Chandra Lynn is The Official Guide to "Transformation". You can find complete information on Chandra Lynn and his products by visiting Glow Living.
If you are a normal person, you will serve your family and your country by trying to do what's right. This necessarily involves ambition and goals while you try to solve your problems in life. As you settle into your career, whatever it turns out to be, your government in turn tries to equalize ... Views: 735
We are coming to the end of an era. Beginning 35,000 years ago when we were savages, we have evolved because of numerous shifts in consciousness to where we are now. This present level of consciousness is characterized by a disregard of our planet, a disdain of other's problems, an unhealthy ... Views: 798
‘Creation begins with a vision. Seeing is already a creative operation that requires an effort. All that we see, in our daily lives, is more or less deformed by our acquired habits . . . The artist must see everything as if for the first time; he must look at all of life like a ... Views: 1004
The last time I looked, personal transformation was not on America’s top ten list of achievements. Success, family, happiness, friends, wealth, respect, health, religious beliefs or spirituality, satisfying work — these took priority. Our spiritual institutions follow suit with the most ... Views: 1041
It seems that when I honor the ending, the beginning is more joyous. I admit, I don't always remember to honor the ending. Sometimes I just want the ending to end or the beginning to begin.
As infants, we end our time in the womb to begin our human experience. The other day, I met a ... Views: 2227
We live in a time of incredible potential, perched on the precipice of massive transformation…or massive destruction. We get to choose how we design our lives and, in doing so, the world responds. Our choices become our manifested reality that we might see ourselves reflected in our own ... Views: 1439
In my city of East Lansing, Michigan, I always get great service at Lou and Harry's Grill. Lou and Harry's has three locations and mostly employs college students. You would think that with an extremely transient workforce that service and quality would be inconsistent. I have probably dined ... Views: 1117
Just about everything we actively do is on the conscious level. While this is happening on the surface, our body and all its organs are subconsciously being given instructions and messages so that they can function. Not only the body, but the mind is working subconsciously as well, as it filters ... Views: 768
"Heartbreak as Teacher"
In your quest for Heart Freedom, there is value in the pain of a broken heart. It gives you feedback to learn about changing and growing. Pain can be seen not simply as arbitrary suffering but as a teacher. Emotional discomfort and pain are inevitable parts of the human ... Views: 849
If you want change you must “make permanent changes in your life”, no really, a lot of people say that they want change but not many who do start to change last long without reverting back to there old insecure ways. If you can put the effort in to making creating a new Vision of your new ... Views: 1438
Just as a fire is built by lighting small twigs so that they can in turn ignite the larger branches, we make the world a better place by changing ourselves first. This change, this transformation, must be mental, because all things begin with the mind, and mind is none other than our thoughts ... Views: 969
Your plan C has replaced your plan B.
It's just not working out the way you had planned. Even when it does work out the way you plan, it still doesn't work out . . . somehow.
Asking yourself, "Is this all there is?"
This is a definite, clear signal that you've tried about everything that ... Views: 819
Have you ever tried to change yourself? Tough, huh? But sometimes we have no choice. Once in a while, during a lifetime, we get a good look at what we are, and when we see what we are, we become so disturbed that a change can't be avoided.
It's actually the seeing that creates the change. It's ... Views: 1747
7 Sure Fire Ways to Sabotage Your Life:
A Witty Approach to Getting Back on Track if
You’ve taken a Left Turn on the Road to Happiness
We all begin life traveling on the “road to happiness.” At some point during this journey we may come to realize we turned left when we meant to turn ... Views: 1775
We, people of the third millennium, are supposed to be highly civilised and educated. We have moved from the caves to the city and have now succeeded in achieving what we call a global village. We are even planning to colonise other planets. But so far as our behaviour is concerned, what have we ... Views: 4327
As we embark on the holidays this year, it is a happy time of the year for many of us. We celebrate the themes peace on Earth, goodwill to men, generosity, kindness and compassion. For most of us that means giving gifts to our friends and family, the camaraderie of the office Christmas party, ... Views: 1172
What I am suggesting in this article is that there are seven things you could look to change in order to improve your life.
We all have times in our life when we wish we could change things. Sometimes this is only a vague, fanciful wish but, at other times, it may be a serious desire to ... Views: 2849
Paradigms are ubiquitous. They show up in conversations, books, bedrooms, films, families, restaurants, professions, games, sports, industries, and social systems of all types. Paradigms fall within paradigms, overlap other paradigms, and bump into still others. Paradigms are big or small, new ... Views: 1250
This little secret gave me a leap forward in my personal evolution and it has helped many of my clients change their lives. If you embrace this and make it true for yourself, you'll experience the same freedom and relief.
Once I was working with a client who was experiencing health problems, ... Views: 1411
Have you ever wanted to create something in your life that was a bit out of the comfort zone and found that you had talked yourself out of it almost as quickly as the idea entered your mind?
Perhaps you were excited about the idea when you first had it - "I'm going to have an amazing ...Have ... Views: 11953
Fuel prices are steep and always rising. Car owners need to find ways to make their car fuel last longer. If you can squeeze a few more miles out of every gallon imagine the savings you can make on fuel costs. The world is constantly finding out ways to use transportation that is affordable and ... Views: 17368
The Wise Mind is one aspect of higher consciousness. Other aspects are love, peace, light, and compassion. The Wise Mind is a part of the superconscious, and everyone has the capacity to experience it when the conscious mind becomes quiet. The Wise Mind is the voice of the Universal Self as it ... Views: 3902
“Phoenix House Experiences the Art of Balance”
by Karen Laudadio
It was a typical Saturday morning at the Phoenix House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Santa Ana, California. A flurry of activity by the residents announced the beginning of another busy day. These men and women ... Views: 1489
What is Awareness?
Let's begin by asking the question, "what is awareness?" The Oxford University Press dictionary tells us that awareness is our "knowledge or perception of a situation or fact." A great definition, but let’s dare to take it a few steps further. Let’s define awareness as the ... Views: 968
"Its Time For A Change"
Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2
As we come to the close of the year and we begin to reflect on this past year, while we look ... Views: 1004
I Remember The Child Within
In each moment,
In which I forget who I am,
I remember to breathe...
In each moment, I notice distress,
I thank God, for giving me Life.
In any illusion, I feel unloved
I notice the very first miracle I see,
And choose to be grateful.
Whenever I feel like I want ... Views: 914
Ah, spring!
What a wonderful time of year. April showers, May flowers, cool breezes, singing birds. Everything about Spring encourages one to grow, to reach, to succeed.
It's a great time to get things done... and to have some fun.
My suggestions? Well...
1. Take a holiday
Oh, ... Views: 4191
September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 14052