. So if any future dream is to be converted from that electrical charge of possibility, which exists in your brain right now and converted into something, real and tangible, then you must live by the old adage of, “If it is ... Views: 660
You are all involved in influencing the outcomes you see in your world, whether you believe you are or not. From the moment you wake up every day you are influencing or at least trying to influence the people around you, to conform to meet your needs and expectations. You use many different ... Views: 833
My intent with this article is to grab hold of those magnificent people out there and by those magnificent people, I mean you too, and give them a gentle reminder that they are only idling and if they wish to break free from average, they are equipped to do so. What are you waiting for, before ... Views: 713
It is not too difficult to look around your world and see that people, who give freely, receive copious amounts of whatever they give, back in return. People, who enjoy the most love in their lives, are the people who give their love freely to all the people around them. The people I have ... Views: 815
As real as FEAR may feel when you are immobilised by the thought of calling on a new prospect, approaching your boss for a raise or asking the girl of your dreams out on a date. There is no real danger to you at all. There is no sabre toothed tiger going to attack you and eat you alive. Make no ... Views: 877
Every one of us lives a unique life, filled with completely different experiences. Most of us experience relationships, both good and bad, we have friends, a career, financial freedom or debt, which either gives us freedom of choice or keeps us trapped in lives devoid of meaning. The quality of ... Views: 523