We live in a truly abundant universe, where there is an abundance of everything. To live a truly unique and worthwhile life, you must accept that there is more than enough for you and everyone else. When you commit to share this abundance, you begin to share in the magic. You feel really great ... Views: 2126
Stop acting like a victim any longer and accept 100 % responsibility for everything in your life. Decisions made by government, business and the people around you may have a general effect on your circumstances. They will only have a specific effect on your circumstances if you allow them to. ... Views: 809
Whatever you are earning or capable of earning is related to the value you add to any organization or individual. Stop thinking about how much money you get each month, either from the profits earned in your business or a salary you earn from your job. Shift your mind away from money earned and ... Views: 1721
We have an incredible ability to do whatever it takes to get exactly what we “MUST” have. The challenge is to ensure that what we are attempting to achieve is a must have verse a mere want. Search within yourself and uncover the things you “MUST” have, do and be. Ensure that they are aligned ... Views: 1326
Make the choice today to expect change, work with change, welcome change and change will then become a tool in your success toolkit. Change is the constant and inevitable, so when you work with change and readily adapt to change you can use change to unlock opportunities.
It is time to stop ... Views: 1248
Whenever you are in a leadership position always have a crystal clear picture about, what your vision and purpose as a leader is. As this allows you to have a track to run on, gives you a set of criterion against which you can measure every decision you make and allows you to keep moving toward ... Views: 1951
The greatest gift you can give to yourself and everyone around you is the gift of caring and sharing. Commit to view the universe as an abundant place, with sufficient resources to serve everyone. This small shift will allow you to see unlimited opportunities for yourself to achieve all your ... Views: 8911
The greatest threat to your future success has very little to do with anything outside of you. The greatest thief of your potential is not someone waiting in an alley, eager to rob you; it is your own mind. Don’t become a victim to yourself and allow your dreams to be crushed because you are ... Views: 1599
The best way to convert a fantasy or a dream into a goal that you can achieve, is to write your dream or fantasy down and then to formulate a broad plan to achieve that goal. This simple step begins the process by creating something concrete in your mind. This then programs your mind to start ... Views: 1532
The first step required to convert your dreams and goals into real and tangible outcomes. Is to work to become the person you need to be, to attract the success you desire. This very complicated process means that you cannot pursue success. Anything you pursue will always elude you. You will ... Views: 1292
It is time for you to take a really bold step, to begin dreaming big, to have huge expectations and to finally put your aspirations on the line. Have the courage to finally define, describe and proclaim your goals for the future. This is the first and one of the most important steps you will ... Views: 1112
There is always a trade off when you are attempting to grow the level of success in one area of your life. The challenge is to try to limit the amount of imbalance as far as possible. Success in one area of your life at the expense of other areas is of little value.
Achieving financial ... Views: 2529
We will get out of our lives whatever we invest time and effort into creating. The way our lives ultimately turn out is our responsibility. Whether our lives are fulfilling and enjoyable or difficult and uninspiring is all the result of what we do or fail to do. As the creator of your own ... Views: 1371
The majority of people would rather vegetate in front of the television, keep spending major time on minor tasks, spend their days lost in a cycle of “BUSYNESS” and never read another book once they leave school. This makes achieving success and standing out really easy for the select few that ... Views: 3428
We are all born with a personality, if we want character though. We must decide exactly how we want our character to be projected to the world and then we must go about the task of sculpting it exactly that way.
Building character is a conscious process in which you gradually turn who you ... Views: 1933
The Law of Reciprocation In Action
Motivational Speakers
If you want people to assist you and help you achieve your goals, you must look for a variety of unsolicited ways to help them get what they want, first. Go out of your way to be as valuable as possible to people that can assist you ... Views: 1133
It is often our most challenging moments in life that offer us the greatest opportunities to grow and expand. Take a real honest look at any challenges you have faced in the past. Are you better or worse off for having faced those challenges? Start to view all challenges as delayed ... Views: 21507
Become a Skilful and Successful Leader
Inspirational Speakers
When you are in a position of leadership and you want to attract top quality people to assist you to realize all your goals. Start by becoming the kind of quality person you are trying to attract yourself. Always lead by ... Views: 1437
Time, energy and health are the fundamental raw materials of life, which you can choose to use wisely, waste or even kill. Treat your time, energy and health as your most precious possessions and invest them wisely.
Make the conscious decision today, to take control, of the application of ... Views: 1355