During the last five months of Neptune retrograde, we’ve been swimming around in our own private waters of unconsciousness. We’ve separated our sensitivities and our dreams from the real world, so that we may reconnect with our deepest, most hidden self. In this particular cycle, some of us ... Views: 1517
I thought I would share with you my own entrepreneurial story ~ nothing fancy or special, just simple. I’m Suzi Dronzek, and I am an intuitive astrologer and spiritual advisor, who provides professional readings, spiritual guidance, and daily astrology insight. My goal is to help others to help ... Views: 1067
We all have our own individual lives to live, and this is a beautiful gift to be received as Uranus (The Awakener) retrogrades in self-discovering Aries. The shadow of Aries can be a bit of a bully, so we all need to be reminded to be kind and mindful of others. Each of us have our own journey ... Views: 1010
The latest cosmic event involves the transformational Pluto. If you can think about the events in your life, for the past five months we’ve either been dealing with, or holding on, to much more than we probably thought we could handle, as described in my previous Pluto post ‘Swallowing the ... Views: 6278
Anger is something that I am very familiar with, and have personally self-studied for many years. As a child who grew up in a house and family built on anger, I wanted to understand it better, but also understand where my own anger was coming from - despite the fact that I learned it at a very ... Views: 2067
About: Astro Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot and astrology, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualizations by using the images, affirmations, with some astrological tidbits, while enhancing ... Views: 2029
About: Astro Tarot Affirmations are positive statements with creative meditations, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! Using the tarot and astrology, my goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with visualizations, while enhancing perspective, confidence, and productivity. ... Views: 2397
I had a lot of stuff going through my mind today as my head has begun to clear up after three weeks of fatigue – the heavy weight of Saturn’s transit through Libra, my ascendant). Just by looking at the news in the world, or seeing what’s happening in our lives… speaks many languages, but in ... Views: 2038
With all the topics and mayhem about changes and surprise happenings lately, you may be able to find a little support and comfort as dear Venus (desires, values, love, money) shifts into Capricorn for the next four weeks (hurrah for my Venus return!). During her recent visit in truth seeking ... Views: 3011
Mars (energy, action) enters the intellectual and rebellious realm of Aquarius on January 15, 2011 for six weeks. Where we would have been steady and stern in achieving goals with Mars in Capricorn ~ with Mars in Aquarius, we’re experimenting with ideas that haven’t been used, while searching ... Views: 1855
Back in June of 2010, Jupiter had entered Aries. At that time, we may have been thinking about, or already approaching some major moves in our lives to bring new excitement. For me, this is when I decided to start my own new journey and studying yoga, what about you? Jupiter is a lifelong ... Views: 1322
About: Astro Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot and astrology, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualizations by using the images with the tarot, positive affirmations, with some astrological ... Views: 3014
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 4114
It's not the cards that we are dealt in life, but how we play them! You can use this month's message as personal insight... or you can do your own tarot reading by choosing three cards in this mini spread below. Enjoy and have fun.
1.) Your Rising Sign shares 'What I know'.
2.) Your Moon ... Views: 1725
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 4348
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 3671
August starts out in a heated fury as Jupiter (expansion) squares Pluto (transformation) on Tuesday August 3, and then on Wednesday August 4, Mars (aggressive energy) opposes Jupiter (abundance) while Mars (assertion) squares Pluto (elimination). We're energizing our warrior moves as Mars ... Views: 2949
Read your special message for your sign this month. It's not the cards that we are dealt in life, but how we play them! You can use this months message as personal insight... or you can do your own tarot reading by choosing three cards:
1.) Your Rising Sign shares 'What you know'.
2.) Your ... Views: 2537
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2349
Life is a jungle, and to survive it's constant maze, we must learn to rely on our natural instincts and ability to react quickly when a threat appears. Knowing this, think about your own life and the recent tasks and obstacles that you have conquering for the past months, in either your personal ... Views: 2568
Check out this month's spiritual tarot message!
OR.. Do your own Tarot reading!
Your Rising Sign shares 'What you know'
Your Moon Sign reveals 'What challenges you'
Your Sun Sign tells you 'What is manifesting'
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Seven of Pentacles: Good news arrives. You are ... Views: 2040
Do-it-Yourself Tarot reading
Your Rising Sign shares... 'What you know'
Your Moon Sign reveals... 'What challenges you'
Your Sun Sign tells you.... 'What is manifesting'
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Six of Sword: Peaceful negotiations. You are moving past difficulties. Reaching a new ... Views: 2071
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2498
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2581
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Six of Swords: Peaceful negotiations. Moving past difficulties. Finding a new understanding. Grateful for this new sense of calm. We'e invited into a fresh direction. Travel. All is crystal clear. Conscious of what lies in-front of us now, and being much more careful in ... Views: 1942
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2506
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2047
Monthly tarot card reading with an individual message for sun signs.
PISCES (February 19-March 20) The High Priestess: Hidden wisdom. Practicality. Embrace your Inner Goddess. Silence is an ally. Mysterious power of insight speaks to us. Action should not be taken at this point. Be still and ... Views: 2560
We started our magical journey into psychedelic Pisces in the past few weeks. Some may have become enchanted with this interesting energy that seems to be making life and relationship so easy right now, seeing one rainbow after another. Others may have become more confused along their path, as ... Views: 1722
About: Mini Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of ... Views: 3103
Tarotscope Happenings are monthly one tarot card readings with individual messages for your sun sign.
Happy birthday AQUARIUS! (January 20-February 18) Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship. You are learning much now, and this information is worth great value. Modest gain. Wisdom and knowledge ... Views: 1884
February Horoscope is a bit of a quieter month to indulge ourselves in, but as I always say - take advantage of the quieter timing to recharge our batteries! Our thought-processing and ways of communication for the next few weeks can feel like a strategic game of chess as Mercury enters ... Views: 1350
A Tarotscope is similar to a horoscope, but instead of using the stars for a message, the cards are used.
CAPRICORN... King of Cups: You are making some powerful adjustments in your world, as you allow your sensitivities and intuition lead you to your desired destiny. You are becoming quite ... Views: 1582
Happy New Year friends!
It's a brand new decade, and we all get a fresh start and clean slate for 2010. Can I get a whoohoo?!! So what plans or resolution do have you to create a better year than last? If you haven't thought about this seriously, then take a few minutes now, to create a list of ... Views: 1497
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2050
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2314
Tarotscope Happenings are my monthly tarot readings that provide you with individual messages for your sun sign. To strengthen your personal message, you can also read your rising sign. If you were born in the evening, you may feel more comfortable reading your Moon sign.
SAGITTARIUS ... Views: 1190
Uranus, the 'Awakener' finally stations on December 1st, and prepares to turn forward and continue on his courageous journey! During the past few months of his REtrograde, he encouraged us to temporarily internalize our aspirations and dreams - so that we could follow our own dreams and find our ... Views: 1119
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2867
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while enhancing one's perspective, confidence, and productivity. Becoming part of the ... Views: 2557
Tarot Affirmations - Queen of Cups, for Intuition, Insight, and Answers
About: Tarot Affirmations are positive statements using the Tarot, to center ourselves while energizing our Mojo! My goal is to help invigorate higher vibrations with creative visualization for self-awareness, while ... Views: 2801
Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot. To strengthen the message, read your rising sign. If you were born in the evening, you may feel more comfortable including your Moon sign.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Happy birthday Scorpio! ... Views: 1145
Happy November to everyone! The month starts out with Daylight Savings Time ending at 2am on November 1, so be sure to to turn your clocks back one hour! It's also the time that you need to check all of your carbon dioxide and smoke alarms in your residence, and replace old batteries with new. ... Views: 1077
Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot ~based on what I sense without sugarcoatin' my interpretations into a 'fantasy fairy tale', (because life isn't always pretty. As a problem-solver, I look for solutions, while including the good, the ... Views: 1166
Astrological Happenings, Astrology October 2009 Horoscope... We start with blessings Full Moon in Aries on October 4. While the Full Moon has it's own powerful energy in the light she carries, so does the sign that it sits in, as Aries is cardinal, a mover, and a shaker. Utilize this energetic ... Views: 1236
Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot ~based on what I sense without sugarcoatin' my interpretations into a 'fantasy fairy tale', (because life isn't always pretty. As a problem-solver, I look for solutions, while including the good, the ... Views: 1237
Astrological Happenings, Monthly Astrology Horoscope - The winds blow a change of direction in September 2009, and we start with powerful waves washing upon the shore with a Full Moon in starry-eyed Pisces on September 4. Pisces is gentle, sensitive, and romantic, and our emotional approach to ... Views: 1878
August continues to get hot and steamy as we become confident and outgoing (thanks to the Sun in Leo!), leading us into new directions in our lives, introducing us to new people and new doors of opportunities!! We're proud to exhibit what our heart really wants, and we're bold to chase it! ... Views: 1312
Astrological Happenings for July 2009
July's hot temperatures begin to heat things up in our relationships with family, friends, and romantic interests. Independent Uranus starts the month with his retrograde journey on 07/01, and we may find ourselves craving more freedom from our existing ... Views: 1636
Starcana Tarotscope content is based on what is sensed per individual card. I don't sugarcoat my interpretations into a picture-perfect fairy tale - because life doesn't really work that way. I include the good, the bad, and the ugly - to allow it to make more sense - in order to find solutions. ... Views: 1243