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This is something a lot of entrepreneurs do that really sabotages their success. They get so caught up with what everyone else is thinking. Their brains are going a mile a minute with all sorts of worry and comparisons. As a result, they procrastinate and don’t take action.
I remember when ... Views: 1998
Having success is work. It is challenging. I think so many entrepreneurs forget that. This is especially common for the entrepreneurs who were successful in corporate or when working for someone else. They become disappointed, disillusioned, and discouraged.
One of my clients, “Robin” ... Views: 2115
As an entrepreneur, you have to be focused and have clarity on what you want this year if you want to reach your goals.
For some of you that will be really easy. You may already have the vision in your mind. You may know exactly whom you want to work with and how you want to work with ... Views: 3182
Can You Beat The Odds?
Most everyone starts the year out fully motivated and excited about what they want to accomplish. But, what happens? Most end up fading out a few months in (if they even make it that long). I call them the New Year’s Resolution people. I used to see them at my gym. ... Views: 2049
I’ll bet you’re wondering when the spending is going to stop and you’re actually going to be making a profit. It seems like the more you make, the more you have to spend. I noticed that in my own business. As I saw my numbers rise, I needed additional members on my team, fancier on-line ... Views: 1980
The beauty of being an entrepreneur is we can determine our income. One of the ways of the fastest ways raising your income is to give yourself a raise. With the beginning of a new year, it’s time to think about if you want to do that.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself?
1. When ... Views: 1991
This subject is so very much a part of my mission and so near and dear to my heart. I love to teach entrepreneurs how to make success even sweeter!
In society, you’re often taught that we’ll be happier if you’re successful and making a lot of money. Following that logic, that means that ... Views: 1904
It's not your imagination if money feels tight. Whether you're just starting out or in an established business, a lot of people feel the heat.
Experts call our current time the biggest family finance squeeze since the 1920s. The accompanying largest drop in monthly disposable income impacts ... Views: 1480
If this isn't an interesting topic, I don't know what is.
You can learn a lot about business success on Shark Tank. For those of you who haven’t watched it, aspiring entrepreneurs come on the show asking for funds to grow their business. Some contestants have new businesses that haven’t ... Views: 1943
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Why Buy The Cow...? - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
Remember that expression? “Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free”. Well, we women know what are mother’s were referring to. (It was a silly expression but I found myself using it during some of my private clients' sessions to really drive home a point)
This expression also ... Views: 1912
Are you free floating in Financial Fear?
We all rely on money to pay our bills, provide shelter and food, and to bring us pleasure. But with the continuing economic crunch squeezing out every dime before it has a chance to grow interest in our checking accounts, more and more of us are ... Views: 2074
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The 6 P's Of Success - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
It’s so simple –yet so hard if you don't know what you're doing. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. That says it all.
Yet so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants, from the panic mode.
I call it “near sighted vision”. They only see what's in ... Views: 3134
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The 6 P's Of Success - by Kate Beeders, Money, Mindset & Marketing Expert/Speaker
It’s so simple –yet so hard if you don't know what you're doing. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. That says it all.
Yet so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants, from the panic mode.
I call it “near sighted vision”. They only see what's in ... Views: 1950
She wanted this so badly for her business but couldn’t say “yes”. Her husband wouldn’t approve and she’d feel guilty that she wasn’t putting her children first. Boy, could that guilt be overwhelming! She felt as if there was no way to win.
Every time she got new clients, she’d have dreams ... Views: 1887
Have you ever needed to make a decision and then just when you thought you knew what you wanted to do, doubted yourself? In the “I want to do x,y,z…well, I don’t know maybe I shouldn’t? What if it’s the wrong choice? Maybe I don’t deserve it?” sort of way.
C’mon… tell me you haven’t ever ... Views: 1547
Money and spirituality don’t mix. Or so many “spiritual” folks would have you think. I lived a monk’s existence for many years, and was in deep denial about my limiting beliefs about money and the impact of this pattern of energetic and financial depletion I often found myself in. I ... Views: 1766
My good friend Hannah Foxley from the Women’s Wealth Expert (www.thewomenswealthexpert.co.uk) has written a corker of an article on things to consider financially before divorcing. Here are some tips written by her hand.
Get ready for some good info…
In the emotional haze of early divorce ... Views: 1832
How Your Work Skills Can Help Save Your Marriage
If you and your partner tend to think the business end of a relationship is not a romantic topic for courtship, you may not discuss it until you can’t avoid it, and then you fight. You may not think of your marriage as a business deal, but a ... Views: 1519
Unlike today, women did not enjoy the same privileges as men and were deprived of many rights. However, in order to reduce the gap between the two sexes, the Federal Government has been introducing a number of initiatives and provision of grants is one among them. Millions of dollars are kept ... Views: 1093
If you’re like me, you’re probably impatient – wanting things to have happened yesterday. I planted flowers in May…actually some were potted and some were seeds. The potted flowers (lipstick red geraniums, golden French marigolds and others) are gorgeous to look at each day.
The sunflower ... Views: 1663
Everyday I take hundreds of different types of action. Some little –some big. I find that the “in limbo” state of not knowing what to do often gets in the way and keeps me stuck. I used to play different scenarios in my head of which way I want to go. I got really tired of doing things that ... Views: 1403
Does success require stress and hard work as a means to reach your goal? I say no, and there is even objective neuroscience to support my belief and experience. "Hard work and stress" is a type of paradigm or mindset.
I have had conversations with several people over time regarding whether ... Views: 1190
The strangest thing happened to me the other day. I was invited to the Cape (aka Cape Cod for those of you outside Massachusetts), and my response was I needed to check my schedule. Wow! That response stopped me dead in my tracks. The invitation was for 3 weeks away that was certainly ... Views: 1557
There are so many ways of advertising your business and they all come with different price tags. It could be flyers, ads in newspapers/websites, sponsorships. There are hundreds of ways to do this. I want to share the best one (and my favorite) with you – and it doesn’t cost a cent! ... Views: 1376
Do You Have a Healthy Relationship With Money?
I remember many years ago having a pretty amazing insight about a client's relationship with money. I was looking at her financial numbers and she had asked me what steps she could take to improve her situation. I looked at her debts and ... Views: 1650
When I was a flight attendant (back when it was actually fun to be one), I worked with so many different types of personalities. One crew member was so silly and dramatic. I remember him so clearly. He was able to get away with saying anything and passengers would just laugh. He had the ... Views: 1441
American and Danish university researchers suggest men are more likely to experience mental and physical anguish when their female counterparts are the primary breadwinners.
The new study, In Sickness and in Wealth, posits the potential psychological and sexual costs of income disparity in ... Views: 1356
Try this experiment. Open up your wallet. What do you see inside? Money? Credit cards?
Is there a lot there? Or just a little?
Isn’t it amazing that the money you have or the lack of money you have effects how you feel about yourself, your business and life? Did you ever notice that ... Views: 1381
Honestly, I couldn’t wait to share this with you. This was good news that I couldn’t wait to announce at the top of my lungs.
I recently had the honor and privilege of being interviewed and featured by one the top DJ’s in Boston for the #1 radio station in Boston for her Exceptional Women ... Views: 1361
Being a stay at home mom is hard work with long hours of taking care of children and home. Yet it is also one of the most desired and fulfilling jobs any mom could ask for. Because there is no financial compensation, finding a job that pays from the home would be beneficial and would help with ... Views: 1375
The power of our minds is amazing yet we have more negative that positive thoughts going through our minds at any moment in time. I came across this message in Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do by Dr. Robert H. Schuller that reinforces the mindset you must have to achieve success. I love ... Views: 1091
Tracking numbers in your business can be overwhelming; however, this process is crucial to the life span of your business. Tracking your business numbers will reveal the reality about your business performance. Here are some of the important numbers you should track:
Tracking ... Views: 1283
Because beliefs are based on repetitive thoughts that we decided to believe, we can also decide to change our minds about them. Since it took time for limiting beliefs to gain a hold on you it may take time for you to reverse them. If you do not do anything to push down those walls which have ... Views: 1777
What is your relationship with money? There's a good chance it has a somewhat sordid tinge to it. Most of us are a bit ashamed to talk about how we really feel about it. We'd rather talk about details of our sexual intimacies, than our real relationship with money. Our deep, intimate ... Views: 1344
In my years of being a business coach and supporting women entrepreneurs in creating financial success in their lives I’ve noticed that women entrepreneurs tend to make the following 3 financial mistakes:
1. Maintaining the Status Quo
The first mistake is ... Views: 1887
If you want to stay out of debt, there are a couple of habits that you need to develop first. These include budgeting, saving and smart spending. All of them are needed in proper financial management. Of the three, smart spending is the habit that will literally keep you from accumulating debt ... Views: 2435
This is what a problem with FOCUS looks like and feels like.
This focus problem is paradoxical for entrepreneurs, because you have a STRONG desire to control your own schedule and work independently, yet you're struggling DAILY to get your to-do list done!
If you spend a lot of time feeling ... Views: 1170
Being a single mom can be quite a challenge. It is all the more difficult when you have limited resources that is not enough to support the household. The good news is there are financial assistance programs that are directed towards single moms. While circumstances have left them solely ... Views: 1355
From the dawn of history to the late 1950s, the collective had been the organizing principle of human affairs. The pursuit of happiness was channelled via collectives and even dissidents and rebels formed collectives to express their grievances. But, this old system brought humanity to the verge ... Views: 1928
After every economic crisis, society becomes cautious of how they spend their money. As they slowly get out of the slump, they hold on to their finances for fear of a sudden downward spiral that will send them back to another financial crisis.
Well the good news is the country’s economic ... Views: 1292
Budgeting is a great way to manage your finances. However, there are cases when we forget to include a couple of very important and expensive expenses. When we fail to recognize and prepare for these costs, we end up putting our budget plans at a serious disadvantage. We end up having to eat up ... Views: 1829
"Success leaves clues." Jim Rohn
Before I share my #1 business-building tip with you, we need to lay some ground work. Let's look back at YOUR successes from this past year and see what some of your clues are.
What were your key mindset shifts? Where were you when you had that shift? What ... Views: 1116
Do you know that less than three percent of the population has a list of written goals?
You can put yourself in the top successful three percent by learning how to write out your goals, either by yourself or with your partner, so that you too can reap the magnificent benefits of living ... Views: 1594
Money had always been a sensitive topic. It is also a crucial lesson that you need to teach your children. So if you are deep in debt, you need to clue in your children on the real situation of your finances.
There is nothing wrong with being honest with your kids about financial matters. ... Views: 1522
Whether you are married or single, it is important for women to know how to be financial independent. This goes beyond being able to afford your own things. It is more of knowing how you can manage your finances so you are able to live within your means.
Financial independence means you are ... Views: 2004
The new year brings a chance to change something about our life. Why don’t we make sure that change is for the better? As the turn of the new year happens, it is just about time for us to rethink a lot of things about our lives. One of them are household expenses.
We’ve all grown accustomed ... Views: 1156
Even though we want to think of our society as being very modern, there is something different about the way we accept situations wherein women are taking the lead. We are all used to seeing them govern households. However, when it comes to the workplace, business or anything related to income ... Views: 1442
Have you ever compared yourself to another woman? How many times have you compared yourself to another woman lately? 1? 2? 10? 100 times a day? As women we do this in all areas of our lives; how many times have you told yourself: "look at how skinny she is, she has a lot of money, she is more ... Views: 1061
I am always fascinated by the way people are scared, shamed and worried about money. People often think that "the problem" in their lives is money; they think that money is causing their pain, their sorrow, their suffering. They still want more and more of it because it is never enough, they ... Views: 1061