In our businesses and work, we have the opportunity every day to take action and move towards our ideal future. The question is, How many of us will move towards our ideal future (or vision) while maintaining a connection to a higher purpose in what we do, versus simply taking action and going ... Views: 1712
Listening is essential to running a successful business and creating a phenomenal team.
Employees are inevitably going to have upsets. The real opportunity is to create an environment where they can share their upsets and create new significant breakthroughs and insights.
To create a ... Views: 1761
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #6 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others accountable.
I am willing to ... Views: 1484
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #5 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others accountable.
I am powerful ... Views: 1524
Lesson 4: Inspire Others With a Future That Creates Their Desired Results
getyourfuturestartedI have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #4 out of six ... Views: 1618
Lesson 3: Recognizing That People Want to Avoid Accountability
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #3 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a ... Views: 1570
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so that you can lead your team to achieve extraordinary results. In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others ... Views: 1559
An inspiring leadership story
This story was originally written in Home Life Magazine by Elizabeth Silance Ballard in 1976 and became one of the most requested stories in the magazine’s history. Several versions of this story have circulated around the Internet.
What is inspiring to me ... Views: 1865
At first glance this story might seem like it has nothing to do with building a thriving business.
However, as you read this, I invite you to consider where you haven't been willing to "get off it" with someone or something in your business.
Getting off it is a willingness to take ... Views: 1599
I've come to realize that the situations that challenge me the most as a leader and business owner are the ones that bring up a lot of emotions for me.
Immediately my internal dialogue kicks in. In the moment it seems like my internal dialogue is simply reporting the truth about my situation ... Views: 1637
There is a fabulous hot tub retail and service business in southwest Montana, pleasantly named Mountain Hot Tub. It was during one of our monthly team meetings that they officially declared their vision...they would be known as "The Hot Tub Capital of the World".
As soon as the vision was ... Views: 1933
I've realized that regardless of the current circumstances that I'm experiencing in my business, I have an opportunity to create a brand new future.
As a leader and business owner, I have two choices: I can choose to create a future based on my past or I can choose to create a future that is ... Views: 1558
As a leader, have you ever experienced times in your business where things were unfolding with ease; life seemed to be humming along just great¦when suddenly and without warning, your good fortune came to a screeching halt and you found yourself feeling stuck and stagnant?
So what do you do ... Views: 1521
I was facilitating an on-site training for a business recently. Several times during the training the request was made by the employees, “for managers and leaders to acknowledge the positive.”
I have found this to be a common theme in most every business. Employees often feel like the only ... Views: 1493
An extraordinary group achieves outstanding results while members experience a profound shift in how they see their world.
These amazing groups show up in all sectors… Our stories of these extraordinary groups came from organization leaders, information technology professionals, soldiers, ... Views: 1801
In his book, Free Play, Stephen Nachmanovitch writes about the joy of playing. He describes play as a state of mind where we focus on the process – the sheer joy of play, and not the end result.
He encourages us to recognize that the act of play in and of itself is the destination. When we ... Views: 1660
Victor Frankl’s best-selling book, Man’s Search for Meaning, has been listed as one of the ten most influential books in the United States.
Frankl chronicles his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II.
In the opening of his book he ... Views: 2448
Most of us live our lives identifying ourselves as someone who is completely separate and independent of other people, places, circumstances and situations.
We have the experience that other people, places, circumstances and situations just “randomly happen to us” - completely ... Views: 1734
* This is a true story and names have been changed
Jason was the manager of a multi-million dollar hot tub business. In one of our VIP days we talked about him prioritizing his time in the morning so he could focus on the #1 priority for the business, which involved assembling some ... Views: 1932
Webster’s dictionary defines integrity as the state of being complete or undivided. When we act out of integrity we’re operating from a deep and secure space within ourselves. This affords us enormous power to achieve our dreams and goals.
When our inner selves and outer selves ... Views: 1727
I am often amazed at how many financial books neglect to focus on the critical issue of how to get financially organized.
So many of us are desperately seeking the one quick-fix step that will turn our financial lives around (like investing in the right stock) that we neglect to take ... Views: 2074
Do You Have a Healthy Relationship With Money?
I remember many years ago having a pretty amazing insight about a client's relationship with money. I was looking at her financial numbers and she had asked me what steps she could take to improve her situation. I looked at her debts and ... Views: 1655
Let’s face it - money is an emotional topic. We like to think that money is a logical, left-brain process. But in truth it isn't. Money issues almost always stem from fear and our desire to be in control. Where do these beliefs come from? In her book, "For ... Views: 1788
The other day I put my son down for his nap. And then I reluctantly forced myself to muster up the energy to turn my attention towards the endless items on my never-ending to-do list.
I was fully prepared to take advantage of my time alone to get a jumpstart on everything that “needed” to be ... Views: 2008
I was staring into the faces of the two colleagues who had become dear friends of mine, after spending the last several days together.
I was bemoaning to them (through the tears streaming down my face), “I’m so frustrated that parts of my work feel like such ... Views: 1751
In my years of being a business coach and supporting women entrepreneurs in creating financial success in their lives I’ve noticed that women entrepreneurs tend to make the following 3 financial mistakes:
1. Maintaining the Status Quo
The first mistake is ... Views: 1892
Like most solo entrepreneurs when I first started my business I was hyper-focused on making money. It made sense - I had to make money to pay my bills and meet my monthly expenses.
Then there was always the "in-my-face" annual income goal that I held in the forefront of my mind ... Views: 1585
It was near the end of my radio interview with John Yokoyama, owner of world famous Pike Place Fish Market, when he made what we call in the coaching and consulting world, a ‘throw away comment’. It was just an off-handed comment spoken quite casually, but it was rich with ... Views: 1725
* These stories are real life stories about real life people (all names and identifying characteristics have been changed).
Many years ago before I became a business consultant I was a piano player and got a call to play at a venue with a musician friend of mine. Short on cash ... Views: 2391
This is an article that appeared earlier this week in a monthly column that I write for “Balance: A Magazine for Montana Women”…
Have you ever experienced times in your life where things were unfolding with ease, and life seemed to be humming along just great when ... Views: 1681
Many years ago I listened to the audio book, “Fish Tales.” This is an incredible story about John Yokoyama, the owner of the Seattle Pikes Place fish market and how he took it from a struggling work place, where staff fights and employee walk-outs were the norm to the ... Views: 1711
1. Your bold annual income goal. Decide how much money you’d like to make in the next 12 months and include that number on your vision board.
Hint: you don’t have to know HOW you’re going to create the money – simply choose a number that is a stretch ... Views: 3169
I was 23 years old and living at home with my parents in Missouri when I became inspired to create my first vision board.
I was in between seasonal work and had a deep burning desire to move out west to Montana. I didn’t have much money and I had no idea how I could afford the move ... Views: 3090
“I want to be able to create money easily and authentically, and to have it flow naturally to me, just like my breath does,” my client excitedly shared with me.
“And yet when I think about making money and identifying a bold money goal for myself I have a ... Views: 1524
I once received an invoice from my former bookkeeper. The amount didn’t seem accurate so I contacted him to inquire about it and was shocked at his reaction.
He became defensive and said, “If you don’t trust me then perhaps it’s best that we ... Views: 1622
Do you know that less than three percent of the population has a list of written goals?
You can put yourself in the top successful three percent by learning how to write out your goals, either by yourself or with your partner, so that you too can reap the magnificent benefits of living ... Views: 1599
Many entrepreneurs wonder how to manifest in their business and life. There is a wonderful story that explains this concept so beautifully...
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between ... Views: 1654
Does this feel like a familiar experience to you?...
As a women entrepreneur in a moment of awareness and panic you realize it’s time to take some fast action to bring in some immediate income.
So you work extra hours, reach out to prospects, do a little networking and ... Views: 1737
When I first started my coaching business I felt inept and powerless when it came to making money. I had a difficult time imagining that I could ever make a decent income. I believed that the only way I could end up with any money at the end of the month was to manage it very ... Views: 1685
“I don’t know what to do – I’ve been trying to make $4,000 in my business each month and it just isn’t happening. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’m very clear about my bold money goal and I even have it written out where ... Views: 1692
Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, authors of “The Millionaire Next Door”, studied extensively how millionaires acquired their wealth. They conducted their study over a 20-year period, during which they interviewed over 500 millionaires.
In their survey they discovered that most people ... Views: 2630
"I never realized I could accumulate wealth over time by putting a small amount of money aside each month. I always thought I had to wait until I had large amounts of money before I could start a retirement or emergency savings account."
This comment came from a woman who had been attending ... Views: 2947
I remember feeling confused, stuck and burdened when it came to handling my money. My husband and I had multiple piles of traveling bills that I could never seem to locate when it was time to pay them. There were even occasions when I avoided opening my bills for fear of how much they ... Views: 1618
Every time I teach money classes or coach one-on-one with clients I am always amazed at how much resistance comes up around gaining clarity about spending.
It's almost as if our culture as a whole has a love/hate relationship around controlling their spending.
Here's what I've noticed: ... Views: 1716
Sometimes conflict and stress in our relationship and/or finances can be the force that wakes us up to the ways we’re not being honest.
Your wake up call might be not having enough money coming in each month and watching the credit card bills add up.
It might be getting older and knowing ... Views: 2213
I recently watched a Ted Talk video by Jane McGonigal who shared the top 5 most common regrets of the dying expressed to hospice workers.
Her list was fascinating. As women entrepreneurs our lives are often filled with countless tasks and action steps that we must take to market our business ... Views: 2060
A client was sharing with me how he was afraid to get out and begin doing public presentations to promote his business.
While he knew that he needed to make himself more visible he had a long list of concerns about why he wasn’t ready “to go public.”
My client was not alone in his ... Views: 2129
I frequently set an intention to achieve what I consider to be “an impossible possibility” for myself in my business.
When I became a mom I realized that I wanted to be an amazing mother while making an even greater difference in my business. At the time this felt like an “impossibility ... Views: 3203
There were countless times when I used to rush through my workdays feeling edgy and overwhelmed with everything that I needed to accomplish. I would progress rapidly through my to-do list prioritizing my tasks and then all of a sudden I’d come face to face with an on-going “energy drain” that ... Views: 2240
I remember struggling years ago with experiencing severe feast and famine cycles in my business and wondering how I could create a consistent stream of income and prospects.
I felt challenged because I would focus on serving my current clients to the detriment of marketing my business. And ... Views: 2066