There are two kinds of eaters in the world those "who eat to live" - normal people who eat three meals a day - and those "who live to eat" - more hobby eaters who just love to try out foods they know they shouldn't.
Dr. Joel Furhman's recently updated of his revolutionary Eat to Live: The ... Views: 800
No one could have known, on listening to a commencement address, that the speaker was battling demons no one should have to fight, yet he was doing it and the battle was helping him to form ground-breaking insights, answering many questions that have troubled people for many years.
When Dr. ... Views: 998
Cancer is a worldwide scourge as it affects more than 600,000 Americans and seven million elsewhere and it is a disease that has been with us since the dawn of writing when historians recorded the generations of medical steps we have taken to control this plague.
At one time, in fact, says ... Views: 818
They say that you can take weight off and keep it off and that you can also get healthy and stay health and if one follows the proper diet and establishes the right set of habits, then it is quite possible.
These ground-breaking findings are the work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., whose work ... Views: 1084
While a major disease usually takes its toll on the victim's family, it can especially take an extra measure on those who are closest to the victim, his or her spouse, or children which is why this groundbreaking work has been so important to caregivers and patients for the last several ... Views: 1596
If you are taking care of someone who is elderly and suffers from Alzheimer's disease, first you need to remember that there are many stages of the disease and it is important to determine which stage they are in before you proceed with your care.
Sometimes a person will only show signs of ... Views: 1422
Being a woman can be such a toilsome thing, particularly when there are so many little things that we have to deal with, but here are some ways to take care of yourself. Once a month we endure agonizing cramps, bloating, and emotional moodswings that can really take a toll on oneself and also ... Views: 952
These days there is such a high risk of heart complications and problems that can arise if you do not take care of your heart. First, you want to make sure your diet is ok, otherwise you risk having a number of serious heart complications other problems that can result in early death and also ... Views: 997
Siri Mitchell writes She Walks in Beauty, a historical fiction set in the old New York, a time of opulence and romance and in this time a young and complex woman strives to find her husband in a time when women must have a partner in marriage. Caught in complex situations and love triangles, it ... Views: 809
Discovering the Power of Self-Hypnosis by Stanley Fisher
Self-hypnosis help people find their inner self, get tasks done, and helps you see who you really can be. This book shows that many people can use self-hypnosis and be happy, with so side effects. This book is said to be the best ... Views: 1080
Betty Crocker's Diabetes Cookbook by Betty Crocker shows you easy everyday meals that you can prepare for a diabetic person. This cookbook puts flavor and variety back onto the menu for people with diabetes and their families. Betty Crocker is the most trusted friend in American kitchens and now ... Views: 987
Somatics by Thomas Hanna shows you how to reawaken your mind’s control of movement, flexibility, and health. The author demonstrates that so many problems that we have accepted as inevitable over time like chronic stiffness, bad back, chronic pain, fatigue, and high blood pressure do not ... Views: 884
Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years and millions of Americans and people worldwide are enjoying its benefits. Yoga focuses on learning poses called asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation techniques. Some classes are used for relaxation and other class increase flexibility, ... Views: 930
Having a baby and starting a family is a glorious thing, because it means you are at a time in your life when having a baby and bringing a new life into the world seems like something that you'd like to do. Suppose you have been married a few years or have just been married or are seeking to ... Views: 773
When you are expecting a child, it can be the most exciting and marvelous time of your life. A new child is on the way and you can’t wait to hold that little bundle of love and delight in your arms. But, before you can welcome your baby to your home, you want to make sure that some things are ... Views: 869
When your child reaches middle school, and even before that, they will have access to the Internet. Many children have devices such as laptops, iPods, and phones that help them instantly connect to the Internet and once they do, what they can do stretches into multiple directions. It's important ... Views: 937
Getting the proper nutrition is important for people of all ages but eating right often becomes difficult for seniors. The elderly, who are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, may have a hard time getting all the nutrients required for a balanced diet. Malnutrition often presents ... Views: 688
As the summer heats up and flowers are in full-bloom, barbecue parties and lazy days in the backyard arrive. You want your backyard to look as beautiful as possible because you and your family are finally storing those winter coats and spending more time outdoors. Now more and ever, being ... Views: 1037
If you don't know what recycling is, it's processing used materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, thus making problems in the future. Many things around your house can be recycled to save money, help not pollute the oceans, and stop the atmosphere to ... Views: 827
In his book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. provides a nutrition based guide manual that will help you learn how to prevent heart disease but also how to manage and turn it all around if you've already got it. Using the information procured from after twenty years ... Views: 901
About half of all women of the age of fifty will experience a severe bone breakage due to osteoporosis, the fragile condition of their thin bones will cause them to have a fall and break their hip or wrist or even spine bones. Whenever the body can’t make a new bone or when too much old bone is ... Views: 760
Depending on the frequency of systems, asthma is thus diagnosed. So, if you have about two per week, then that is considered intermittent asthma and more than two per week is considered mild persistent, daily asthma is moderately persistent and severe persistent asthma is when it affects you all ... Views: 978
Anorexia has been an eating disorder that has been around for centuries, affecting many women and men and causing serious problems in health and body, and even becoming fatal if left untreated. If you worry about your loved one and are not sure if they have the eating disorder, here are some ... Views: 784
Forgetting is a natural part of aging, not remembering the little things, the big things to follow, but when a person has Alzheimer's or any other number of mental degeneration that causes them to forget, it can be a trying thing on loved ones and something that really takes a toll on those ... Views: 1269
Meditation is an ancient practice used for many years that seeks to help you find a calm and relaxing center as you take a moment to escape from the harsh busy stress of the every day world and of daily life. Though life can get hectic, that doesn't mean that you should never get a break from ... Views: 773
There are many ways to stay heart healthy and fit. For one, the best way to keep your heart in shape is to ensure that your diet is positive and a good reinforcement for a healthy heart diet. For example, you want to make sure that you are eating things that are beneficial and not detrimental to ... Views: 718
Also known as botanical medicine, herbalism derives it strength from the power and medicinal value of plants. Its origins date back before history was written or known to man and is steeped in lore and myth dating back to the oldest civilizations. In fact, over five thousand years ago, the ... Views: 2016
If your Dad is bald, there's a pretty good chance you will be too. Many accept this as just a fact of life, but some don't. For decades now, men have tried to find a cure for hair loss, or baldness. In some cases it is pure vanity but for some, premature hair loss makes them look years older ... Views: 1056
We've all seen the old Hollywood movies where the girl and the boy spot each other in a crowded room and an ensuing romance occurs, ultimately leading to a happy ever after scenario. A lot of couples today till start dating in this way, maybe meeting in a bar or being introduced by friends, but ... Views: 839
One book that is very popular today is Chris Guillebeau's The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the World. This book offers brilliant insights on your can transform your life and make the world a changed and improved place. If you have ever lived a ... Views: 840
Usually couples break up when there is some kind of tension or friction between the two people. Sometimes there is a serious source of difference that makes living together impossible, perhaps a conflict of values or interests or actions and habits. When people come together, these differences ... Views: 948
Life can become very stressful and busy and it can cause a lot of grief and misery. But, one way to combat this stress is with meditation. The first thing to do in regards to meditation is to create an atmosphere that will be the perfect grounds for meditation. Choose a room that brings you ... Views: 686
The teen years are perhaps some of the most awkward and troubling times in a person’s life. It is a time when the youth feel oppressed by the adults and feel as though they are not understood by anyone. Though these feelings continue on throughout adulthood, they are never so strong and so ... Views: 984
Life can be stressful with work, relationships, children, relatives, and so many other nuances that make daily life chaotic and sometimes taxing on mental health. An increase in levels of stress can easily contribute to things like higher blood pressure, poor sleeping habits, and even a weakened ... Views: 921
Usually when someone has OCD, they have this anxious need to perform cyclic rituals and if they do not, then these obsessive thoughts consume them until they have completed the task. This can take up a lot of time and mental thought consumption for the person and that is why it is important to ... Views: 759
Many people struggle with depression on a daily basis. Sometimes depression can be an ongoing thing in someone’s life, something that never seems to be relieved, present in every situation and social interaction. Other times, it follows a traumatic event or some kind of occasion, like a break up ... Views: 831
One of the most popular books about Pilates is The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide to Strengthening, Lengthening and Toning Your Body--Without Machines, written by Brooke Siler and presented in a way that makes it easy to access and very informative. The author has credentials from ... Views: 4758
Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disease in which the brain begins to lose certain aspects that help it function and operate. Particularly the memory aspect of the brain is compromised as well as other aspects that help with reasoning and computing and deduction. Often, the first and second ... Views: 1074
There are two types of diabetes that you might have. The first is Diabetes Type 1, and this is usually referred to as insulin dependent diabetes, because your body will not longer produce the much needed hormone that regulates glucose from food and energy. Insulin is essential and when your body ... Views: 766
The most surefire way to prevent getting a sexually transmitted disease is to just abstain forever. But that is not a realistic solution and not one that many people would prefer. So, instead, it is better to try to practice safe sex to keep yourself protected from sexually transmitted diseases ... Views: 817
With sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace becoming more and more popular daily, there are many ways to use the features of these sites to make dating easier and more convenient than ever before. These websites have a purpose of making connections and that is why it is possible to make a ... Views: 763
If you are afraid that the person you are with is cheating on you, then you need to really be sure before you make accusations. Sometimes it is easy to assume things and to fear the worst, often if you have insecurities, they might cause you to think the worst at times, but you need to make ... Views: 961
Prostate cancer affects the prostate and the surrounding areas of the male's anatomy. It can usually be felt through the symptoms that begin to occur and they are usually telltale enough that you will want to seek medical attention anyway. But knowing that you have prostate cancer can help you ... Views: 817
It is essential to get a mammogram every year as part of a daily check up, even if you do not feel that you need one. Catching breast cancer early is the best way to treat it and improves your chances greatly if you have the disease. The later stages that it is found in, the more aggressive the ... Views: 790
When you break up with someone you care about, it can take an exhausting toll on the entire spirit of a person. You have spent a long time with that person, shared your hopes and dreams, built your future sometimes with that person, and then when things do not work out, you have nothing but a ... Views: 893
Most cases of hypertension are caused by reasons that cannot be medically determined, but the risk factors are certainly no mystery, as having high blood pressure can cause stroke or myocardial infarction, heart failure and many other kinds of dangerous problems. Usually when you are going to ... Views: 807
Acute leukemia occurs when immature blood cells begin to rapidly increase and begins to crowd the bone marrow, preventing it from making more healthy blood cells. Thus, problems occur in the body as it is unable to fight off diseases and harmful attacks and immediate treatment is needed to ... Views: 898
Be sure that you both have time for yourselves. Make sure that both your lives are not entirely interwoven. That is why many marriage counselors advise against working together because then the couple cannot have their own separate life. Make sure that both of you have the chance to develop, ... Views: 957
It is a widely agreed-upon theory that too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Just as sitting outside in the sun for hours upon hours can damage and distort the DNA skin cells, allowing the body to become more susceptible to skin cancer, indoor tanning can do just the same thing. Your ... Views: 1211
Having a baby is the most wonderful gift a woman can have especially if it’s your first time. The joy of having a baby overcomes all fears of giving birth. But how do you know that you are pregnant? Read the signs of your body for it will certainly tell you if you are pregnant or not. What are ... Views: 2397