Our Skies Are Talking to Us; Sending Messages of Love, Hope, and Guidance
Ever see a cloud that truly has a meaningful shape? It’s not just your imagination. If you’re noticing, it’s probably because there is a message in it for you.
When you see a cloud shaped like a heart, an angel, a ... Views: 1882
The channelings continued every day. On November 29, 2001, Archangel Michael gave me such comforting information:
Be gentle with yourself for you have gone through so much. But now you can relax. Oh Mary, you can honestly relax now. Just take a seat and enjoy the joyous ride. You will ... Views: 1783
The messages from Michael continued on a daily basis. Again, as I state in the first article of my beginning messages from Archangel Michael, the channels seem more relevant to me during this period of my life right now, here in late 2009, than they were eight years ago.
November 20, ... Views: 1328
I now understand the way to the soul. It is through the heart. Not only that, but I now realize I can actually communicate to my own soul through my very heart. It is where we are headed, to connect with who we really are through the heart. We can then find and be the love that we are. This is ... Views: 1645
When you see the numbers “444”—whether on the clock (4:44), a license plate, a sign, the internet, a bill, just anywhere—it is "a sign of the power of God's love," according to Nick Bunick, author of In God’s Truth. In Doreen Virtue’s book Angel Numbers, she describes the meaning of the number ... Views: 17208
As I sat here in my office on this mid-November morning in 2009, joyfully removing the clutter of my possessions as I prepare to move to my new home next month, I came across a binder I prepared years ago, titled “Archangel Michael: Personal Channelings (the beginning).” Feeling a strong urge to ... Views: 2314
You probably know that you have at least one angel with you at all times, your guardian angel, right? And there are also many angels and guides that come in and go out of your life at various times, there to help you and comfort you? They can give you nudges, little whispers, send ... Views: 2784
Sometimes synchronicities (or meaningful coincidences) that are related show up in rapid succession. This usually calls for you to amp up your awareness because an important message awaits. Such is what happened when I experienced a number of "just breathe" signs, one right after another.
For ... Views: 2133
Did you know that we can, and probably are, receiving messages from our passed loved ones? After Death Communications, or ADCs, are various types of communications relayed from relatives and friends that have departed this life. These ADCs serve as ways to show us, truly prove to us, that the ... Views: 3143
There is so much hype about 2012, and it’s only going to increase as we move closer to this time. Fear is a big money maker, and there are those who are taking full advantage of this most negative emotion to make big profits, whether it’s through movies, books, the news, etc., and trying to make ... Views: 2561
Imagine someone asks you the time. You look at the clock and it’s 11:11 a.m. Then later on that night, after going to bed, for no good reason you open your eyes and catch 11:11 again. You may think it’s purely coincidence. Then it happens the next day, and then again and again until you say, ... Views: 4344