The compound effect is remarkable and small consistent, well directed efforts over time, add up to remarkable results in our lives and businesses. Unfortunately the compound effect does not only work in a positive direction. Consistent neglect of your health, career, and relationships or around ... Views: 1619
Learn the art of exploring all opportunities, which may cross your path and build your experience and judgment, so that you can quickly decide if it is worth investing time and energy into exploring any new opportunity. It is always far easier to explore any opportunities and save buckets of ... Views: 1330
Are you destroying your ambition for meaningful success, because you are allowing yourself to remain trapped in FEAR? Fear, as you know, is our way of looking at our world and seeing “False Experiences Appearing Real”, instead of exploring our world and seeing opportunity and possibility. How ... Views: 1110
Choose the people you associate with carefully as they are great contributors to your success. If you associate with or surround yourself with the wrong people, they will negatively impact your life and business, as they slowly, almost unnoticed, nudge you just a little off course every day. ... Views: 1314
Right now, is the time for you to emerge from behind the clouds that are hiding your ability and for you to finally allow the light of your unlimited potential to shine. Ignite the spark of possibility and allow it to burn in a brilliant blaze as you explore, discover and live your potential. ... Views: 1488
Inspiration is that fire in your belly, which drives you to begin taking the necessary action to realize your dreams. Sustaining that initial momentum and to keep effectively traveling on the path of achievement, requires you to develop a success habit set, to help you sustain your daily ... Views: 2288
Success comes to those who have a strong will to succeed, a vision of what they want and finally a plan to guide them to get it. Does that sound really simple and easy to do, well it really is. The challenge you face though, is that as easy as it is to do, so easy is it not to do. It is really ... Views: 1269
You can choose to continue living your life like a little shadow, which runs across the field of your potential every day and then simply disappears when the sun sets or you can make the choice today to begin taking the strides necessary to finally invite your full potential to shine. When you ... Views: 1828
When sales professionals avoid any situations, where they have the potential to fail or make mistakes, they are limiting themselves and are in fact positioning themselves to fail. The fear of failure or rejection holds far too many sales professionals hostage. They have the ability and the ... Views: 1639
All the actions we take or fail to take every day result in one outcome or another. Some of the outcomes, which we enjoy, are aligned with our needs and expectations and others are not. So in a very simplistic fashion, all we really encounter every day are events. They neither have a positive or ... Views: 971
My grandfather had a really vivid imagination and whenever he would babysit for my parents, he would play a little good-night game with my brother and I. I loved this little ritual and was eager to go rushing off to bed, to wait for my grandfather to come tuck me in. He would sit with my brother ... Views: 2007
The numerous changes we see all around us every day and the roller-coaster economy, has presented us with a few new and interesting challenges. Everything has changed, the markets are not the same, peoples buying habits and demand for products has changed. Innovation is driving new products, ... Views: 1683
Strive to hold the highest consciousness possible and aspire to surround yourself with the RIGHT people. People that reflect the qualities you want to see in your own life. This will help you keep your focus and energy on the business of utilising your excellence and exposing your ... Views: 5776
If you want to finally start moving towards the success you want to invite into your life. It is time to stand out from the crowd and go the extra mile. As long as you allow yourself to remain trapped in your comfort zone. A place where you are, neither content, nor fulfilled your life will ... Views: 2585
John lives an average life, waking up at 7 am every day. He immediately switches on the radio as he wakes up, filling his brain with all sorts of random pointless distracting input. He drives off to work with the radio blaring away in the background. This allows him to stay tuned out of his day ... Views: 1155
I am sure we all know someone like Jane, she was really inspired last week and decided that she finally wanted to change her life. She set herself a goal to double her income by the end of 2013 and vigorously started taking action on Wednesday, so that she could finally start to deliver on the ... Views: 1984
Is your greatest aspiration in life to retire one day and sit under a coconut tree? I challenge you to grasp all the possibilities available to you and to accept that to live a life of meaning and fulfillment, a life where you will get the greatest pleasure and satisfaction, requires you to ... Views: 1079
I find it astounding that the same sales professionals achieve the top sales results, year after year, whilst others sit back and wonder how they could achieve similar results themselves. When I work with sales teams, I ask one simple question. I ask them if they know who the top three sales ... Views: 1924
One of the greatest challenges facing many businesses today is finding ways to motivate and inspire their team members every day. This task is growing even more difficult, due to the turbulent economic conditions; we are facing and the ever increasing pace of change all around us. I hear many of ... Views: 1257
Stop Selling and Build Mutually Beneficial Relationships with your Partners
Anyone who has built a camp fire knows that starting a fire and getting it going is quite difficult. You need to build a small pile of dry kindling and then apply some sort of spark to it, to get it burning. Once this ... Views: 1273
At some stage in your life, you still dared to dream and you had those grandiose goals and aspirations, to live a life of meaning and fulfillment. What killed that drive and determination in you? Was it because you really were dreaming the impossible or you just simply did not have what it took ... Views: 2028
When you walk into a dark room, you simply reach across, press the light switch on and the darkness disappears. Do you need to attend a motivational talk to inspire you to press the light switch, or do you procrastinate and contemplate the task, before you actually press the switch? No, you just ... Views: 1644
I am sure you have heard the phrase “knowledge is power” bandied about and have even used the phrase yourself on occasion. Well as you know, simply knowing something doesn't make anything happen. A whole lot of things we hear or read about are common knowledge, everyone knows about it. The ... Views: 1731
Inviting harmony into your life means that you will need to exert a little more conscious control over your habits and lifestyle. I believe that if you are to truly become a fully actualised individual, you need to look beyond the obvious, on-going commitment to lifelong learning, consistent ... Views: 1272
Small Insignificant Daily Actions, Add Up Into Super Achievement
How are things going this year, with those big dreams and goals you had earlier this year? Are you still allowing yourself to stand on the side-lines of your life and are you still making those small daily errors in judgement, ... Views: 1338
As you travel on your journey towards the success you desire, you obviously understand the importance of having a purpose, vision, mission, a set of very clearly defined goals and finally individual goal specific actions, which you will carry out every day. Once you have this crucial structure ... Views: 3614
When helping individuals within corporations to work effectively with their affirmations. I remind them that they might sometimes feel resistance well up inside themselves, when they are affirming any new behaviour. When anyone in your team affirms something, which challenges their comfort zone, ... Views: 1354
The type of success you will get to enjoy in your life or business is directly affected by the clarity of your vision, how serious you are about what you want to achieve, the quality of your goals and plans and your daily commitment to carry out goal specific actions, which will help you to ... Views: 2116
Visualization is a really powerful supplemental tool, which you can utilize on your success journey, to support you to build belief, encourage activity and help you to stay focused on achieving your vision. It is by no means a standalone process, which on its own, is going to deliver the meaning ... Views: 1181
As you know whatever you think about you will eventually bring about. It is for this reason that I recommend creating a few positive affirmations, which support your vision and goals. Positive affirmations are nothing more than positive statements, which we create; to support a new positive ... Views: 1496
It takes as much energy to set a large goal that will stretch you, as it does to set a very small goal, which does not challenge you at all. When you set worthwhile goals they should feel a little daunting and require a stretch to achieve. An effectively set goal is one that clearly states the ... Views: 1596
We all need to make a living and even though we may be involved in something that is not inspiring us or making us feel passionate, right now, we must never allow that to stop us from expressing our true desire. Give yourself permission to dream once again, allow your mind to walk into the ... Views: 1390
Decide what you want, chances are it wants you too. Once you are clear on exactly what you want in your future and you have invested the time and energy to turn that picture into a crystal clear vision for the future and you begin to take action every day to bring this vision to life. You will ... Views: 815
Communication is critical when developing mutually beneficial and mutually enjoyable relationships. Relationships require trust, and one of the best ways to develop trust is to focus on helping the other person feel heard and understood.
Remember this important distinction:
There’s a big ... Views: 1802
The pressures imposed by society and its expectations and beliefs, regarding anything you can’t touch feel or see, has forced us to repress our intuition and to stop listening to our inner voice. The practice of meditation helps you clear away the day to day distractions and if you will just ... Views: 1097
Failure is really only feedback from our environment or the universe telling us that our response to various events in our lives was not correct. What that in effect means is that our responses did not deliver the outcomes that were desirable at that time. So failure really only serves as an ... Views: 2687
Change is always disconcerting, if not terrifying, for most people. I want to offer you a few tips in this article, which will help make positive changes in your life, which will take you from where you are to where you want to be. The positive change I encourage you to make in your life right ... Views: 1825
Let’s face it; it’s difficult enough to maintain a positive, confident and enthusiastic outlook in the face of setbacks and the ever changing world we live in. So why do we sometimes add to the challenge, by hanging around in environments that are filled with negativity and compound the ... Views: 1823
What must you do every day to finally live your goals?
To get from where you are to where you want to be or should I rather say “where you passionately NEED to be”. You must firstly be certain that you really need and want, whatever goal you are attempting to achieve in your life. You must ... Views: 1483
Happiness like success is very often misunderstood and too many people think that happiness is a function of how much money you have. Most people wrongly believe that if you make enough money, you can buy happiness. I have had the experience of pursuing money at the expense of everything else ... Views: 1130
Attempting to pursue happiness is as effective as attempting to discover the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The harder you try to find happiness, the more you pursue it, the further out of your reach it will become. Happiness is never something you pursue; it is something you choose to ... Views: 1549
I have often pondered the question around, what drives one person to consistently take the daily actions, which result in great success and what encourages someone else with the same potential, to sit back and do nothing. The research that I am conducting is pointing me towards, a finding that ... Views: 2869
Working with the concept of problem solving, introduces a number of challenges for me. I believe that what we think about, we most certainly, through our thoughts and actions, eventually bring about. So the very act of viewing something as a problem causes us to engage in negative thought ... Views: 1073
The ever increasing rate of change in our world, over the past few decades, has resulted in the challenges we face, becoming more and more complex. There is a constant barrage of data and information, through which we need to sort, before we can even begin making any decisions. These constant, ... Views: 1167
All really great leaders know the few leadership secrets I am going to share with you in this article. They know that there are a few crucial personality traits, which they can use to empower themselves as leaders. These personality traits or rather personality powers, will help them to increase ... Views: 1378
I very often get asked by people, why I write an article every day, in which I aspire to add inspiration to as many people’s lives as possible and freely share my take on personal development. They cannot understand how I can give so freely to others and ask nothing in return. My answer is ... Views: 1094
Whenever I watch the athletes being interviewed, before the Olympic Games I can quickly tell who the winners and who the participants will be. The most reliable way of doing this is by simply listening, to their answers, during sports interviews. Those that say “I am just glad to be here” are ... Views: 1967
It is a well-known fact that people buy from people they know, like and trust. So if you have a desire to increase your sales, then you need to stop sitting with your feet braced firmly against the table, with a desperate look on your face trying to sell your products or services. Instead you ... Views: 1521
If you are like most of the people I meet every day, you are searching for ways to reduce the overwhelm you feel, finally begin to make some real headway on your big goals and yet still have some time left over, to enjoy your favourite and most nurturing activities. The challenge we all face ... Views: 1559
I met a really amazing lady yesterday; she really inspired me with her attitude and drive. What was really outstanding about this lady was that she was 86 years old. I told her that I was astounded by her vigour and energy. She looked at me quizzically like there was nothing unusual about an 86 ... Views: 1291