We are nearing the middle of the year. How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Remember what Anthony Robbins said, “We often overestimate what we can achieve in a year and significantly underestimate all we can achieve in a decade”. If you are not ... Views: 2222
I am sure you have heard many people around say “It is not what you know, but rather, who you know that determines your level of financial or career success” I must admit that I believe that it is most certainly a combination of the two, which will ultimately determine the level of success you ... Views: 1513
If you boarded a plane and the pilot that came over the intercom was incoherent and had no idea what the flight number was, no idea where he was going or even if there was enough fuel on board the plane, would you stay on board? Examine the person piloting your life right now, how coherent is ... Views: 1502
Have you ever wondered why you sleep with your smart phone next to your bed? Does it give you some sort of comfort to know that your phone is there, so anyone, anywhere in the world can disturb your sleep and interrupt that crucial time you spend rejuvenating and recharging your batteries, at ... Views: 1289
When police agents are trained to recognise counterfeit money, they are trained to focus on knowing all the characteristics of the legal currency. They are trained using real money and work with only the legal tender, until they know every counterfeiting measure printed on or in the money. They ... Views: 1375
Have you ever attended a sport match where, the players reach half time. During this break they refresh themselves, gather their thoughts, examine their performance during the first half and set strategy for the second half of the match. Well as you reach the halfway mark in your year, have you ... Views: 1436
As you know compounding, is the eighth wonder of the world. Consistent small focused efforts add up over time and eventually turn into incredible results. I believe that the addition of all these small efforts over time is the single biggest reason why some people become super achievers and ... Views: 1349
The rapid rate of transformation and the growth of knowledge all around us has made the consistent acquisition of knowledge a necessity. In the past the select few people, who engaged in the practice of constant and never ending improvement, where they committed to continue learning and growing ... Views: 1909
In this evolving and ever changing world we live in, it is becoming increasingly important to be recognised as the go to person or expert in your field. If I had to ask you who the best Body builder in the world was, you would immediately say Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is seen as the expert, ... Views: 1513
Everything that happens in our world is merely an event. We give each one, meaning and get to decide whether it is positive or negative. For example: If two young children climb onto a roller coaster. One is an adrenalin junky and loves being out of control. The other is a more serious child, ... Views: 1901
I have never been a great spectator of sporting events and have never been bitten by the sports spectator bug, where I have felt compelled to follow my local football, baseball or soccer teams. I have preferred to be a participant in any sport, which has interested me. There is no harm in ... Views: 1398
There is a sort of magic found in setting goals. When you set yourself goals in an ever expanding spiral, starting with goals for yourself, your immediate and extended family, your community, city where you live, province or state, your country where you earn most of your money and finally goals ... Views: 1267
We all have habits, both good ones, which support our efforts to attract success into our lives and bad ones, which keep us from taking the daily actions we need to take, to succeed. If you have any doubt about the power of your habits and how they can keep you locked in a cycle of mediocrity, ... Views: 1527
Accumulating financial wealth is, most certainly not the only measure of wealth and success. However money is the vehicle, which allows us to translate our intangible dreams and aspirations into tangible things. So don’t discount the importance of acquiring financial wealth, as part of your ... Views: 1442
I am sure that you are in a similar place to everyone else, where you feel like you are trapped on a daily treadmill, which does not seem to really go anywhere. All that seems to happen is that the treadmill speeds up and occasionally slows down, every day. You feel like you are really working ... Views: 1641
Achieving success, whatever that may mean to you and your unique concept of what constitutes success, requires discipline, consistent effort and mental toughness. You need daily discipline, to ensure that you take the action you need to take every day to achieve the outcomes you want and mental ... Views: 1684
The quality and meaning you get to enjoy in your life, is never measured by the size of your paycheque or the type and size of your motor vehicle or even whether you have managed to accumulate one million dollars in cash in the bank. The ultimate measure of anyone’s life is in the fulfilment ... Views: 1394
As we draw closer to the middle of the year, it is time to review your progress, so far this year. How successfully have you been at focusing on and achieving your goals? If your progress is less than satisfactory, it may be that you are pursuing the wrong goals or are trying to achieve ... Views: 1637
The globalization and interconnection of our world, has seen events outside your markets, industry, career and environment, have a significant impact on you, your business and the way you do things in your world. Whatever market you work in, it is impossible to remain successful, unless you keep ... Views: 1637
I am sure that you have heard many people say that you can never expect to achieve any level of sustainable success, unless you accept 100 % responsibility for your life. For most of us, accepting 100 % responsibility for everything, both negative and positive in our lives, is a really difficult ... Views: 2039
Are you allowing the good opinion of other people to limit you in any way? Other people’s opinions can and should not have any sway on you or your life at all. The views expressed by the people around you, is really only an additional tool that you can use to explore any opportunities, overcome ... Views: 3028
You play an integral role, in the way people treat and respond to you. If you are not enjoying the way people in your environment are treating or responding to you right now, there is only one thing you need to do. Change the way you treat and respond to all the people around you. As you know it ... Views: 1561
Coaching has been a norm in the sports arena for many years now and most if not all of the greatest sporting achievements of all time, have been the result of hard work and perseverance on the part of the athlete and the great input and support of their coach. It was not until the early 1990’s ... Views: 1515
Are you so busy spinning your wheels every day, on the treadmill of your life that you feel completely overwhelmed and just caught up in a cycle of constant busyness? Does it feel like you never have any time available to invest in yourself? When last did you allow yourself to take a break from ... Views: 1497
The changes we are exposed to every day are no longer incremental or gradual. We are exposed to massive social and economic changes almost every day. If we are to survive and thrive in these turbulent times, we must get a handle on the magnitude and scope of the changes, which are happening all ... Views: 1511
Of course a ship is always safest when it is in the harbor, but a ship was not designed to spend its life, rusting away, safely in the harbor. It was designed to venture out into the large, unknown ocean, to explore, discover and bring back the wonders the world has to offer. The same is true ... Views: 1440
Challenges and obstacles are all a very necessary part of any success journey. Ask any super achiever, who has achieved their success, despite having overcome numerous challenges and obstacles, along their path to success. If they could go back and do it all over again, but this time around, ... Views: 5086
The most well-known distinction between a manager and a leader is found in the fact that managers are great at maintaining direction or managing processes, whilst leaders are able to influence people and move an organisation in a new direction. Managers are thus able to steer the ship, whilst ... Views: 1287
People often look around their world and see what they believe to be overnight successes. They look at super achievers and think that they achieved their success due to a lucky break or that they made it to the pinnacle of their career without much effort at all. Usually exactly the opposite is ... Views: 7184
Despite the fact that there have been numerous tests conducted, where scientists have proven without a shadow of a doubt that we use our entire brain. The myth that we only use about 10 % of our brain has been repeated so many times that it is assumed to be a fact. I think the myth was born ... Views: 1478
We are given all sorts of encouragement as we are growing up, to develop our intellectual abilities. It is in fact our intellectual abilities that determine what type of tertiary education, if any, we are able to access, once we leave high school. Our intellectual ability is even used as the ... Views: 1221
Have you ever thought about what success means to you. Is it a status that you reach one day or is it a process, which continues throughout your life. An on-going process, in which you create a crystal clear vision of exactly what you want to have, do and be and then use, as the definitive ... Views: 1462
There is one constant in our lives today, that constant is CHANGE. You can either allow change to overwhelm you and be the reason that you never manage to break free from your self-imposed comfort zone. Or you can accept 100 % responsibility for your life and anticipate change, plan for change ... Views: 1242
As each day passes, is the world a little better off because you have been here or have you had no effect or worse, you have left the world a little worse off, because of your passing. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a beautiful poem in which he measures success by how we leave in the world, as we ... Views: 1476
Before the advent of video games and the constant bombardment of 24 hour entertainment streaming directly into our lounges, the highlight of our year was attending the carnival, when it came to town. We could hardly wait to ride the bobbing wild animals and whirl, round and round to the music ... Views: 1625
Where you find your business right now is the right place to start, if you want to improve the results you are currently enjoying, by evolving your current culture. It is important to know that the current culture within your organisation is not a bad culture; it is merely a culture, which can ... Views: 1188
If you are driven to succeed, I am sure that you work as hard as you can every day, trying to give 100 % to everything you do. The question I have about this philosophy, where you give 100 % every day and work until you can’t anymore, is that, without time to recover, our bodies gradually break ... Views: 1384
Unless you are going to consciously work to manage the culture within your organisation, to support the outcomes you want to achieve, something amazing is going to happen, NOTHING!!! Stop allowing the culture in your organisation, which may have evolved into a major success limiting factor, to ... Views: 1161
We all have a set of unwritten rules about the way we do things and the way we expect people to respond to us. I grew in a tough neighbourhood, where if you showed weaknesses, you would be bullied and treated as an outcast. Did you think I needed to be sent an email or a memo, as I was growing ... Views: 1579
All organisations are encountering change, at differing rates, both within and all around them, at the moment. These internal and never ending external changes, are affecting the way we do business now and the effects of the accelerating pace of change, will only increase, even more so in the ... Views: 1359
Research has shown that there is a constant stream of self-talk going on in our minds all day. This constant of barrage of input into our minds, only seems to stop during certain parts of our sleeping cycle. This constant stream of talk is so habitual and part of who we are, that we seldom even ... Views: 1530
No matter how great a motivational speaker may be. The motivation and uplifting emotional feelings they bring out in their audience, only lasts for a very short time after the event is over. I am sure you have experienced this where you have attended an event, with a fantastic motivational ... Views: 1510
Have you ever heard that old cliché “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” expressed by someone who has achieved great financial success? I now this is not a politically correct statement, but I believe that the origins of this cliché have bounced to your ear, from someone, who is ... Views: 1634
The way you choose to program your brain every day, with the consistent thoughts you think, is what you will most readily do. If you are continually filling your mind with negative self-talk or you allow yourself to constantly focus on the penalties of failure or all the things which could go ... Views: 1297
According to the laws of physics it is impossible to find a one-sided positive magnet and no matter how thin you slice anything it will always has two sides. The same is true about our lives. You cannot expect to live a one sided positive life without any challenge or stress. I am sure you are ... Views: 1410
I believe that the true measure of a person is not found in what they do when they know people are watching, but rather how they conduct themselves even when they think no one is watching. Are you always cordial and empathetic when you deal with people, especially people who carry no sway over ... Views: 3630
Because we live in such a now generation, with instant popcorn, microwaves and fast food, we have become impatient and expect everything in our lives to be instant. We expect instant success, instant personal growth and the case of our health we want instant results there too. Leaders are no ... Views: 1613
We are instinctively programmed to seek pleasure and to avoid pain at all costs. This worked really well and served us when we lived in primitive societies, where our survival depended on us not taking unnecessary risks, by doing anything out of the ordinary, which could push us outside of the ... Views: 1712
If we all have the same amount of time each day, how is it possible that some people get so much more done each day than others? When you discover the answer to this question, you will have unlocked the secret to invite almost any level of success into your life. You will be able to enjoy the ... Views: 1312
I am sure that you have heard of the ten year overnight success. This happens when all of a sudden someone seems to appear from nowhere and turns into an overnight success. They seem to just arrive on the scene, where they have the Midas touch and cannot put a foot wrong. They enjoy one ... Views: 1420