A dream of relationships imaging co-creating from the pure “seed” of love. Surrounded and supported through hopes and dreams working through the imagination to allow the Space of love, from the pure intent of all that Love is and what Love is to teach you. You see you create to see, feel and learn about what Love feels like to you.
It does matter how you speak love..it must come from the heart in a compassionate heart felt way of your truth. Sometimes we speak from our minds thoughts and not what we feel and threats why things get misinterpreted. The first step is to define “LOVE”- the key is “Honesty,” be true to yourself by speaking the truth no matter how it comes out.
How else can you see it so you can heal it?
How else will you ever learn trust if you can’t allow yourself to speak its truth?
There are no right or wrong answers; only an opportunity to heal your old beliefs surrounding your thoughts on how Love should be, and Recognizing what is false and true for you. Allowing your self to set yourself free from the limits you have placed on Love, your payoffs about what you should get from giving Love, what others owe you because you Love them, what you owe others in the name of Love.
What is LOVE?
Can you describe it?
Can you feel it?
What are your Fears surrounding Love?
What is it you dream about Love?
Take some time and answer these questions, then go back after you meditate and feel each question, really allow yourself to feel what your truth is about Love.
*What does love mean to you?
*What does love feel like?
*What fears come up around love?
*What will you lose from love?
*Is love about sacrificing?
*Tell me all about how you love others?
*Tell me how you love your self?
*What are your expectations to love?
*What do you expect in return for loving?
*What is your number one Responsibility to your child, partner, friends, family, all living beings, etc., included Self?
*What are others responsibility for you giving Love?
*What is it you feel about being a parent, partner, lover, friend, sibling, etc.?
*What fears are you aware of about being a parent, lover, partner, friend, etc.?
*Let me ask you this, do you want Love to be Elegant?
*Do you want a Love born of less resistances? A Love born from pure intent?
Living a life more elegantly and gracefully then you could ever imagine.
Do you want to have a partner to practice “LOVE”? To teach and learn what it feels like in the most natural and purest way it was intended for us all.
If you could, would you not wish to have come into this life having parents who created you from the most purest essences of their beings, Their heart and soul.
If your Intent is to Fill Love (the void from within), do you think you will ever be able to Fully Feel Love? Do you think someone else can ever fill that void? Do you think it’s someone else’s responsibility to fill you with Love or is it your responsibility to fill yourself with love so you can teach others to Love and share Love, and Not rely on others to fill something within that we aren’t willing to do for ourselves?
You owe it to yourself to explore what true Love holds within you so you can recognize it within others and then engage in a partnership with those who share your desire to learn Love and not limit Love to ideas of what it should be.
Debra Ann Blaisdell is a licensed Massage Therapist, Energy Healer, Angel Therapy Practitioner and Certified Holistic Health Counselor in ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling (she is currently working toward her Doctorate)- an amazing skill set that allows her to teach others how to clear their MindBodySoul through meditation, body work and energy healing. More information and a free meditation to co-create love can be found at http://theartofhealingdebra.com/archives/205
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