Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” - Haruki Murakami
Life is unpredictable. No surprises there.
You never know what lies around the corner waiting to test your resolve.
Life’s challenges are part of the human ... Views: 1166
Ready for a real shocker?
There is absolutely no built in meaning to any one circumstance, event, or situation that you come across in this life.
Whatever definition you give to any given circumstance determines entirely the effect or experience you’re going to get out of said ... Views: 1071
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” - Brené Brown
The Master was never impressed by diplomas or degrees. He scrutinised the person, not ... Views: 845
What would your life be like if you trusted yourself and the Universe to deliver completely on your hopes and dreams? What would you feel like? What would you be like and act like out in the world? Would you take more risks? Be bolder? Would you follow your dreams with more determination and ... Views: 1348
The principle of gratitude plays a massive role in one’s own quality of life.
An often overlooked and misunderstood concept, true authentic gratitude which arises out of one’s own genuine joy of being is a skeleton key which unlocks large-scale synchronicity and reality shifting ... Views: 1598
If you don't have everything you desire in life, or if you are having trouble reaching your goals, it is a result of self-imposed limitations. The programming you grew up with, or the maze as we call it, has a strong effect on what success you will achieve. Often, you take this programming for ... Views: 1178
Are you a complainer?
Are you constantly “unsatisfied” with most people, places, and things?
Does it seem like the world is just one being chore constantly getting in the way of your plans?
Do other people become obstacles to your successes, rather than harmonious assistants to ... Views: 1065
Heaven In the Hot Seat: A Sweat Lodge Experience
Daniel (not his real name) was known to be severe and unmerciful as a lodge leader, but I went to ceremony anyway. I didn’t consider that it might be too much for me because I had endured some hot sweats over the years and benefitted from them ... Views: 1307
Imagine for a moment, a pie chart.
Now imagine (for the sake of this example) that pie chart represents objective, external reality.
Now imagine that your beliefs are the mechanism through which you gradually unveil and fill in more and more of the pie chart.
As you become more ... Views: 1062
We're in the process of reinvention - all the time - because we're evolving and changing - all the time.
One of my favorite quotations is "I am not the same person I was yesterday." And then the quotation I came up with several years ago after going through some intense life changes was "The ... Views: 1013
The subject is full of contradictions. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about how we are the creators of our lives and that within us we have all the power to achieve whatever we wish. Such ideas may turn out to be confusing for the person who wants a manual of instructions which shows, in ... Views: 899
Self care is crucial to emotional healing. Emotional pain doesn’t happen at a convenient times. Everything seems to be going along fine and suddenly, in a flash, you find yourself at the bottom of an emotional hole in the ground with no way out. Everything seems all wrong.You have tripped into ... Views: 1222
Compassion has always been recognised as one of the highest qualities we can attain to in life. It is the living truth that flows from the Awakened Heart where we literally see that all life is One and each is a unique flower on the Tree of Life. It is a way of aligning ourselves with the ... Views: 1431
Do you live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Yahweh God? Do you know how you can do so?
Yahweh told His people, "You shall be holy; for I Yahweh your God am holy." (Leviticus 19:2, WEB) If you profess to be His, then your lifestyle has to mirror or reflect your relationship with your ... Views: 2104
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Law Of Attraction Blueprint - by Brian Krall - Personal Development Specialist - True Life Development -
The Law of Attraction Philosophy is a Secret of Success for many people these days, and a big popular trend among many people from business people to new age spiritualists. However there are still many people who do not know what it is, and many of the people who have gotten into the philosophy ... Views: 2023
We are all built from the ground up for balance. We all come equipped with elements of greatness. But along the way, change enters the situation.
You’ve seen it happen. Change alters your environment.
To adapt, you begin to do things ... Views: 988
Whether we think of quotes about life and love, affirmations for improving self-confidence, or the piercing and uplifting words we read in an inspirational novel, we have to agree on one thing: when used correctly, words have the power to transform and improve our lives in ways we cannot even ... Views: 764
It’s a new year … a new beginning, a time signaling the birth of NEW possibilities. Perhaps you have compiled a list of “new possibilities” to work toward this year. We all have a list of resolutions that we are hoping to manifest. And most of us are convinced that if we just work hard and push ... Views: 2694
If you have not already done so, this is a perfect day to begin preparing for the winter season and the new year ahead. The December Solstice occurs on either December 20, 21, 22 or 23. It is called Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year. In the ... Views: 2569
I've just returned from Florida where I attended an a-maz-ing Mindset Retreat. I met so many people who are on the path of self-discovery to create a shift in themselves and allow their best selves to come forward.
For me this journey of greater self-discovery has come with resistance ... Views: 1416
Some of my biggest teachers have been in the form of animals.
Back in November, we lost a dear member of our family. Our 12 year old cat Bucky fought a long battle with intestinal cancer. He taught me a lot during his battle about acceptance, compassion, perseverance, and gratitude. ... Views: 1426
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Are you stuck? - by Krysti Turznik, Powerful Mind Wellness
Many times in life you can get stuck in a way of thinking that is no longer serving your purpose or your goals. You no longer receive any positive benefits from your efforts, yet you continue to utilize these same tired methods to achieve your goals and create the kind of life you seek. ... Views: 1534
Dear friend, when you look at a certain object, a painting for example – you won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from your face. But if you try to take it a little further, you’ll have a clearer vision of the ... Views: 1424
Excerpt from The Anatomy of Success & Failure *7* Essential Elements that will Guarantee Radical Success in Life!
Essential Element #4: Blind Bamboo Faith
The next Essential Element is BBF, which stands for blind bamboo faith. Now, let me explain, because I know you are likely ... Views: 1653
Lesson 3
The Habit of Giving
People often ask me things like, “John, what is the main habit of multi-million dollar entrepreneurs, life-changers and dream achievers?” There is no question at all in my mind that the number one habit of all of those people is giving.
Before we move on ... Views: 1511
mobien tech trends mobile strategy
There is no doubt that mobility is transforming the enterprise. Today, most mobility use cases centre on increasing productivity by equipping employees to do their jobs better on the go and enhancing revenue by offering an alternative channel for customers ... Views: 824
Reaching our fullest potential is an evolutionary process. As we grow and mature into conscious human beings, we gain greater and greater ability to consciously co-create our lives and world. Expanding consciousness within the mindbody is the goal of Spiritual Integration. This is achieved as ... Views: 1374
The Victim Tyrant Cycle
By Julie Roberts, Ph.D.
This paper is about adults and not children. Children don’t have a choice when they are victims (they can’t leave their situation and if they do speak, often they aren’t heard). Adults have choice when they can see beyond the pattern that keeps ... Views: 2188
By Frosty Wooldridge
Do you like your work? Do you get a kick out of reaching the “office” daily as a park ranger, chef, teacher, truck driver, fireman, manager, waitress or hairdresser?
Note this fact: what you do daily in your life affects your mind, body and spirit. If you love your ... Views: 1994
In a session I had with my counselor Eleanor last week she said to me, "Testing is not trusting." I realized in talking to her that much of what I've been calling "trust" is actually me simply "testing" new attitudes, techniques, and approaches... hoping they will work out, but fearing that they ... Views: 1345
You can use this Butterfly Celebration Ritual to transform and realize your best self and life any time!
Though right now at the time of THE SCORPIO FULL MOON (May 14th) promises to have a tremendous force for transformation for everyone and you are probably already feeling its effects as it ... Views: 1694
This week’s Step Up Leader Tip comes from an extraordinary young Rwandan female leader. Sandrine Umuhoza, student at The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda and President of the Student Council, recently visited Tampa as an ambassador for her school and country. Sandrine exemplifies the dynamic ... Views: 1331
I, Dr. Barry Hammer, have recently (January 2014) posted three BlogSpot Radio audio interviews and two YouTube videos discussing the two books that my beloved late father, Dr. Max Hammer, wrote with contributions from me and Dr. Alan C. Butler. These audio interviews and YouTube videos discuss ... Views: 1508
Coping with our intensely passionate emotions and desires can be like riding a wild horse, or being inundated by a turbulent river, overflowing its banks, producing havoc for us, and for others around us. We become driven by demanding, insatiable, energies, that have a counterproductive, ... Views: 1876
Being a first time mom changes you. You can't help but have it change you yet you are still the same person. I'm still the same goofy, adventurous, sarcastic, Type A personality person I was before. I still like the same things and talk to the same people. I'm still driven by passion and the ... Views: 1204
New beginnings are always opportunities but a measure of anxiety and a pinch (or two) of uncertainty are usually part of the mix. What we do with our new start will determine how well we fare in the weeks and months ahead. Remember that every beginning has a story that went before. In the now ... Views: 1397
As we grow our wants and needs change. What suited us in our 20’s and 30’s will not suffice for us in our 50’s or 70’s. We live in an elaborate world, with some of the most beautiful places, the best restaurants, and some of the finest boutiques.
When I grew up everything had to match, my ... Views: 1456
At the beginning of every new year millions of adults make resolutions to improve some aspect of their life: quit smoking, lose weight, save more money, spend time with family and friends. Though well-intentioned, few actually follow through and achieve their desired degree of success. While ... Views: 2300
When my younger brother and I went trick-or-treating as kids at Halloween, he was scared of ghosts. When he was very young, he had eye surgery a couple of times. All of the OR people wore white. He associated their white dress and the white sheets of “the ghosts” with pain.
Like him, we ... Views: 1484
You’re alive and breathing but are you living? I’m sure you have a routine that works for you and I’m guessing it goes something like this ‘work, eat, sleep, eat, work, sleep’. Well you are not alone! Most people are stuck in this humdrum cycle because, let’s face it, society has structured ... Views: 3571
Interesting title huh? I bet you cannot wait for me to talk about his topic, as I believe it affects many of us. Actually, I know it does from my years of coaching and helping people take off this painful suit so they start feeling love again.
Have you ever found yourself saying that no one ... Views: 1960
Changes can be unsettling. Honestly, they can be so scary they literally paralyze you in your tracks. Yet, without change we never achieve growth in our lives, careers, or relationships.
Recently I was faced with emergence of changes in the area of my career and whether to sell our home of 14 ... Views: 2306
Everyone should be open to receiving some personal development tips once in a while. Even if you are already successful in whatever you are doing, there is always a way you can improve yourself. Investing in yourself is the best ever investment you can make in life. You will never go wrong ... Views: 1609
The first act (the world of work) has come, or is coming, to its final curtain and you’re left looking out over the empty auditorium seats wondering what’s next. What’s the next act? Thankfully, there are so many options to be had, and if you are like most people in the 50 and over crowd, the ... Views: 1502
“Research evidence clearly shows that groups led by transformational leaders have higher levels of performance and satisfaction than groups led by other types of leaders. Why? Because transformational leaders hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can do their best,” ... Views: 1720
Torsion springs are immediately identifiable to most people and are a typical sight in many kinds of applications. The saying "wound up tight like a coil" originated from this type of spring. They have uses in a variety of industries like construction, oil, recreation, healthcare, lawn and ... Views: 1745
We all know that transformation is good. After all, it’s what turns caterpillar into butterfly. We love butterflies! They embody the process of transformation that leads to the blossoming of our highest potential. But when it comes to change, many of us act like the wiggly caterpillar and dive ... Views: 2031
I have always loved singing in harmony and have sung in several choirs in the past. When I moved to Victoria, I was looking for a small vocal ensemble to sing with. In my search for a small community choir, I stumbled upon one of the biggest choirs I have ever listened to: The Gettin' Higher ... Views: 1339
Here is a shocking fact. I didn’t always like women. In fact I couldn’t stand most of them. But eventually I realized that their seemingly perfect lives were not so different from mine and not perfect either. We had similar problems in a different shade of grey. Here is an example: I was a ... Views: 1502
There is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Do you suffer from low self esteem or inferiority complex? I would like to share some self help tips on how you can overcome that and develop your confidence.
A person may have inferiority complex ... Views: 1731