Remember that expression? “Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free”. Well, we women know what are mother’s were referring to. (It was a silly expression but I found myself using it during some of my private clients' sessions to really drive home a point)
This expression also applies in business. I’ve talked to so many entrepreneurs who give away everything without a thought until they get mad because they’re not making more money.
Here’s some examples of what they do:
1) Overextend sessions because the client still hasn’t resolved an issue (a 60 minute session turns into 90 minutes…then 2 hours…) Then their schedule for the day gets all messed up and they don’t accomplish what they had planned on.
2) Fire hose their clients which results in their clients becoming overwhelmed and confused (but the entrepreneurs thinks they’re doing a good thing giving away so much information).
3) Give more than what’s included in the program or course because they think the client expects it (and won’t like them if they don’t). This one is a doozy because now the entrepreneur is becoming a “mind reader” of what they think their client wants. That’s just looking for trouble.
4) Offer your private cell phone number/email address and tell the client/customer to call you “anytime”.
There are lots more examples but I think you get the idea.
If you’re willing to give away so much, there’s no need for the client/customer to invest more deeply with you. Why should they? You’re giving it away!
It’s time for moderation and setting boundaries. Yikes! That’s so difficult for so many entrepreneurs to do. However, if you don’t do this, eventually, here’s what’s going to happen:
1) People are going to expect you to give endlessly
2) You’ll have less free time, as you’ll basically be on call for your clients.
3) Your family and friends will get annoyed as you’re always working
4) You’re get resentful of the demands and become stressed out
5) You’ll be making a lot less money than you could
Here’s an assignment to get you going to start to change. Make a list of 3 rules that are now your business boundaries.
Here are a few examples:
1) I have time off during the weekends and holidays (I don’t work holidays or weekends)
2) I only have exceptional people on my team who support me and do terrific, detailed oriented work (if they don't - they're off the team)
3) I only respond to client emails/phone calls during work hours (not during family/personal time)
Now it’s your turn….what will you start with?
For some of you this will be easy…but for some of you, this will be hard because you don’t want to “turn away business” or make people “mad”. I get that but I also know how to help you move past that so you can start to create a business lifestyle that you love. Want to learn how? Join me for my Brand New Complimentary Call:
Kate Beeders is an internationally known Success Coach, specializing in helping heart-centered Entrepreneurs make more money FAST! She has developed a powerful technique called the Success Activator System TM which combines her 3 areas of expertise: Business Development, Tapping and Laws of Attraction. This system helps her clients have success on their own terms - becoming bigger, bolder and better! - they attract more clients, more opportunities, more money and develop more self-confidence. This technique helped Kate increase her own income to over 6-figures very quickly and helps her clients make more money quickly, too. Many have doubled their income in a very short time!
As a highly sought after Transformational Leader, Kate frequently speaks at large events. She was a featured presenter for the 2011 and 2012 Tapping World Summit, (with a total of over 825,000 listeners worldwide). Her radio show “Tapping to Success” features internationally known experts. Kate was recently acknowledged by a New York Times & Hay House best-selling author in her latest book about the Laws of Attraction. She was also featured on Boston's Top Radio Station "Exceptional Women" Radio Series.
To get your BRAND NEW FREE MINI VIDEO SERIES: "Stop Procrastinating: 3 Keys to Mastering the Business & Financial Success of Your Dreams", please click here.
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