We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Success Coaching". If you have expertise in Success Coaching and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Our culture seems to have elevated the quest for perfection to the status of virtue. When someone is described as a perfectionist they are frequently admired and envied. A perfectionist, in my opinion is someone living in a constant state of dissatisfaction and that isn't healthy. To ... Views: 1857
I remember when I was around 17 or 18 years old, I was so upset because I wanted my life to be about something and feared more than anything that it wouldn't be about anything. I knew that I had potential and that I wanted to use all of it, and it felt like I was flapping my wings against the ... Views: 1118
This may seem like a shameless plug for coaching. And perhaps it is. But folks really need to know that help is available and, despite cultural messages to the contrary, getting the support you need is a good thing.
You’ve got a deadline, the clock is ticking and you’re not doing what you ... Views: 705
Do you want to change something in your life that you're having trouble changing? The thing you want to change is something that's not so easy. It can be anything, but for whatever reason, you can't seem to make progress.
It could be:
- Get a new relationship,
- Loose some weight,
- Gain some ... Views: 971
Success involves the attempt to reach a particular level of status in an area of life or the achievement specific objectives or goals. While the recipe of success is never the same for each and every person, there are certain ingredients that help sweeten the outcome and overall journey. Below ... Views: 978
If there is one ingredient that sets the successful apart from the rest, I would have to say it would be their passion. The dictionary says that passion is a strong liking or desire for, or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. One thing I have noticed over the years is that anyone ... Views: 1925
The week seems to have been quite long for many of us. I am hoping that many of you that have written to me are feeling better. Some one said it was an astrological aspect that hit us all. Whatever the reasons might be, it is important to be aware of the fact that we have choices.
Basically it ... Views: 581
We are changing--we have got to change. We can no more help changing than leaves can help going yellow and coming loose in autumn.
D.H. Lawrence
God helps those who help themselves. And since few human beings experience abiding inner peace or fulfillment, most of us are involved in improving ... Views: 738
Our awareness resides, moment to moment, in either the conventional or transcendental realities. Each of these realities has its own truths. From a conventional view, illness is a misfortune and death is final. From a transcendent perspective, illness (or any adversity) is a perfectly natural ... Views: 686
I own a stack of self improvement books ten feet tall. Achievement seminars I've attended number in the dozens. I had been trying to improve myself since the second grade when Mrs. H. burst my young bubble. Although I went on to fourteen more years as a star pupil, I never forgot the way she ... Views: 688
CEOs, executives, and managers everywhere are recognizing that the old systems just don’t work anymore. Most people find that working harder actually decreases their productivity. The solution? Let go of the "old" and build a new effectiveness model.
Let’s begin with the distinction between ... Views: 963
Sign your way to greatness!
Did you know that the scribble you casually slap on a letter, cheque or credit card docket can give insights to your personality? And did you know that your handwriting can tell a different story about the real you?
Your signature — or sign of your nature — ... Views: 1852
Acquisition is Not Success!
Ever since I can remember I have been entrepreneurial. As a child this creative urge expressed itself in music, art, dance and a variety of money making ventures. As I grew into a young man I was often told I was a born salesman and soon my attention was directed ... Views: 769
Worry for Success
Worry can spark action if you worry and realize a plan of action needs to be initiated-- and you act. Under those circumstance worry is serving you well.
Worry can spark your imagination. Sometimes having a cerebral cortex is not much fun. Imagination can litter our internal ... Views: 762
Did you have a theme this past year? Will you have one for next year? Themes can make your life fun and focused. Have you ever given a birthday party and asked people to bring gifts with a "garden" or "fishing" theme? I know someone who asked people to bring something they made themselves! What ... Views: 861
If you need a little help on the way to success, try on these eight steps.
Although there is no such thing as instant success, research in peak performance has uncovered working techniques common to any high-achiever. Success is predictable. I'm committed to the belief that you can have more ... Views: 647
I have always been intrigued by the idea of keeping a journal. I was always in awe of people I would see furiously writing in their journals at the park, the beach, at lunch, or on the train. What they heck were they writing about? From the looks on their faces, it seemed pretty intense!! ... Views: 690
What do you really want? For many that's an abstract question. Very few will be able to answer it with conviction. But that question is the foundation of success. And what is its essence? Wanting it badly that you'll go through thick and thin, hail and snow, failure after failure, to get to ... Views: 872
You have heard about secrets a lot. Secrets about everything in life. How and when is it considered a secret? Because once revealed and unveiled it no longer remains a secret.
Yes it no longer remains a secret but to whom? If you have not stumbled upon an information or opportunity vital to your ... Views: 607
Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right.
They long for success. They imagine success. They struggle for success. They aim for success. But, they are addicted to failure.
Yes, ... Views: 1465
There are many ways of creating new methods and strategies for doing things well. One form of innovation is to take a powerful strategy from one area and apply it usefully in a completely different one. In that spirit, I have borrowed a concept from the field of engineering and will present you ... Views: 1538
Vision is the picture of how it will be
Before you can achieve it you must dream it. This is not necessarily a dream that occurs while you are in a deep sleep, but a picture you have in your mind of the lifestyle you want to live including your career, family, spiritual, recreational, fitness ... Views: 3840
Do you bail out of projects right before the finish line? Do you side-step promotions and opportunities? Do you put little effort toward your goals? If you do any of these things, you might be afraid of the idea of success.
But isn’t success a good thing? You may say, “Yes, of course.” But when ... Views: 776
Turn your potential into success.
By Ralph Jean-Paul
Do you know someone with an extraordinary talent? Maybe that person is a gifted athlete, artist, or musician. Or perhaps that person has a mind for business, is a master with numbers, or knows precisely how to handle people. Although this ... Views: 693
Your Best Chance for Success
As you read this article you will gain an understanding of one simple, yet powerfully effect strategy to acheive success. Apply the principles here and you will supercharge your chances for success
What if there was one thing you could do that was proven to ... Views: 803
Success is one of those words that we all understand, or at first glance, we think we do. We hear that someone is a big success, and we nod in agreement and apparent understanding. But what is success? Webster defines success as reaching a conclusion, usually a fortunate one. OK, what is ... Views: 685
Dream big dreams.
Have a goal and plan to achieve.
Love doing what you do.
Listen to the advice of your spouse/partner.
Seek help from those whose skills you don't have.
Believe you are a winner, or one who CAN be.
Work smarter, not necessarily harder.
Fly with the eagles, don't scratch with the ... Views: 670
We hope that the following article may be informative and/or helpful for your e-zine, or on your web site. Craig Lock's other articles (internet marketing, self help, writing and money) are available at:
"I share what I know, so that others may ... Views: 689
#* enough "s's"
By Craig Lock
"Life is about finding, then following the dream... and one's dream/vision comes to reality through believing in yourself, making the commitment and then creating it."
- Craig Lock ... Views: 811
All over the net, people are asking you to pay them for ‘get rich? secrets, all the ‘systems?have different names…have you ever asked yourself this question…How many of them are really rich? Maybe a few, right?
Wouldn’t it be refreshing the learn money making secrets from ones who have ... Views: 615
When a speaker uses poor grammar or has error in their speech, their credibility can be destroyed. Here are words and phrases that can make a good speech and a good speaker lose the audience.
1. Irregardless
Although some people say this isn't really a word, it can be found in Webster's. ... Views: 5506
"Do not consider painful what is good for you."
-- Euripides
A few years ago some scientists conducted an experiment involving a little frog. In their lab was a vat of steaming, boiling hot water. They wanted to determine how the frog would react when dropped into the vat.
Armed in their ... Views: 12829
The term Irresistibly Attractive refers to the idea of great people, ideas, opportunities, things and more, come TO you vs you chasing them or being promotive, seductive or acquisitive in nature.
1. Don't need much.
If you need something, usually it will run away/escape you. Get your ... Views: 695
Barbara Wylan Sefton is a freelance writer and stay-at-home mother. She lives in Novi, Michigan with her husband, Sam, and son, Graham (6).
Although a stay-at-home mother receives neither a weekly paycheck nor a W-2 at the end of the year, she still contributes toward her family's financial ... Views: 972
We’ve all noticed it. You learn something new in a class or reading an article or book, and you feel committed to change. You’re motivated, energized, excited. The world looks bigger and brighter.
But what about a month or two later? How do you stay on track when you hit your first bump in the ... Views: 828
“I don’t want audiences to feel a specific thing..I just want audiences to feel.” Paul Simon
The gift the performer brings to his or her audience is sometimes difficult to recognize in a culture which often judges success by the size of ones house or the amount of money one makes. As an artist, ... Views: 697
How is it that one can have a great song, a great voice, be a great musician and still be boring on stage? How is it that one can have an average song, hardly any voice to speak of, know how to play only 3 chords on a guitar, and pack the coliseum? Why do some people seem to sparkle with ... Views: 1582
We have all heard this warning: "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Also, psychologists, writers, and seminar leaders caution that we only have from seven to seventeen seconds of interacting with strangers before they form an opinion of us.
With this widely ... Views: 13180
Article Title: Napoleon Hill's book UNLIMITED SUCCESS
(from Inspirational Books)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Web Sites: http://www2.webng.com/writernz/books.html and
Publishing Guidelines: This article (in point form) has been sourced from an excellent ... Views: 1169
Failure is defined as "falling short of hitting the target." What if you couldn’t fail? How differently might you approach
challenging situations if you knew you could be successful?
To look at "failure" we need to look at two aspects. First, the targets we set and second, our definition ... Views: 2316
I once went out for a day with a prospector to look for gold. We arrived at a spot in a mountain stream and he pointed out a certain area for me to start panning. I asked how he knew this particular place had potential and he briefly explained he was looking at the type of rock, water movement, ... Views: 3740
Mentor. Guru. Sage. Teacher. Throughout time people have sought the counsel and advice of wise men and women in order to make better decisions and achieve their goals. Today, in business, music, athletics, acting -- across all disciplines -- people are using coaches to move them from where they ... Views: 743
A few weeks ago I got a phone call from a fellow asking about Success Coaching. He wanted to know if coaching could really help him achieve success.
Experience tells me the answer is "yes." In the 3 1/2 years I have been a professional Success Coach (and the 20 years of study and work ... Views: 768
When a person thinks a negative thought and tries to get rid of it, that person is thinking positively negatively. Daniel M. Wegner of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, has conducted a long string of experiments that show the futility and actual danger of trying to get rid of thoughts. ... Views: 720
Everybody claims to want to know the secret of life, yet most will turn their backs on this article. The reason is that we all know what the secret life is and we don't want that getting in the way, as we blissfully stumble along. The secret of life is that we are spiritual beings living what ... Views: 713
In creating a new personal growth workshop, I decided to go back to an old concept, the one of the wheel. The spokes of a wheel are what keep it centered, allow it to turn, and carry its load. We need balanced strength in order to benefit from the advantage of movement the wheel gives us. If the ... Views: 1559
We all have adversity at times in our lives. The thing is to face it, deal with it, then let it go.
If you can fight off depression and any feelings of discouragement that can emerge in life, you will have a much better chance at attaining your goals.
Yes, it takes hard work, discipline, ... Views: 1494
No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but does require hard work. The good news is that once you begin, the results start coming almost instantly. The miracle of successful ... Views: 1035
I had a really neat experience this morning. I was having a conversation with a friend when he suddenly asked me to chat with his wife and briefly explain what "life coaching" was about. Although I was a bit surprised by his sudden request, I happily agreed.
Within seconds, I heard his wife ... Views: 620