A few years ago I visited the most extreme case of belief that I’m aware of – La Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona, Spain. Designed by Antonio Gaudi, it has been called the world’s most brilliant architecture and in 2010, Pope Benedict blessed the church as a basilica in a rare ... Views: 1361
Yesterday, I made a big mess. I was trying to be Superwoman and get everything done. Instead, I slowed myself down and am still cleaning up today. What does multitasking cost us?
Before we explore that, here’s a cautionary, humorous, real-life tale. Last night, I had fun plans on the town – ... Views: 1567
On a recent Spring evening, I sat in the audience at the Broadway musical excited to see Kinky Boots and not knowing much about the plot … or the wisdom of the lead character and real life shoemaker Charlie Price.
Prior to Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper wisely teaming up to create the ... Views: 1507
A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I received an email from a radio producer in Houston, TX, interested in interviewing moi about a recent happiness study. I was thrilled and quickly accepted the invitation to be live on the radio (over the phone) the next morning. I was pleased with the result ... Views: 1230
"When is the last time you threw your WHOLE SELF at your dreams?"
I don’t follow traditional religious figures but I recently stumbled on a You Tube clip from a sermon on COMMITMENT by Bishop T.D. Jakes and he posed that question. (Here’s the link if you want to check it out ... Views: 1740
You know loving yourself is a key to happiness, right? Maybe you already completely embrace who you are, or maybe you’re still struggling to get there. Either way, asking yourself this one question could have a huge impact on your life and even the success of your business.
What do you ... Views: 904
When you meet someone new, what are you drawn to? What turns you off or diminishing your desire to connect with that person?
People naturally gravitate to energetic, enthusiastic individuals. And, studies (and common sense) show that happier people are more successful in all areas of life, ... Views: 1319