When Joe came into my office last February, he was very distraught. He had already failed the Bar once and his confidence was at an all time low. Each time he took a practice test, he would just freeze up. Joe had all of the classic symptoms of test anxiety. Since there were only two weeks left before the exam, I suggested we try a quick technique called anchoring. I assured Joe that with this simple tool, he could learn to instantly change his anxiety state into a more resourceful state in a matter of seconds. Joe picked an anchor (finger squeeze) that instantly transported him to a time in his past when he felt calm, collected and confident. Every time he fired off the anchor, he was able to quickly access those positive states. Armed with the right tools, Joe managed to tame his anxiety and pass the Bar! Just imagine having access to your most resourceful states - confidence, relaxation, focus, etc. - in a matter of moments. The tools are literally at your fingertips.
Anchoring is the process by which an internal feeling is linked (or anchored) to an external trigger. It is a natural process of association.
The most famous example of anchoring is described in the experiments of Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov noticed that every time his dogs encountered food, they would get excited and salivate. As an experiment, he decided to ring a bell every time the dogs were fed. Pretty soon, just hearing the sound of the bell alone stimulated the same salivary response, an artificially induced state of excitement. The bell became an auditory anchor.
Anchors can involve any of the five senses. The following are examples of anchors in everyday life:
• Seeing a traffic light change to green and pressing on the gas pedal (visual)
• Hearing an old love song and immediately feeling nostalgic (auditory)
• Being pat on the back and interpreting it as a sign of praise (kinesthetic)
• Smelling apple pie and instantly being transported to childhood (olfactory)
• Tasting chicken soup and associating the taste with a sense of comfort (gustatory)
Whereas most anchors occur naturally, they can also be set up deliberately. Intentional anchoring is commonly used as a therapeutic tool by hypnotherapists and practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a technique for reprogramming the mind to produce desired results. By using an anchor, the practitioner can help move a client very quickly from one state of mind to another, enabling the client to reach desired goals and outcomes.
Most students experience some level of anxiety during the Bar exam. While it is perfectly natural to feel a little bit anxious, some students experience test-related anxiety to such a degree that it can seriously impede their performance. In fact, severe test anxiety can be quite debilitating. Physical symptoms associated with this condition include heart palpitations, sweaty palms, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness. Psychological symptoms include difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts that seem impossible to control and complete blank-outs. The key to conquering test anxiety is to become aware of the negative thoughts that may be cluttering up the mind and to replace them with positive, clear directional thinking. That is where anchoring comes in. When correctly installed, a powerful resource anchor provides instant access to the most optimal frame of mind for taking the Bar.
Think about the last time you were interviewed for a job. Were you as confident as you wanted to be? What about the last time you gave a presentation in front of an audience? Most people can recall at least one or more scenarios in their lives where they wish they had possessed a greater degree of confidence, motivation or focus. Anchors are useful in the professional setting (e.g., depositions, court appearances, trial), the social realm (dating, sports, hobbies) and basically anytime you want to feel more resourceful.
1. Identify a desired state of mind (e.g., confidence, calmness, focus).
2. Recall a specific time in your past when you felt the desired state. If you can recall a few strong experiences, select the most powerful one. Put yourself back into that experience as if it is happening in this moment. Notice what you see, hear what you were hearing, feel what you were feeling in the moment. Try to vividly imagine being there. When you notice the feeling come back, intensify the feeling as much as you can. Try to double the feeling.
3. When the feeling is at its strongest, “anchor” it in by making a unique physical gesture with the fingers or hand as you say a word or phrase to evoke the feeling. (e.g., clench your left fist as you softly say to yourself COOL & CALM). Hold the state for a few moments, release the anchor and then break state (change your emotional state by thinking about something completely different).
4. Repeat the process about five times in order to build a strong anchor. You can use the same memory each time or a different memory that is equally powerful. Repetition is key!
5. Test the anchor by firing it (i.e., make the unique gesture, say the word/phrase). Check that you actually experience the desired state. You should feel the anchored state within 5-10 seconds. If the feeling is not satisfactory, choose a different memory that is more powerful.
For more tips on how to create a powerful anchor or to learn more about how hypnosis and NLP can help you maximize your potential in any area of your life, please contact the writer.
Melany Friedlander is a California licensed attorney and a certified hypnotherapist, with a private practice in West Los Angeles. She has helped many students successfully pass the Bar exam using the tools of hypnosis and NLP. For more information, please visit www.hypnoswitch.com or email Melany at melany@hypnoswitch.com.
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