We all know what it's like to have that internal dialogue going on inside our minds. For some of us it's there so often that we forget it's even happening. And it's worth noting that for most of the time this dialogue is focussed on something related to the past or the future.
This ability ... Views: 1124
1. Regular relaxation
Bound to frustrate someone who suffers from severe anxiety I know but I am talking about doing this at a time when you are not anxious, or less anxious compared to the times when it becomes a problem. Take advantage of those times by purposely finding a way to feel even ... Views: 1677
We all will have heard the saying “to walk in someone elses shoes” when used as a metaphor for building empathy with someone. For most of us this is something we probably think we can do quite well. The friend who comes to us for advice, or reading a sad or shocking story in the news and then ... Views: 4007
This is the second article of two parts on self hypnosis, with a focus on the practical learning of how to use self hypnosis to achieve a specific outcome.
Once you are able to enjoyably enter the state of trance easily in your own unique way through exploring some or all of the techniques ... Views: 2293
This is the first of two parts where I am going to be talking about hypnosis and self hypnosis. By the end of this article you will know more about what Hypnosis is, why it can be so helpful and also gain a practical understanding of how to enjoy the benefits of self hypnosis. In part two I will ... Views: 2131
Most people who come to me for help with binge eating or emotional eating concerns feel that their eating is getting out of hand, making them unhappy, yet they can’t seem to stop. Or quite often there is a part of them that doesn’t want them to stop.
I believe that it is possible to find a ... Views: 1743
To talk or perform in front of people is something most of us will do at some point in our lives and some of us do it far more often than that, usually in our work environments. What’s common to almost everyone is some form of nervousness or even excitement, whether that feeling might start just ... Views: 1735
In this article I will be covering in quite some depth an understanding of depression and what can be done to alleviate it, based on my learning taken from the pioneering Uncommon Knowledge and Human Givens approach.
So it is first very important to understand how depression works and ... Views: 2330
One of the big concerns amateur or competitive sports people have is worrying how they will perform on the day. I imagine almost every performer, no matter whether they are at the highest level in their field or simply an enthusiast, will have days that go well and some where they feel could ... Views: 1233