Feedback is all around you, if you are willing to look, listen, feel, search inwardly and listen to your inner voice. It remains only information though, until you make the crucial choice to use the information it provides, to guide you to take inspired daily action, which will help you create ... Views: 608
Happiness truly is an inside job. Take a real good look at who you really are and you will see how much you actually have going for yourself. Happiness is not something you find, it is something you are. Look around your world and you will find a number of reasons to feel content and happy. Once ... Views: 1280
I know this is going to sound a little confusing at first, but investing time to learn a new time management system, will not help you to improve the results you are enjoying at all. Unless you are certain that you are taking the right actions daily to achieve the results you want, all that this ... Views: 1132
Until you consistently apply knowledge in your life, to direct and manufacture your future, the knowledge remains only a set of guidelines, which serves no real purpose. The way to turn any knowledge you gain into your “Power tool for Success” is to consistently apply it to drive your behaviours ... Views: 640
Regardless of your age, gender, ethnicity or even how big or small your dreams may be, self-confidence and self-esteem, coupled with a healthy dose of belief in your potential, are the crucial ingredients for inviting any level of sales success into your experience. No matter how amazing the ... Views: 2679
Have you ever wondered what attribute or attributes, makes some people winners while other people just seem to stand around life as spectators, watching their lives flash by in a wave of discontentment? I believe the biggest reason is vested in the fact that winners believe in themselves and ... Views: 707
2013 is fast approaching, are you willing to unleash the creative power of your dreams and allow them to project the kind of life you want to lead. You will only get to unleash this amazing power, when you clearly define them as crystal clear, pictures in your mind, which are stronger than any ... Views: 627
Can you imagine, if you boarded a commercial airline and the pilot came over the intercom sounding incoherent, having no idea what the flight number was, no idea where he was going or even if there was enough fuel on board the plane, would you stay on board? I know I wouldn’t, I would get off ... Views: 981
2012 is fast drawing to a close; it is time to start wrapping things up this year and to start planning for your success next year. Now is the time for you to stop making any more excuses about delaying taking the action you know you need to take to live your dreams? Become enthusiastic about ... Views: 818
As we approach the end of another amazing year, I am very keen to see you turn 2013, into your best year ever. So to this end, I am going to be beating the vision, success, planning and goal setting drum a whole lot, until the end of the year. Now is the time to create a positive mind-set, ... Views: 772
I know the title to this article is a little contentious, but there is more to gratitude than meets the eye. When you are in a state of gratitude, you create an environment of positive emotion, which encourages you to be in a positive, creative mental state. As you know it is far easier to ... Views: 824
Over the years I have noticed a strange anomaly, which at first seemed to me, to be counterintuitive. When people try to work fast, they become overwhelmed and slow, whereas, when they concentrate on being smooth, the results they produce are not only better, but they occur faster too. When ... Views: 1274
When refining or creating your vision for next year, it is crucial that every team member participates fully, offering as much constructive input as possible. The more participative and inclusive the process of creating or refining your vision is, the easier it will be for all stakeholders to ... Views: 1239
I do not know of anyone, who wakes up in the morning with a deep rooted desire to “be” less, “have” less or who wants to “do” less. The only thing people want less of, is frustration, weight on their butts or emotional stress etc. It is a natural tendency for every inhabitant on this planet to ... Views: 732
Most people want to live their full potential and become the best possible version of themselves possible. My experience has shown me that it is possible for anyone to dramatically improve their performance and for them to realise their potential, if they are willing to make a few small targeted ... Views: 891
The pressures imposed by society on us to conform to the norms and expectations of the masses and the notion that anything you can’t touch, feel or see, cannot be real and is most certainly not believable, has forced us to repress our ability to know things before we think or in other words, we ... Views: 1404
Meaning and fulfilment is seldom discovered, when you fill your life with trinkets and treasure. Uncovering what really fulfils you, starts with you allowing yourself to see your world through those childish eyes of wonder and fascination once again. It is never too late to have a great ... Views: 663
We live in an ever changing world. The pace of the change is speeding up every day. The only way to thrive and in many cases even to survive is to constantly innovate, evolve and grow. Your commitment to consistent innovation is what will separate you from the followers and make you a true ... Views: 753
There is a massive difference between being busy all day, even burning the midnight candle day after day, believing that by outworking everyone around you will be effective, efficient and productive. When in reality, being effective, efficient and productive is something completely different. ... Views: 1174
One of the best methods you can use to dramatically increase the level of success you currently enjoy, is to start looking beyond your own personal self-interest. Start to look around and explore your world and discover a cause bigger than you. This crucial shift, will see you take a much ... Views: 732
Have you ever invested energy to explore how much time you spend chatting to colleagues, surfing the net, reading junk mail or making coffee every day, to mention just a few of the worst time consuming activities we indulge in each day? You do not have a shortage of time to carry out your ... Views: 951
Are you destroying your ambition for meaningful success, because you are allowing yourself to remain trapped in FEAR? When I speak of FEAR, I am referring to the irrational FEAR; so many people have about success or failure. If left unchecked, FEAR destroys our lives, limits our progress, holds ... Views: 1473
Your thoughts create everything in your life, from the material world you inhabit, to the body you live in, to the level of health you get to enjoy, to the relationships you have and even the spiritual choices you make. Don’t you think that something, which has the ability to shape everything in ... Views: 847
Every One Gets Knocked Down at some Point
The secret to super achievement is to spend as little time as possible licking your wounds when you encounter any of the inevitable challenges on your journey towards success, before you pull things together and get on with life. The measure of who you ... Views: 768
We live in a truly magnificent universe. There is an incredible amount of wonder, beauty and so much to appreciate all around us. Make the choice today to finally open your eyes and start to see; that amazing star filled sky, that incredible beauty as the sun sets and rises, the joy in the faces ... Views: 1303
The internet contains all the knowledge mankind has accumulated, since the beginning of time. Yet it remains only a tool, a source of information, it does not possess any potential to grow and expand on its own. The same is true for us, no amount of knowledge, no matter how specific, unique or ... Views: 713
The path towards meaning and fulfilment is far shorter and a lot less lonely, if you surround yourself with the right people. We all have people around us all the time, so instead of allowing them to just randomly appear in your life. Doesn’t it make sense to carefully select your inner circle, ... Views: 712
You can never hope to move onto the path of sustainable success, where you will find meaning, value and fulfilment, unless you take inventory of your life first. Explore everything in your life and develop a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Take a really thorough look at ... Views: 3383
A genius without a roadmap will get lost in any city, whilst an average person with a clear map, will easily find their way to any location they want to travel to in the city. So even if you have a clearly defined concept about where you are and a crystal clear picture of where you want to go, ... Views: 741
I have been searching for that one catalyst, which turns some people into super achievers and keeps others trapped in mediocrity. I have come up with a number of complicated hypotheses, but the one, which seems to offer the greatest promise, is this really simple one stated below.
“When your ... Views: 3518
Does the progress towards realizing your goals seem painfully slow and do you feel like you are losing interest in maintaining the disciplines you need to succeed? It is at times like these that you feel like caving in and returning to your old patterns or bad habits, which feel comfortable in ... Views: 1301
We are very quickly moving into the final stretch of 2012. This is not the time to ease up and get into that typical end of year lazy feeling, where we all use those really handy excuses, like we have worked really hard this year or the holiday season is upon us, to justify why we go into cruise ... Views: 793
I often visit my mother at the Ihlati Senior Living centre, where she lives in Primrose. The thing that astounds me the most about everyone I speak to whilst there, is that none of them wish they had spent more time at work, or growing their fortunes. Without exception, every single one of the ... Views: 1063
Are you sabotaging your potential, because you are afraid of success or worse, you have never taken the time to find out what success really means to you? Search within yourself, explore and listen to your inner self and don’t be too hasty to answer this question with the first thing that comes ... Views: 731
As you know it is highly recommended that you invest as much as possible into your growth and development. As I have said many times before, as you become more you will inevitably attract more. So once you make this commitment, how do you tell if all the effort, time and resources, you are ... Views: 858
If I asked you the maximum number of push-ups you could do? You would probably answer a low number like 5, as push-ups are not there on your scale of important things to do. What about if you did your maximum of five and I said that you could rest for a while. Could you do another five after ... Views: 825
We are in the home stretch of 2012, there are just on 76 days left until the yet another year is over. Look back over your successes to date. Are you satisfied with your performance this year? Have finally turned that corner and this year will have proved to be the one where everything has ... Views: 827
Almost everyone I have met wants to make a difference during their lifetimes, to leave some sort of a legacy after they have completed their last revolution around the sun. Making a difference is not just about volunteering to assist people, who come from a less advantaged background than you ... Views: 1084
I often hear about people sitting back, waiting for things to get better, asking questions like, “When are things going to get back to normal”? I am afraid to say that this is the new normal. The market has changed forever and the sooner you accept this and get off your butt and begin making the ... Views: 833
Plan your Day the Night Before
To this day I always plan my day the night before. My head does not hit the pillow at night, before I have arranged all my appointments for the next day. I chart every move I will make the next day, detailing who I plan to meet face to face, who I will call, who I ... Views: 910
The first step towards developing long term relationships with people who you have qualified as perfect prospects for your product or service, is to think long term. Do not try to make a sale, focusing on a single transaction. Take a long term view of the value proposition you offer and work to ... Views: 995
The secret to sustainable sales success is not found by trying to shout louder than everyone else out there. The secret is to move away from the crowd and the noise and to begin the process of building connection with the right people, in the right place at the right time. This is a case of ... Views: 941
We can easily earn more money, if we are willing to apply ourselves, develop meaningful relationships at any time during our lives or acquire abundant possessions, trinkets and treasures. There is an endless supply of these available to us, at all times. Time, energy and health on the other ... Views: 1792
Cold calls are no longer an option, old hard core selling is a distant memory and viewing your customers as buyers of your products and services from a purely transactional perspective, is as effective as using a bucket to try to empty the ocean.
Selling has changed more in the past 25 years ... Views: 845
I do not believe that rejection exists at all. Before you approach a prospect to offer them a solution, which will allow them to alleviate a challenge or satisfy a need they may have. You do not have a sale. If they do not see the value in what you are offering and decline your offer, you still ... Views: 1368
There is no guarantee that, if you consistently think positive thoughts, you will be equipped to achieve anything concrete in your life. The only certainty, which flows from consistent positive thoughts, attitude and actions, is that you are better equipped to carry any burden or manage any ... Views: 857
We are fast approaching the end of another magnificent year. How have you been tracking against those hairy audacious goals, which you set yourself at the beginning of the year? If you are less than satisfied with the results you have managed to achieve, then it is time to examine what may be ... Views: 2664
We all have varying degrees of sight, but everyone has the ability to develop an incredible and unlimited “VISION” for their future. This is our innate ability to visualise what may seem invisible to others or in many cases may not even exist yet. There is absolutely no limit to what we can ... Views: 647
Build mutually beneficial relationships with as many people as possible and always strive to ensure that there is a level of fair exchange, between all parties. As you build your network over time, actively seek out the right people to connect and build mutually beneficial relations with. ... Views: 718
All the goods and services, which make our lives better every day, started out as simply a thought or an idea in someone’s imagination. Why do those products or services even exist in the first place? How did a simple thought, an idea, transform into something tangible. What separates those ... Views: 910