Money and spirituality don’t mix. Or so many “spiritual” folks would have you think. I lived a monk’s existence for many years, and was in deep denial about my limiting beliefs about money and the impact of this pattern of energetic and financial depletion I often found myself in. I surrounded myself with like-minded souls who felt called to a life of service and spiritual growth, and many also with a similar poverty consciousness.

Yet as an energy healer I became more aware of the causal layers of illness and imbalances on all levels, and began uncovering the limiting beliefs I and many of my clients held. Many of the trickiest ones have been the beliefs around money, as we have been fed so many lies about its true nature, like “money is the root of all evil.” While I didn’t take it that far, I had great difficulty caring at all about it.

“Money may not be the most important thing; but it is the most impactful.” ~ Loral Langemeier

It began to dawn on me that we were all bound by vows of poverty from past incarnations, and were still feeling the contracts’ impact in our current lifetime. While I did energy work to release the poverty vows, I clearly needed more help for myself and my clients, and I began in earnest to find mentors who could crack this money code. I needed to totally redefine my relationship with money.

“How you do money is how you do everything.” ~ Kendall Summerhawk

Money is Neutral

As an energy healer I became more aware of the causal layers of illness and imbalances on all levels, and began uncovering the limiting beliefs I and many of my clients held. Many of the trickiest ones have been the beliefs around money, as we have been fed so many lies about its true nature, like “money is the root of all evil.” While I didn’t take it that far, I just had no connection to it at all.

Money is energetically neutral and merely represents an agreed upon exchange for value. It is how we hold our beliefs about money, and what we prioritize and create with it that counts. We have the choice equally to do great good with money, or quite the opposite.

“The main reason you don’t have more is because you believe you can’t have more.” ~ Jim Self

As I rewrote my deeper beliefs about “havingness” I began to get much better at attracting and creating money, yet it always flowed right back out…like I couldn’t really hold or keep it for myself. I still needed to understand my “money leaks”.

Moving Forward: Money as Sacred

“Making fabulous money is my spiritual path” ~ Kendall Summerhawk

The deepest shifts have come as a result of viewing money as sacred. Recently I became certified in the Sacred Money Archetypes coaching program, where we explored our dominant archetypes to discover our sacred money gifts and contracts. It was so spot on for me and my partner that it has completely changed our conversation around money, as it has for many clients. Like many spiritual seekers, I downplayed its importance yet had many life struggles as a result of ignoring and disdaining the pursuit of money. Now I am finding that it contains the fodder for some of the most profound transformations to date.

What would it look like if you could bring money back into “sacred circle” of your life, imbuing all the related tasks with all the reverence and respect of say, your meditation or prayer practice? How would your relationship with money change?

Imagine too how your life would change. No more could you use money as an excuse for hiding out and playing small. Or a reason to accept your limited value and prove your low self-worth. And if you are motivated to help others less fortunate, doesn’t it make sense that the more you have the more you can share and empower others?

Only you can rewrite your sacred contract with money. What will your sacred money contract be?

Author's Bio: 

Energy Alchemist. Empathic Intuitive. Animal Mystic. Master Healer. EarthKeeper. Divine Wisdom channel. One internationally recognized spiritual mentor exclaimed "Kumari's purpose is to Teach the Teachers Mastery; her Meditation Master described her extraordinary healing abilities as a "Golden Gift".

Kumari lives in a world where communicating directly with Spirit realms, animals and all of nature is the norm. Her deepest joy is empowering others to experience that all of Creation is Conscious. She teaches with a practicality and playfulness that is disarmingly potent, fully anchored in the knowing that anyone can awaken to this magical remembrance. Kumari holds a powerful energetic presence where distortions of who we are not vanish, healing and wholing shifts occur naturally, and the Mystery of Life unveils.
