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January is the time of fresh starts, fresh ideas, and an urge to create a new, better life.Often, we start out with high hopes, only to sink by February 1 as if the balloon carrying our hopes had been punctured.
We need a plan, a roadmap if you will, that we can follow, that will provide us ... Views: 958
Has your to-do list grown overnight?
Yes, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year”…and yet many of us miss the wonder of it all due to the overwhelm at work that accompanies the holidays.
Here are 3 ways to cure your holiday overwhelm at work starting today:
Focus on Positive ... Views: 1086
The holidays can be a time of moods that go up and down. It’s easy to assume that changing moods are the result of what happens to you, or worse yet, just something that comes over you without any explanation whatsoever. Wouldn’t you like to have a way to choose how you feel? A way that works ... Views: 846
Conflict In The Workplace
Do you know the most common reason for conflict in the workplace?
It is the inability of employees to recognize personality types of others and know how to react accordingly during a heated discussion. When most of us are challenged our initial reaction is to ... Views: 865
Along with joy and a feeling of connectedness to others, the holidays bring a rise in stress. Although most people over 30 experience a rise in stress over the holidays, according to the American Psychological Association, women are most likely to experience a sharp increase (44%) in stress, ... Views: 992
You love your extended family, you really do, and the thought of all those aunts and uncles, in-laws and parents, cousins and various spouses and children warms your heart.
Until it’s time for them to descend on your home for Thanksgiving.
Even if it’s just a parent or solitary in-law or ... Views: 1478
Hans Selye, known as the “Father of Stress,” coined the term “eustress” in 1926. It means, literally, “good stress.” Is there such a thing? You bet there is.
When we’re underwhelmed by life, we seek excitement in anything from scary movies to amusement park rides; we crave new ventures and ... Views: 958
It’s official (in case you hadn’t already noticed): technology is raising our stress level precipitously.
In fact, Mike Kushner, co-owner of a computer solutions company in Palo Alto, California, has paramedics ready to respond to calls from what he calls the “digitally desperate.”
Some ... Views: 995
Any serious scientist will be familiar with the assertion that stress causes immune-compromise. A recent study by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health has finally put this long-held knowledge into perspective, deciphering that those who bottle up their feelings have a cardiovascular ... Views: 1396
I recently came across this quote by Bonnie Friedman “An unhurried sense of time is in itself a sort of wealth”. An unhurried sense of time- is there actually such a thing, or such a person who doesn’t live in constant hurry?
We live in an extremely fast-paced era where our mornings begin ... Views: 1388
Bullying has become one of the most prominent social issues of our time. Bullying someone with ADHD seems to be even more widespread due to their still developing social skills and increased possibility they will impulsivity react. A bully, by definition, is a person who is habitually cruel or ... Views: 3181
Leaving a legacy we can be proud of is a huge part of the mission of Vibrantly Live. Part of doing that is teaching the importance of self-care not only for us, as moms, but also for our children.
Self-care allows you to be in the right frame of mind to handle life’s every day stressors. If ... Views: 1219
For many people, the holiday season is not necessarily a happy or joyous time. It can be stressful dealing with family emotions and holiday preparations - shopping, cleaning, decorating, wrapping, baking, attending holiday gatherings- you get it. Because of all the added duties, our stress level ... Views: 1427
“I never eat lunch,” “I work 12 hours a day,” “I only get about 4 hours of sleep a night – oh, I don’t need any more; I feel just fine.” “Weekend? What’s a weekend?”
I hear these statements all the time from people whose body language and facial expressions show that they are pleased, even ... Views: 825
Many of us long to live in a state of unshakeable tranquility. What I’ve come to realize is that tranquility is unshakeable ONLY when I’m unattached to outcome, when I’m willing to roll with whatever’s happening. “Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.” Resisting is ... Views: 1359
With the upcoming launch of Happy Woman Happy World, the first book of The Women’s Code, my team is on red alert. Aside from all the excitement over the completion of the book, I find myself FREAKING OUT at all the things that are piling up on my to-do list. Frankly these days that list is ... Views: 1654
Creative thinking is a skill we can learn and practice in the course of daily life and here is the best reason to try: simply "changing set" or shifting attention can mitigate stress. Taking every opportunity to experiment with a new approach or attitude in familiar, predictable or routine ... Views: 1279
Yesterday, I made a big mess. I was trying to be Superwoman and get everything done. Instead, I slowed myself down and am still cleaning up today. What does multitasking cost us?
Before we explore that, here’s a cautionary, humorous, real-life tale. Last night, I had fun plans on the town – ... Views: 1565
Summer is a great time to slow down, relax, and dream up new ideas for your business. But all good things must come to an end. As we wind up our vacations and head toward Labor Day, many of my clients are asking: How do I keep that calm, thoughtful energy alive when I get back to work?
Of ... Views: 2663
I had occasion to explore this issue myself this week, when I discovered that somehow my utility company had switched the account number and name on the bill it sends to my home each month.
Confidently and proudly paying my bills online on the first of each month, I simply looked at the ... Views: 1151
I work with women every week who claim that having a life of peace is their biggest priority. “A life of peace” doesn’t make for the best goal though. It’s not real specific. What’s that look like – really? I get it; they’re tired of the rushing, running, demands, difficult relationships and ... Views: 1269
Leadership needs the balance between the static of what works vs. dynamic creative growth. This is not a division between conservative or low-risk-takers compared to risk-takers or recklessness. It is the decision between choosing what must be kept in place - the static - and what must be ... Views: 1323
Have you ever been caught in a race that never ends: one in which the big prize at the end is as far out of reach as it is when you started, and the small rewards along the way that might sustain you have gotten to be scarcer and scarcer? Perhaps the big prize no longer seems enticing, or ... Views: 968
Is your life an endless cycle, revolving around work and taking care of the kids? If so, you’re not alone. In a recent study by the Families and Work Institute, ½ of American women say they don’t have enough time to spend on themselves and to choose the activities they enjoy. We all know that ... Views: 1382
My vacation strategy! I can hear the cries already, “I have to have a strategy for vacation as well? Isn’t a career strategy, a life plan and an investment direction enough?” I’ll say “maybe” but mean “no.”
While I have written much about the value and importance of work, I am a devout ... Views: 1449
Are you having problems with anxiety? Anxiety is a problem that can be treated, both medically and holistically. Today I will be sharing with you some self help tips on how you can get rid of anxiety.
To start off my self help tips, I want you to know that most of the time, anxiety is the ... Views: 2427
I heard a wonderful story last night, from a woman who has had a varied, interesting andfrom any standpoint, successful, life. Her secret? She didn’t know there was a glass ceiling! In fact, she wasn’t aware of most barriers that frustrate the rest of us.
Here is a story she told: At one ... Views: 960
Being a project manager is a highly visible role that can be both satisfying and stressful. Consider these steps you can take inside and outside the workplace to help you keep your cool under pressure.
Inside the Workplace
1. Define the scope. Nail down what you want to do. Analyze how ... Views: 920
Every human being will face stressful times. That is not a question. Today I have some personal development training on how you can develop your resilience.
Being resilient means that you are able to bounce back from defeat or setbacks. Bad things may happen in life, but rather than ... Views: 1736
The workplace can be a stressful place. Between personality differences, “one-size-fits-all” working environments (think: introverts hate open office floor plans), and having to always “do more with less” while wondering if your job is really secure, work can pile on stress like no other. ... Views: 1245
Are you longing for more meaningful relationships? A good place to start is with the people you love. These are the people who matter to you and you matter to them. I had an interesting revelation last night I wanted to share with you.
I’ve known my husband for over 20 years. Sometimes we ... Views: 1328
Most schools around here are back in session at this point. Finding balance in life may seem like a pipe dream for many. I see the harried expressions of moms as they drive their kids here, there, and everywhere. My foot was the victim of a grocery cart incident as a mother was rushing around ... Views: 1161
Overwhelm is a state of mind that can sabotage your success and create unnecessary stress. Here are fifteen of my favorite techniques I use to help my clients (and myself) dissolve the feelings of overwhelm and feel inspired and powerful every day. Each of these techniques can be implemented in ... Views: 1204
I work with so many overly-busy women who are stressed beyond belief, yet they still find it difficult to say “no” to the demands that come to them from all sides. Even when they are given permission, or even urged to say no to these demands by friends, family or managers, they still find it ... Views: 957
Online self help tips – Do you feel like you have a never ending pile of work on your desk, but you just keep pushing yourself to complete the job so that you can finally enjoy some free time and “me” time?
Well, here is the harsh reality. In most cases, your workload will never cease and you ... Views: 1744
If life was a multiple choice test, would you always pick the same answer? “Let’s see, it’s choice B. Guess I’ll go with that all the way.”
At least in a real multiple choice test, you can see all choices – usually four – laid out and you may even ponder them before you mark your ... Views: 882
Today, I will be addressing some issues on stress and giving you some self help tips to handle it. Stress is a subtle enemy if you do not manage it well. Stress has been linked to many illnesses. Here are some ways you can beat stress.
Firstly, it is good to write down your tasks on a piece ... Views: 1075
Alarms are indicators of the imminent dangers such as burglary. Alarms help you to prepare yourself to face such unpleasant situations. There are a lot of alarm systems available in the market, all designed to serve different purposes.
Different Kinds of Alarms:
Burglar alarms
Neither ... Views: 891
Last week we looked at having more balance in life by asking “What do I want more of?” This week, I want to help you take the opposite approach with a little twist. There’s great power in words. I share this principle with my clients all the time. Take a minute and notice how your emotional ... Views: 1275
It’s real easy as a mom to focus on everyone else’s needs. We want everyone to be happy and feel loved. But neglecting yourself doesn’t lead to much balance in life for you. I can hear it now – “Me? I don’t have time to think of me. I’m fine.” Really? If you think your needs are any less ... Views: 1222
Lots of people talk about the importance of learning how to build confidence, but they just talk in circles without ever getting to the “how to’s”. Personally, I find that extremely frustrating! I recently read a great book called the Right Questions, by the late Debbie Ford. She challenged ... Views: 1221
In my last article, “Watch who you share your pain with,” I described several kinds of people who only make your pain worse by saying the wrong things.
I call them, collectively, Dementors, familiar to Harry Potter fans as creatures who suck all hope out of you. They may magnify your tiny ... Views: 1090
Everyone has stress. It’s a natural part of life and happens everyday. There’s no escaping it. What you can escape, however, are the harmful side effects of prolonged, extreme, and/or chronic stress.
First, let’s take a look at stress, what it is, how it impacts you, how to recognize it and ... Views: 1942
Constructive conflict is an essential part of any team, group, or partnership dynamic. If people do not disagree or come to the table with a variety of perspectives and their unique set of values, battles would eschew, new ideas would not flourish, and creativity would be stifled.
When ... Views: 1392
We all know, intuitively, what research tells us: we need companions in life with whom to share both our joys and our pains. People who do not have anyone with whom to share tend to lead more stressful, less healthy lives.
Unfortunately, not everyone is an ideal companion for such sharing. ... Views: 920
With the modernisation of our society, one thing that has evolved many folds during the last few decades is stress. It has become an inseparable part of every individual’s life. Be it an old man, a professional or even a school going kid, stress is a part and parcel of everyone’s life. While ... Views: 828
If I had permitted my failures, or what seemed to me at the time a lack of success, to discourage me, I cannot see any way in which I would ever have made progress.
- Calvin Coolidge, 1872-1933, 30th President of the United States
Regular relaxation is essential for a long life ... Views: 1492
I am a writer, speaker, stress buster, life coach, problem solver, people empowerer, laughter lover, dedicated saboteur disarmer, hypnotherapist, inspiration generator, insight seeker and genius finder! But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time in my life when I could have written a thesis ... Views: 1504
Stress is definitely unavoidable. Its part of our lives and it’s here to stay.
This is a fact that we need to accept. This is one part of our life that we cannot change.
But should we stop there?
Of course not! Because we can actually turn our stress into positive energy that will bring ... Views: 1084
We often say that stress isn’t just something that happens to you, it’s a choice you make about how to react to what happens to you. In a sense this is true, but it is an unconscious choice. You’re not only unaware that you’re making a choice, but even that there are any other ... Views: 919